
Managing Cultural Diversity in the Workplace: A Study Case of Amazon


Added on  2023-01-12

33 Pages8579 Words21 Views
Leadership ManagementProfessional DevelopmentDesign and CreativityData Science and Big Data
Research Project
Managing Cultural Diversity in the Workplace: A Study Case of Amazon_1

Table of Contents
Title: “Managing cultural diversity in the workplace”, a study case of Amazon ...........................3
Chapter 1: Introduction....................................................................................................................3
1.1) Overview of research...........................................................................................................3
1.2) Research aim and objectives................................................................................................3
1.3) Reasons for choosing this research project..........................................................................4
1.4) Activities and timescales.....................................................................................................4
Chapter 2: Literature review ...........................................................................................................6
2.1) Introduction..........................................................................................................................6
2.2) Literature Review ...............................................................................................................7
Chapter 3: Research methodology ................................................................................................10
3.1)Research Approach.............................................................................................................10
Chapter 4: Data Collection and Analysis ......................................................................................12
4.1) Data collection...................................................................................................................12
4.2) Data analysis, presentation and discussion........................................................................16
Chapter 5: Research findings and Recommendation ....................................................................27
5.1) Research Findings..............................................................................................................27
5.2) Recommendations..............................................................................................................28
5.3) Communication of research outcomes...............................................................................28
Chapter 6: Personal Reflective Statement .....................................................................................29
6.1) Reflection on Research method.........................................................................................29
6.2) Research method could have been used............................................................................29
6.3) Areas for Further research.................................................................................................29
Managing Cultural Diversity in the Workplace: A Study Case of Amazon_2

Title: “ Managing cultural diversity in the workplace”, a study case of
Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1) Overview of research
This research work is based on Amazon. Com, Inc. which is a well known American
multinational technology company having its headquarter in Washington, United States. This
company mainly deals in e-commerce, cloud computing, artificial intelligence and digital
streaming across various location of world (Abdullah and Foo, 2019). Thus, being an
international company, Amazon employ a large number of individuals who belongs to
diversified and varied background and culture. This has created a situation of conflict and
enhanced the chances of discrimination and other chaos and confusion among employees that
have negative impact on performance and working of employees. Thus, to effectively manage its
day to day operation and to enhance performance and motivation level of its employees,
effective management of cultural diversity becomes essential for Amazon.
1.2) Research aim and objectives
The aim of this research project is, “ To understand how to manage the cultural diversity
in the workplace.” Thus, this research work is based on the evaluation of importance of
managing the cultural diversity in the workplace together with analysing the requirements and
needs of effective management equality and diversity in order to have better business
Following are the main targets and objectives set for this research project conducted on
To evaluate and understand the importance of managing the cultural diversity in the
workplace (Barzelay, 2019). To analyse the requirement of diversity and equality in the business management.
Research questions
The research questions on which this research work is based and try to evaluate are as
What are the importance of managing the cultural diversity in the workplace?
Managing Cultural Diversity in the Workplace: A Study Case of Amazon_3

What are the requirements of diversity and equality in the business management?
1.3) Reasons for choosing this research project
The main reasons behind choosing this research topic is to have improvement in the
knowledge horizon, communication skills and other inter personnel skills of researcher. Beside
this, current research project is similar to the work and assignment conducted by researcher last
year thus, lead to enhancement in work experience and also important form view point of
educational and academic background of researcher.
Further, selection of this research topic is rational and justifiable as it provide better
analysis about the existing problems of cultural diversity and enhanced discrimination and chaos
in the organization. This research project also providing information about the strategies that can
be adopted by an organisation to have better management of cultural diversity in order to
enhance its productivity and viability. This research work also emphasis on the strategies and
ways that can be adopted by managers of an organisation in order to deal with issues of
discrimination and effectively resolve the conflicts and problems arsing at workplace through
effectively managing cultural diversity.
1.4) Activities and timescales
Their are various activities that needs to be performed by a researcher to accomplish
and complete a research work. Use of Gantt chart is most suitable in order to present
activities and task of an investigation in an effective way (Chapman, 2019). Gantt chart is
most commonly used project management tool that is used by a researcher in order to brings
clarity in its work through properly defining the start and ends duration of each captivity that
facilitates timely completion of work.
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Managing Cultural Diversity in the Workplace: A Study Case of Amazon_5

