
Influence of Technology in Travel and Tourism Sector

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Added on  2020-09-17

Influence of Technology in Travel and Tourism Sector

   Added on 2020-09-17

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RESEARCH PROJECT(Influence of technology in travel and tourism sector)
Influence of Technology in Travel and Tourism Sector_1
Table of ContentsTITLE..............................................................................................................................................1TASK 1............................................................................................................................................11.1 Research project outline...................................................................................................11.2 Factors contribute to selection of research project...........................................................21.3 Critical review..................................................................................................................31.4 Research project specification..........................................................................................41.5 Research plan....................................................................................................................5TASK 2............................................................................................................................................72.1 Resources efficiency ........................................................................................................72.2 Research question.............................................................................................................82.3 Recording and collection of data....................................................................................10TASK 3..........................................................................................................................................123.1 Research evaluation techniques......................................................................................12Data Collection.....................................................................................................................13Sampling...............................................................................................................................143.2 Interpretation..................................................................................................................153.3 Recommendation............................................................................................................23TASK 4..........................................................................................................................................234.1 Presentation....................................................................................................................23REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................24
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TITLE“Influence of technology in travel and tourism sector”TASK 11.1 Research project outlineTourism is the industry that contributes well in the economic development of the nation.Statistical records shows that over a period of time this industry has supported in improving GDPrate, employment opportunities and enhancing foreign reserves in the country. Technology playssignificant role in influencing operations of the industry. Use of internet has given opportunity tothe travellers to gather information about the destination, book travel tickets before going toparticular places (Filieri, Alguezaui and McLeay, 2015). Use of advance technologies assists thetour operators in making effective communication with the visitors. That helps the firm inattracting new visitors towards the location. Communication technologies are helping airlineindustry to promotes various attraction points so that interest of consumers can be increased.Reservation, easy payment options aid these firms in gaining more benefits. Technologicaladvancement have given c facility to the travellers to compare their tour packages with other touroperators a before making final choice. Through internet they can get enormous information thathelps them in minimizing further complications. Mobile technology has changed the scenario oftravel and tourism sector completely (Impact of travel technology in travel and tourism industry,2017). Tablet, computer, mobile phones allows users to track their locations and coordinate wellwith the dealers. GPS tagging, emails, social networking sites have supported the travel andtourism industry in gaining success. Travel agents have got benefited by implementing these technologies because now theyare able to coordinate well with head offices and consumers as well. Cloud storage facilitiesallow the agents in arranging trips for the travellers effectively (Xiang, Magnini and Fesenmaier,2015). Implementation of advanced technologies are beneficial for the firm to enter into e-commerce business sand expand operations across the world. On as implementation of thesetechnologies are costly task. Present study will explain influence of technologies in travel and tourism sector. It willdiscuss technologies that are used by the industry and its positive and negative impact on thetravel business. Aim1
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“To identify influence of technology in travel and tourism sector: A study on Thomas Cook”ObjectivesTo explain the latest technologies that are used in Travel and tourism sector and growthof tourism industry.To determine how technology has changed global tourism To identify positive and negative impact of social media, mobile applications and internettechnologies on travel and tourism sector. Research questionsExplain the latest technologies that are used in Travel and tourism sector and growth oftourism industry.How technology has changed global tourism?What are the positive and negative impact of social media, mobile applications andinternet technologies on travel and tourism sector?1.2 Factors contribute to selection of research projectResearcher has to look upon the various elements that contribute in the selection ofresearch projects. These elements are explained as below:Data availability: It is considered as one of the major factor that have forced theresearcher to select