
Social Influences on the Consumer Behaviour


Added on  2021-02-20

17 Pages4070 Words54 Views
Design and CreativityData Science and Big Data
Research methodology
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Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ....................................................................................................1LITERATURE REVIEW................................................................................................................5Introduction......................................................................................................................................5Attributes of social Media Marketing..........................................................................................6Consumer Behaviour Tracking....................................................................................................7Benefits of Social Media Marketing............................................................................................7Disadvantages of Marketing........................................................................................................8Conclusion...................................................................................................................................8CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................9REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................10
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INTRODUCTIONTo create awareness about the brand social media has been widely used. There arevarious benefit associated with social media advertising as it increases the audience reach andalso facilitates by establishing relationship with new and existing consumers (Mathras.and et.al.,2016). Social influence buying behaviour of potential buyers. On companies social mediaplatform there are images which attracts the consumers towards their products. Consumers tooget the wide range of option through these social media. Consumers get various options to maketheir buying decision such as by various blogs, images or videos. Present Report highlights thimpact of various digital technologies such as social media on consumer's purchase decision suchas increase focus on the global development and also the uses of technology in advertising,marketing and also promotion that can leads the companies to shifts their focus on the costumers.Various researcher have identified that technology can became a major component whiledefining and expanding markets and marketing strategies. Simultaneously advertising and promotion often focuses emotional,social ,psychological factors that can impact on the consumer's decision. Social media such asFacebook have gives an innovative new way of brand related content as well as creatingexchanges with costumers by generating costumer interaction. Report conducts literature reviewof the Social media impact on the consumer's of the company Marks & Spencer.Aim- To identify impact of social media on purchase decision of consumers: A study on "Marks& Spencer"Objectives-To evaluate effects on usage of social media on the behaviour of customer purchaseTo analysis the usage of social media for marketing.To Evaluate the value of content management on social media.To analysis role of social media for marketing.Rationale - Reason for choosing this topic as it is a Current issue prevailing in market. Thisdevelop a personal interest and understanding pursuing the research. This will help me todevelop understanding on impact of social media on the decision of consumers and also assist toanalysis the value of content marketing on the social media.RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Research Methodology regulate design, approaches that help in investigating topic insignificant manner(Bai, Yao.and Dou,2015). It also enables to justify mu choices by describing1
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advantages as well as disadvantages of each and every design and approach taking into theaccount with practical applicability regarding to the research. Quantitative Research isdetermines the way of generating numerical data such as quantify attitudes, defined variables,various surveys such as online surveys, mobile surveys, face to face surveys and telephonesurveys, also included online polls as well as systematic approach (Palihawadana, Oghazi. andLiu, 2016).Qualitative research is considered as the primary research which gives factual detail. Itgives the insight that can assist to develop ideas. It includes individual's interview as well asobservations.Research philosophy- The research philosophy can reflect on the crucial assumptions of author.In general it can deal many branches to a broad range of disciplines (Ashley. and Tuten, 2015).There are four methods in research philosophy such as Pragmatism, Positivism, Realism,Interpretivism. Positivism methods applies quantifiable observations. It is a known as theempiricist view that can Consider the knowledge form Human experience. Interpretivism isconsidered as the philosophical approach of the idealism and also it is used to collaborate grouptogether for diverse approaches (Dessart,Veloutsou. and Morgan-Thomas,2015). It can includephenomenology, social constructivism. Researcher used method called Interpretivism as it is aqualitative approach of data collection for example interview and observations. Third one isabductive approach that can be set to address the weakness that can be associated with inductiveas well as deductive approaches. Here deductive approach is criticised regarding to the lack ofclarity regarding to the terms and prepare hypothese. It is also criticized as there is no amount ofempirical data that can necessary allows theory building (Ajzen, 2015). It is known as thisresearch can be begins with the puzzles, surprising facts as well as devoted their explanationthird alternative that can overcome the weakness adopting perspective called pragmatist.Research Approach- Here Deductive approach can test the validity regarding to theassumptions whereas inductive approach can emergence of new generalisations and newtheories. Researcher used the inductive approach as it begins with the observations as well astheories. It starts with detailed observation that shifts towards more ideas and generalisation.Inductive is simple approach which only consider theories to reach to end results(Lin. and Hsu,2
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