Chapter 2: Literature review
2.1) Introduction
It is basically associated with the survey and review of secondary data that is existing in
form of some past records and their publication in order to develop better understanding about a
research topic or specific subject matter. The main purpose behind conducting a literature review
is that that it facilitates an summary of different relevant published literatures on a particular
topic thus plays crucial work in context of its contribution and lead to better understating of
subject matter and research objective (Christian, 2019). Following literature review is conducted
on current research objective and topic associated with managing cultural diversity at workplace
a discussion of which is provided below to have better framework for current investigation.
2.2) Literature Review
To evaluate and understand the importance of managing the cultural diversity in the workplace
According to the view point of Katie Reynolds, 2017, in the modern era of technology
and globalization, importance and benefits of cultural diversity has increased as it has many
positive effects and benefits for an organization. Culture diversity basically refers to a
instrumentality of beliefs and human behaviours that aim at proper of recognition and respect
of the presence of all diverse groups and individuals in company through effectively
acknowledging and providing values to their social and cultural differences and also promote
theses individuals and employees have continuing contribution in an inclusive cultural context
therefore, empowers and supports all individuals within the organisation (Doyle, 2019). The
main importance and benefits of cultural diversity are as follows;
Increased productivity- The foremost benefit and important role lead by cultural diversity is
that it enhance the overall productivity of an organizations through facilitating a better workplace
environment that is full of positive energy and support and encourage well being of all
employees. Therefore, enhance and support increase in performance of all that ultimately
improves the overall performance and productivity of organization.
Managing Cultural Diversity in the Workplace: A Study Case of Amazon_6

Improved creativity- The another important role played by cultural diversity includes
improvement in creativity level of employees. The main reason behind this is that cultural
diversity welcomes and allow recruit if individuals from diversified culture and background that
enhance chances of new idea and more innovation at workplace of an organization. Thus, it can
be evaluated that cultural diversity enhance creativity level of organisation and employees
through encouraging selection of diversified employees together with motivating them to have
better creativity and innovation (Decker, 2019).
 Increased profits- As the cultural diversity plays a crucial role in enhancing productivity and
creativity of employees thus, ultimately it improves the sales margin and profit level of
organization (Abdullah and Foo, 2019).
 Improved employee engagement- Cultural diversity facilitates and built a trusting relationship
among colleagues and employees through providing recognition and respect to all individuals
who are coming from diversified group thus, ensure better motivation level and communication
at workplace. Thus, it can be evaluated that cultural diversity improve employee engagement
trough developing feeling if trust and commitment at workplace of an organisation that brings
better results and many benefits for an organization (Barzelay, 2019).
Reduced employee turnover- The another important role played by cultural diversity at
workplace of an organisation is associated with reduction in employee turnover and absenteeism
as it facilitates better relation and bonding at workplace together with a positive and more
healthy workplace environment. Thus, cultural diversity also reduce the cost of recruitment and
selection through maintaining and retaining its employees for a longer time period (Gechman,
 Better competitive strength- The other benefit associated with cultural diversity is related with
enhancement in competitive strength of organisation as cultural diversity ensure better flow of
new ideas and innovation through employing individuals form diversified culture that enhance
level of skills and competences of organisation that ensures better position in business
environment. Beside this, cultural diversity also ensures retaining of talented and skilled
employees for a longer period through maintaining an effective relationship and bonding at
workplace. Thus, it can be evaluated that cultural diversity also ensures better competitive
strength through improving overall skills and competences level through ensuring innovative and
creative ideas from diversified and more inclusive workforce (Chapman, 2019).
Managing Cultural Diversity in the Workplace: A Study Case of Amazon_7

Further, as per the view
point of LeBrón, A. M. and Viruell-Fuentes, E. A., 2020., the importance of cultural diversity at
workplace includes, better creativity as a diverse cultural perspectives is helpful in inspiring
creativity and drive motivation through encouraging high motivation and positive workplace
environment. Further it facilitates effective domestic market information and better insight that
enables a business like Amazon more profitable and competitive as cultural sensitivity ensures
better insight, and local knowledge that means higher quality and larger targeted marketing.
Apart from this, cultural diversity is important at workplace of Amazon as it facilitates drawing
of diversified skilled pool which allows a company to pull in and retain the best talent tighter
with better skills base that allows an organisation to have a broader and increased adaptable
scope of products and services to its customers.
To analyze the requirement of diversity and equality in the business management
According to the view point of Ben Power, 2019, proper management of diversity and
equality is essential and required by all organisation as it facilitates many benefits and
advantages for an organization. Together with this many laws and acts are also made by
government that has made equality and diversity an essential requirement and necessary for all
organization. It can be analyzed that equality aim at eliminating all forms of discrimination in the
workplace and ensure equal access to fair and equal opportunities for all irrespective of their
culture or background (Huovinen, 2019). Thus, it become a requirement for all organisation as
it lead to fair outcomes for all regardless of their cultural, background or any other parameter of
discrimination providing same starting point to all employees. On the other hand, Diversity deals
with recognising difference and emphasis on creating a workplace culture which respects,
recognise, value and utilize these difference for betterment of organisation through eliminating
discrimination on the basis of these differences like. age, disability, upbringing, etc. The main
requirements of equality and diversity acts includes elimination of discrimination, victimisation,
harassment, etc. with respect to equality act 2010 and also includes advance equality of
opportunity. Further, equality and diversity also aim at fostering better relations among persons
who share a protected characteristic and individuals who do not have same feature through
eliminating the culture of favouritism and biasness at workplace (Christian, 2019).
Further, as per the opinion of Louise Petty, 2016, there is requirement of equality and
diversity at workplace of all organisation and also plays a crucial role in business management
Managing Cultural Diversity in the Workplace: A Study Case of Amazon_8

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