
The Significance of Talented Human Resource in Achieving Organizational Goals


Added on  2022-11-30

25 Pages7167 Words226 Views
Leadership ManagementProfessional DevelopmentData Science and Big Data
Research Project
The Significance of Talented Human Resource in Achieving Organizational Goals_1

Research aim and objectives........................................................................................................1
LITERATURE REVIEW................................................................................................................2
Concept of human resources within organization.......................................................................2
Requirement of human resources for driving changes within Unilever......................................3
Issues regarding change into organization...................................................................................4
Strategies required by HR manager to resolve issues in attaining changes.................................5
Research methodology.....................................................................................................................6
Research type...............................................................................................................................6
Research approach.......................................................................................................................6
Research philosophy....................................................................................................................6
Data collection.............................................................................................................................7
Data analysis................................................................................................................................8
Reliability and validity................................................................................................................8
Research limitations.....................................................................................................................9
Data analysis....................................................................................................................................9
alternative solution.....................................................................................................................18
The Significance of Talented Human Resource in Achieving Organizational Goals_2

Topic: The significance of talented Human Resource in order to achieve profitability goals
of organization.
Human resource refers personnel of organization who play a vital role in accomplishing
goals of company. Talented human resources or personnel are considered as significant asset of
company in terms of skills as well as abilities and with these abilities they help company in
becoming successful and gaining goals (Delery and Roumpi, 2017). There are few companies
who are successful and the main reason behind it is: better strategies for managing talented
human resources as it makes them able to retain human resources within organization. There are
several benefits that companies can take by retaining talented human resources within
themselves such as: taking competitive advantages, becoming market leader, increasing
customers’ experience, increasing staff retention rate and others. Changes that happen in
organizational environmental factors have several critical impacts on overall performance and
productivity of companies. Talented human resources adapt changes and help company in
running business operations without getting affected negatively.
Human resource refers people who work for companies for meeting their goals. This study is
based on Unilever that is a well-known British multinational goods company. It offers food, soft
drinks, cleaning agents, baby food and others. This study is going to discuss concept of HR
within organization and its benefits as how it helps companies in accomplishing their goals.
Further, it will discuss some issues that are associated with changes within organization that can
impacts on overall performance of company. It will also discuss effectiveness of research
methodology, data collection and data analysis in completing research study and making it
Research aim and objectives
Aim: “To identify the need of talented human resource in order accomplish the need of
change into organization”. A case study on Unilever.
To understand the concept of human resource within organization.
To analyses the requirement of human resources for driving changes within Unilever.
To evaluate the issues regarding change into organization.
The Significance of Talented Human Resource in Achieving Organizational Goals_3

To identify the strategies required by HR manager to resolve issues in attaining change.
The reason behind selecting this topic for this research study is to help retailers including
Unilever in identifying and selecting the best strategy by which they can retain talented human
resources within their business. It will help Unilever in knowing advantages of retaining human
resources and importance of talented human resources (Madanat and Khasawneh, 2017). This
topic has wider scope as it can help students at academic level in knowing importance of human
resources for businesses. There are some topics on which I wanted to conduct research study and
knowing importance of talented human resources is one of them so, it is another main reason of
selecting this topic. It can help me out in increasing my knowledge regarding this and employers
can satisfy employees need by knowing their importance that is vital for organizational success.
Concept of human resources within organization
There are several definitions of human resource as it has a wide scope and play a vital role
within organization. In this regard, Eckardt, Crocker and Tsai, (2021) stated that human resource
is a person who make up workforces of an organization. Each person or personnel of
organization who are known as human resource have numbers of skills and abilities that help
company in accomplishing their goals. In detailed manner it can be said that human resource
refers any person who have willing to trade their labours, knowledge as well as time in an effort
to improve organization. A group of people of personnel within organization play several roles
such as collaboration with other, helping out employees in accomplishing goals, motivating
themselves and others towards meeting goals Brewster, (2017) contradicted and said that
according to them, human resource is a department that is made up of group of people who work
for company in order to satisfy employees. Human resources have unique and different identity
than employees as they hire, recruit, motivate and provide training to employees of organization.
So, according to this, it can be said that human resources and a group of people are different than
employees. They are also known as employees but they work in HR department for satisfying
employees and retaining them.
In addition, Salikov, Logunova and Kablashova, (2019) said in regards to human resource
that it is all about an effective department that companies of all sectors have and this department
of group of people deals with hiring, administration, training and motivation to staff. In regard to
The Significance of Talented Human Resource in Achieving Organizational Goals_4

