
Workplace Conflicts and Resolution: A Case Study on Aston Martin


Added on  2023-01-12

2 Pages1345 Words50 Views
Various factors those are the main reason and cause of workplace
According to the view point of Chris Meredith, 2020, the
main factors that carets workplace conflicts are based on the fact that
every employee has some needs and expectations at its work and
from its employer and mainly conflict arises in the workplace when
these employees feel that their needs and priorities are not being met
or are being ignored. The main factors those are the main reason and
cause of workplace conflicts are discussed below in context of
employees of Aston martin:
Poor communication- The biggest factor and reason behind
workplace conflict is lack of effective communication or poor
transaction and connection among employees. Ineffective
communication also lead to miss guidance and broke the co-
ordination among employees and mangers thus, ineffective
communication is main factor that lead to creation of workplace
Clash in personalities and interest- The another factor that
lead to workplace conflicts consists of the fact that a larger number
of employees are working at an organisation who belongs to
diversified culture and background and having their own personality
and interest that carets a chances of clash in personalities which is a
main factor and reason behind conflicts at workplace.
Strategies and ways to encounter and resolve workplace conflicts
in order to improve productivity and success level of an
As per the opinion of Mike Kappel, 2017, Conflict in the
workplace is a reality for all organisation and a main reason and
factor that cause poor productivity and frustration at workplace.
Thus, it becomes essential and necessary for all organisations to look
up for some ways and strategies to resolve and encounter theses
workplace conflicts.
Aston martin is a well known British independent manufacturer of
luxury spots cars and other grand tourers having its headquarter in England,
UK. Being an international organisation thousands of employees are
working for Aston martin across various location of world. Thus, the current
research focuses on evaluating the main factors that lead to arise of conflicts
at workplace together with determination of ways that can be adopted by
Aston martin or any other organisation to resolve these workplace conflicts.
Rational for project
The selection of current research topic is rational and completely justifiable
as it facilitates an effective understanding about the various reasons and
factors that causes workplace conflicts. Thus, the current research topic is
crucial and beneficial for an origination as facilitates effective way to
overcome issue of workplace conflicts thus, lead to enhancement in co-
ordination and overall productivity. Beside this, the selected topic is also
justifiable from view point of researcher as it would to enhancement in
managerial skills and also meet educational and academic perspective of
Research aim and objectives
The main aim of current research work is, “To evaluate about the factors
that lead to creation of workplace conflicts together with determination of
strategies to resolve these conflicts”.
Research Objectives: The main objectives behind conducting this research
work on Aston martin are stated as follows:
To evaluate the various factors those are the main reason and cause of
workplace conflicts.
To determine the possible strategies and ways that can be adopted by Aston
martin to encounter and resolve theses workplace conflicts in order to
improve its productivity and success level.
Research Questions
What are the various factors those are the main reason and cause of
workplace conflicts?
What are the possible strategies and ways that can be adopted by Aston
martin to encounter and resolve theses workplace conflicts in order to
improve its productivity and success level?
Literature Review Literature Review
A brief description about these strategies and ways
that could be adopted by Aston martin to encounter
and resolve workplace conflicts in order to improve
productivity and success level of an organisation is
provided below:
Open and Constructive interdepartmental
Communication- An effective interdepartmental
communication is necessary to keep information
moving about shared projects or anything else that
might affect multiple departments thus, a proper
communication reduce the chances of conflicts
through facilitating transfer of all relevant
information. Thus, at the time when any chaos or
confusion is seen among staff and departments one
should encourage them to find a way to work it out
through effective communication to reduce the
chances of conflicts and tension.
Find mutual agreement- The main factor that lead to
conflicts at workplace consists of clash of
personalities and interest thus, finding and focusing
on mutual decision making and agreement is an
effective strategy to embarrass and encounter a
situation of conflict. Creating a culture of equality and
making decisions and strategies according wish and
priority of staff is a good way to resolve conflicts at
(To evaluate about work place conflicts and its resolution”. A case study on Aston martin.)
Workplace Conflicts and Resolution: A Case Study on Aston Martin_1

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