
Research Project on Impact of Brand Image on Customer Perception : Case Study of Tesco Plc


Added on  2020-07-22

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MarketingData Science and Big Data
Research Project on Impact of Brand Image on Customer Perception : Case Study of Tesco Plc_1

Table of ContentsChapter 1 INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................1TITLE ....................................................................................................................................1Keywords................................................................................................................................1Project description..................................................................................................................1Researcher aim ......................................................................................................................2Research objectives................................................................................................................2Factors that contribute to the process of research project selection.......................................2LITERATURE REVIEW ......................................................................................................2RESEARCH METHODOLOGY...........................................................................................4Action plan.............................................................................................................................5Chapter 2: LITERATURE REVIEW...............................................................................................6Meaning of brand image and its significance in the corporation...........................................6Explore the meaning of customer behaviour and their choices..............................................7Different factors that have great influence on the customer perception and choices.............8Different strategies by which organisation can enhance their brand and create positiveperception in the mind of target market.................................................................................9Chapter 3: Methodology................................................................................................................10Methodology, Methods and Techniques .............................................................................103.2 Sampling.........................................................................................................................113.3 Data collection (Description of how data would be collected)......................................123.4 Ethical considerations ....................................................................................................12Chapter 4 Data Collection and Analysis........................................................................................13Introduction..........................................................................................................................13Data Analysis and Interpretations........................................................................................14CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION.............................................................................19Recommendation..................................................................................................................19REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................20
Research Project on Impact of Brand Image on Customer Perception : Case Study of Tesco Plc_2