effectiveness and roles, it can be said that talented human resources help companies in meeting
their goals in managing talent, satisfying employees, retaining them, making companies
competitive and others. By hiring skilled workforces and providing them training as well as
motivation, HR or this department help their company in decreasing staff turnover rate and
improving image of company. It can be better understood with the aim that they have. In regard
aim and objectives, it is found that the main aim of human resource and this department of
company is to use company’s people most effectively and making them competitive or effective
by which they can provide qualitative services and products to customers.
Requirement of human resources for driving changes within Unilever
In regard to role and requirement of human resources for driving changes, Chai, Nie and
Becker, (2020) stated that HR in Unilever is in a unique position that leads positive changes
within organization. There are several roles that show as how human resource leads positive
changes within organization such as: to make sure that communication is tailored correctly in
order to decrease miscommunication and conflicts that happen because of miscommunication. Hr
playing a vital role in shaping employees experience and it is changing the ways of employees of
performing functions. It makes able to employees in a manner by which they can perform
functions with effectiveness by making use of technology and with collaboration. There are
several examples of positive changes that are being drive by talented HR such as: grievance
solution by developing employees’ grievance site, open communication policy within
organization, financial and non-financial rewards to employees and others. Overall, it can be said
that HR provides facilitators to employees that can help them out in performing functions as per
changes. Some other areas where employees focus the most for driving changes include:
improving workplace communication, employees’ training and development, linking talent
management programs and tracking progress of employees and providing them feedback for
improving performance as well.
Horváth and Szabó, (2019) argued and said that along with bringing some changes within
organization, HR helps employees in adapting changes that happen in external environmental
factors. Changes in external environmental factors such as” changes in political stability,
economic changes, changes in environmental factors, climate changes and others. Employees
find problems in adapting changes and changing their ways of performing functions because of
such changes. But HR makes use of their abilities and skills and with these capabilities they
The Significance of Talented Human Resource in Achieving Organizational Goals_5

bring innovation and attractive ways by which employees can perform under pressure and in
changing situations as well. In addition, for supporting this view Dei, Rudenko and Lunov,
(2020) stated that HR helps Unilever in managing and driving positive changes and that is why it
is require for companies. They said that human resource track progress of employees and share
feedback in order to make them aware in knowing about their actual performance. HR is well-
organized to transform organization, to monitor team’s success and making sure that
implementation across other departments is consistent. For better success and making able to
employees in working under pressure and as per changing factors, it makes sure that employees
have all necessary tools and resources. Accordingly, it makes available to all resources that are
required for managing changes within business. One of the main key of success of Unilever is:
talented human resources that make it able to drive positive changes and protecting employees
against negative impacts of changes.
Issues regarding change into organization
Managing changes within organization is not an easy task as managers have to face several
problems. In this context Lupu and Criste, (2020) stated that some problems that HR faces while
driving and managing changes within organization include: managing multiple teams and
updating appropriate documents to align with changes. In addition, they also said that sometimes
employees resist changes because it affects their performance and initially they find problems in
performing functions as per the changing requirement and changing factors. Making them able to
adapt changes and influence them to perform functions as per the changing needs and changing
factors in internal and external environmental factors is one of the main issue, faced by HR. But
HR plays a vital role in solving such problems by improving internal strategies and
implementing change management theories. For supporting this view Jianu, (2018) stated that
along with this, HR finds problems in managing appropriate documentations and making
changes in documents as per changing factors. It can take too much time and because of this
sometimes, HR finds problems in submitting projects to customers in a timely manner. Delay in
submission of projects to stakeholders can affect image of company and it is another main issue
that is associated with changes that happen within organization and driven by HR. Overall, it can
be said that there are several negative impacts and issues that occur while implementing changes
within organization.
The Significance of Talented Human Resource in Achieving Organizational Goals_6

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