the topic of influence of technology in travels and tourism sector. Asit is the topic on which many researchers have conducted their studies (Couture and et.al,2015). Thus, adequacy of data is the major factor due to which individual has selectedthis topic. Scholar can get information about technologies that are used by consumers,travellers, travel agents and tour operators. Apart from this information regarding impactof these techniques on travel industry. This can help the investigator in conducting theresearch in effective manner.Interesting area: It is another major aspect that has forced the researcher to select thissubject. As researcher has worked with tour operators and have good experience aboutthis industry. Thus, it is an interesting area for the individual and this interest will helpthe researcher in finding real facts about impact of technologies on travel industry. Thisinterest is supportive for the scholar and will help in preparing aim, objective andaddressing research problems (Zhao and et.al, 2015). 2
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Feasible subject mater: It is another major component behind selection of the topic. Thisstudy is quit feasible and on this topic individual can prepare a quality research paper. 1.3 Critical reviewTechnologies used in Travel and tourism sectorAs per the view of Hernández-Méndez, Muñoz-Leiva and Sánchez-Fernández, (2015)technology plays significant role in the business. It helps the firm in improving its operationalefficiency and raising company's performance as well. There are various technologies that areused in the travel industry. One of the effective tools is mobile communication. In the recenttime people are using smart phones. They are using various applications that helps the firms inmaking effective communication. Mobile apps are helpful in knowing each detail about travel,its booking and book the tickets and tour packages easily. Chung and et.al, (2015) argued thatinternet has become the major source of gathering information about nay object. In the modernear each person is taking support of interest in order to complete their task effectively. Most ofthe tour companies are using internet in order to make effective communication with theconsumers. On other hand consumers are using internet in order to gather information aboutvarious travel destination and companies that can offer them their required tor packages. Oninterest they can compare their packages with others. This helps them in making sound decisionad planning their travel. Internet has changed functioning of many travel and tourismorganization. Now with the help of internet people book their flight ticket online. Aviationsoftware such as Plane Finder, Flight Stats.com etc. are several software that aid in booking theirtickets online and keep track of their routes. Mobile technologies have increased competition inmarket, now tour operators are booking tour packages for consumers on these mobile apps. Thisapplication gives all detail to buyers about their flight, transactions point, routes etc. thisenhances interests of them and they plan for going on trip. According to Okazaki and et.al, (2015) use of social media sites have become theessential part of the business. Most of the companies are using social networking sites. Thishelps in making effective communication with the consumers. By this way they become able toknow their needs and requirements. This is the way that helps the entity in providing qualityproducts to their consumers. As per the view of social media marketing is considered as one of the most effectivemarketing tool that supports in development of performance of business and promoting brand3
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across the world. In the recent time people get information about tour packages on socialnetworking sites such as Facebook, Twitter etc. This has promoted E-tourism market and nowpeople are making their tour plan by getting details on social sites. Benefits of using technologies for tourism businessFilieri, Alguezaui and McLeay, (2015) stated that technologies are helpful for thebusiness in raising their revenues to great extent. Travel firms are using social networking sites,mobile applications in order to make effective communication with the consumers. Thissupported the firms in attracting new buyers and influencing their mind. By this way people aregetting quality products that influence their mind to plan travel. As per the view of Xiang,Magnini and Fesenmaier, (2015) implementing technologies enhances cost of the business unit.Technologies get changed frequently thus, If companies implement new techniques every timethen it enhances their expenses thus, their profitability gets reduced. According to Chung and et.al, (2015) technological advancement is helpful for the firmin improving their products quality and services. This help the entity in identifying specific needsof consumers and they can offer them same products and services. Positive and negative impact of technologiesAs per the view of Filieri, Alguezaui and McLeay, (2015) technologies influence theentire process of tourism industry to great extent. It helps the travel agent to arrange trip for theconsumers. Mobile application have make agents able to coordinate with the brancheseffectively. By this way they can make arrangement of entire trip for the travellers. Thisenhances satisfaction of the consumers that helps the firms in raising their business revenues.Xiang, Magnini and Fesenmaier, (2015) stated that technologies impact negative on the traveland tourism industry. Online payments is the easiest ways for the travellers but increasing onlinefrauds impact on the brand image of the firms. If any consumers make online payment and ifindividual gets any call that make fraud then individual do not believe on the firm as well. 1.4 Research project specificationResearch methodology is the important part of research, it supports the researcher inselecting appropriate method that can assist in addressing research problems. There are varioustools that are used in studies but individual is required to select appropriate tool that can besuitable for the research and can give accurate results to the investigator. In the present studyindividual will take support of interpretivism research philosophy (Jensen, 2013). As it is4
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