Chapter 1 INTRODUCTIONTITLE “To analyse the impact of brand image on customer perception: A case study of Tesco PLC”KeywordsBrand imageconsumer behaviourCustomer perceptionTechniques for improving brand imageResearch methodologyInvestigationProject descriptionThis is the ear of competition, where large number of competitors in the market which areproducing same products and services. As well as it is very typical for the venture to havecompetitive advantage, this can be gained with the help of core competencies, whether it is inmarketing, production, quality, services, location of the venture etc. customer choice plays veryimportant role for the organisation in order to gain competitive advantage so that they can growand gain success. Other than that customer needs and wants also plays very significant role inorder to make the customer decision and perception influence in the favour of organisation. If theventure is able to cater the needs and wants of the customers, then only they can gain success andgrowth in the market. Consumer behaviour is the study by which organisation identify the needsand wants of the customers (Barhorst and Wilson, 2017). Other than that it is the study of individual, group and firm. It can be said that consumerbehaviour is very much flexible, consumer will be attracted by those products and services whichthey find more services and features with affordable prices. These all factors together makebrand image. It is the way by which organisation creates their good image in the minds ofcustomers with the help of different competitive factors in order to attract them and retain themin the future. Brand image plays very significant role in the customer perception. As customersor target market are the important assets for the organisation in order to create profitability andgrowth in the market. Thus, it can be said that it is very important for the venture to cater the
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needs and wants of the customers so that they can create good image in the mind of target marketand create positive perception for the company's product and services (Mete and Davies, 2017). Researcher aim “To analyse the impact of brand image on customer perception: A case study of Tesco PLC”Research objectivesTo understand the concept of brand image and its importance for the ventureTo explore the meaning of customer behaviour and their choicesTo analyse the different factors that have great influence on the customer perception andchoicesTo find the different strategies by which organisation can enhance their brand and createpositive perception in the mind of target marketFactors that contribute to the process of research project selectionThere are several factors that have affect the researcher to conduct the study on the topicimpact of brand image on customer perception. The key factors are as follows: Detail information about the topic: Researcher have proper knowledge about thesubject that how can brand image impact over the perception of the customers. Scholarhas significant information about the customer perception which he or she wants to applyin the research so that he or she can solve the problem of different organisation related tothe brand image. What to conduct more detail study about the topic: As the researcher have relevantinformation about the subject or problem, he or she wants to collect more data about theperception of consumer towards the brand image. So that researcher can helps theorganisation to achieve brand image with the help of customer perception.LITERATURE REVIEW Concept of brand image and its importance for the ventureAccording to the view Barhorst and Wilson, (2017) In the today ear brand image isdirectly linked with the customer needs and wants. If the venture is able to cater the needs andwants of the customers then that will have positive brand image and if not then customers will
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not prefer them to buy products and services in the future. In simple words it can be said thatbrand image is the thinking and perception of the consumer for the firm. If the customers like tobuy the products and services in the future then it can be said that venture is having good brandimage in the market place. In the contradicting view of Mete and Davies, (2017) It can be defined as a unique bundleof associations within the minds of target customers. Brand image is the beliefs of the customerstowards the product and services of the particular organisation. In simple words it can be saidthat brand image is the perception of the customers to buy the products and services in futureMeaning of customer behaviour and their choicesAccording to the view Meteand Whelan, (2018) It is very important for the venture toearn large amount of profit and sell their products and services at large amount, this can beachieved when the venture is able to influence the behaviour of the customers. Customers are theonly person to which the venture sell their products and services and from which they can able tocreate large amount of profit. In simple words it can be stated that customers are person who arewilling to purchase the products and services of the customers when they have positivebehaviour towards the venture. In the contradicting view of Carpentier and Stockman, (2016) there are different types ofcustomers such as some are variety lovers, some are loyal customers etc. variety lowers are thecustomers who do not want the same product features and specification at every buy, rather theylike to prefer new product when so ever they purchase the products. Whereas loyal customerswill never try to switch the organisation, they will purchase the product of same venture at everybuy. Thus, it can be said that there are different in between the perception and choices of variouscustomers when they are going to take decision regarding the purchase of product and services.Venture need to identify the choices and perception of the customers in order to make large salesand create brand imageDifferent factors that have great influence on the customer perception and choicesAccording to the view Hemsley-Brown and Wilson, (2016) Customers are the assets orcan be said that they are god for the organisation, venture need to conduct all the activities forthe target market and cater their needs and wants. There are several factors that have great
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impact over the customers choices and perception. The biggest factor that have great impact overthe customer preferences are competition. As this is the era of competition, it is very easy for thecustomer to switch different organisation if their needs and wants are not catered properly by anyventure. Thus, firm need to find that customers are fully satisfied or not?In the contradicting view of Nyadzayo and Khajehzadeh, (2016) customers behaviour isthe another factor which have great impact over the perception. There are several factors that areincluded in the customer behaviour such as culture, social, personal, psychological etc. Theorganisation need to understand the different factors of customer behaviour so that they canmanufacture goods and services according to their needs and wants so that they can create brandimage in the eye of customers. RESEARCH METHODOLOGYResearch methodology is the strategy by which researcher find the appropriate outcomeof the investigation. Thus, it can be said that it is the important chapter in the research conduct bythe scholar. It plays a very vital role in the research by which appropriate result can obtain. Thereare several aspects that are included in the research methodology, that are research approach,research design, data collection, research philosophies, sampling etc. research strategy is veryimportant aspect of the research methodology which helps the investigator to collect theinformation in proper manner (Meteand Whelan, 2018). There are two types of research strategy,that are qualitative and quantitative. Selection of research strategy method is totally dependentupon the objectives of investigation, here objective is to analyse the impact of brand image oncustomer perception. Here qualitative research strategy have been selected so that investigatorcan able to collect tbe relevant information about the subject. Research approach is another aspect of research methodology which helps theinvestigator to analyse the data about the topic. There are two types of research approach, thatare inductive and deductive. In the present investigation, scholar have key aim is to evaluate theimpact of brand image on the customer choice. Therefore, in order to attain this objective,scholar has used inductive approach. Research philosophy is one of the major part of the researchmethodology which helps the investigator to create the particular value, assumption, beliefsrelated to the related topic (Carpentier and Stockman, 2016). There are two types of researchphilosophy, that are interpritivism and positivism. When it is being discussed about the
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