
The Impact of Hiring Diverse Employees on Company Performance


Added on  2023-01-06

38 Pages8230 Words65 Views
Data Science and Big DataLanguages and Culture
Research Project
(The impact of hiring diverse employees on the
performance of company with respect to managing
cultural diversity)
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Executive Summary
The aim of this present study is to to determine the significance of hiring people from
diverse areas in managing diversity at workplace therefore it is a wide area of investigation
which helps in providing a wider knowledge base to individual about hiring people from diverse
areas and how it will be beneficial for the businesses to attain growth and success. In the present
analysis the study is based over Sainsbury as it is a white multinational business which is mainly
concerned over hiring people from diverse areas in the concern to managing its international
operations and effective manner with the help of improvising the diversity at workplace. For
better execution of the project qualitative research method is being applied as it is the most
effective tool to develop theoretical framework which enhance knowledge about the influence of
diversity and its impact over managing diversity at workplace. in addition to this primary and
secondary investigation are applied to add the work in right manner as primary research is
effective in developing specific investigation that are really over the specified area as in this
information must be gathered through developing questionnaire which covers the aim and
objectives of the project. Secondary investigation is also important in developing value in
enhancing the understanding about the project with the help of implementing suitable theoretical
framework as in this books, journals, articles are applied to generate equivalent outcome.
Although conclusion is encompasses over evaluating the impact of hiring people from
diverse areas and managing the diversity at workplace therefore people from diverse areas are
developing value for the business in the manner of enhancing productivity and implementing
unique talent at workplace which would be effective for the business in enhancing higher growth
and success.
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Table of Contents
Executive Summary ........................................................................................................................2
Table of Contents.............................................................................................................................3
Title of the Research .......................................................................................................................1
Introduction .....................................................................................................................................1
Literature Review ............................................................................................................................4
Research Methodology and Data Collection ..................................................................................5
Data Analysis and Interpretation.....................................................................................................8
Findings and Outcomes .................................................................................................................27
Conclusion and Recommendation ................................................................................................28
Conclusion ...........................................................................................................................28
Recommendation .................................................................................................................29
Reflection ......................................................................................................................................30
References .....................................................................................................................................32
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Title of the Research
The impact of hiring diverse employees on the performance of company with respect to
managing cultural diversity.
Background of the Research
The present study initiates to analyse the influence of hiring diverse employees over the
performance of business with respect to managing cultural diversity. However, the diverse
workforce has become a reality today, thus the influence of diversity varies through the type of
environment and business overall strategy (Cano, 2020). As the number of businesses has
increases from move to domestic, multi-domestic and the multinational strategy to function as a
truly international business, the importance and the influence of cultural diversity has developed
markedly. The assessment of cultural differences has become more significant for developing
benefits and attaining competitive advantage. Diverse workforce defined to be the co-existence
of individual through assorted socio-cultural backgrounds among the businesses. Therefore,
diversity involves cultural aspects likewise race, gender, age, colour, physical ability, ethnicity,
and so on. Diversity mainly includes all groups of individuals at all levels in the businesses.
However, diversity significantly needs a type of business culture in that each worker can pursue
their career aspirations without being inhibited through gender, race, nationality, religion, or
other aspect which are irrelevant to function effectively (Dover, Kaiser and Major, 2020). In the
global business era due to high competition in the market businesses are focuses over hiring
people from diverse areas for the intention to enhancing the performance of the business as
diversity in the workplace is effective in approaching unique talent and the involvement of
innovative ideas which may in turns creating value for the business in attaining higher growth
and success. In this overall analysis has been developed over the study of Sainsbury. Therefore,
it is known as the second widest chain of supermarket in the UK. The company is operated as
public limited company and the headquarter of the firm is in Holborn, London, United Kingdom.
The firm was incorporated by the significant strength and intelligence of John James Sainsbury
in the year of 1869. However, in total, the company is having around 116400 employees in
which male and female workers are involved who are hired through the diverse areas for the
The Impact of Hiring Diverse Employees on Company Performance_5

intention to managing diversity at workplace and its operations (Fine, Sojo and LawfordSmith,
Statement of the Research Problem
Workforce diversity has become an obvious issue in the organisational human resource
department, in today’s modern business environment employees has lost its homogenous aspects
or composed of assorted heptagons diverse group over the basis of gender, racial or ethnic
makeup (Byron and Post, 2016). Therefore, the entire project is based on analysing the influence
of hiring diverse employees over the performance of the business.
Rationale of the Research
The project into consideration is based on evaluating the influence of hiring diverse
employees on the performance of the business with regards to assessing cultural diversity.
Therefore, it is a wide area of academic research which is mainly implemented for the sack of
enhancing better understanding in relation to the aspect of diversity and how it benefits to the
business effectively (Post and Byron, 2015). The project is mainly developed because diversity is
a major issue and it directly influences the operations and progression of the business and its
employees. So the suitable idea about the issue will support the businesses to attain growth and
manage diversity effectively. The another intention of developing the project is the individual
interest of the researcher as the researcher wants to increase personal knowledge which would be
valuable in attaining growth in academic as well as professional life. However, the potential
significance of this study is that, it provides suitable idea about the impact over recruiting people
from diverse areas and the suitable ways to managing diversity at workplace (Marinova,
Plantenga and Remery, 2016).
Aims and objectives
Research Aim:
The key aim of this study is “To investigate the impact of hiring diverse employees on
the performance of company with respect to managing cultural diversity”. A study on Sainsbury.
Research Objectives:
The key objectives of this analysis that are specific in aiding the project in right manner are
defined as below:
To understand the concept of recruiting diverse workforce.
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To evaluate the relation between hiring of diverse employees and the cultural diversity
within Sainsbury.
To identify the challenges being faced by Sainsbury in managing the diverse workforce to
improve the performance of the company. To recommend some of the measures with which management of diverse workforce and
cultural diversity can be managed.
Research Questions
The suitable questions that are inter connected with the aim and objectives of the research
are associated as below:
What is the concept of hiring of different employees?
What is the relation between the recruiting of different employees and the cultural diversity?
What are the various challenges being faced by company in managing diverse workforce?
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Literature Review
The concept of recruiting diverse workforce.
According to Moran (2019), diversity hiring is defined as the merit through the specific
care taken to ensure process are free through biases connected to a candidates’ age, gender,
sexual orientation, gender and other individual characteristics which are unconnected through
their job performance (Christy and Fox, 2014). However, diversity hiring mainly seeking out
candidates for job profiles who are belongs through the diverse background, taking steps to
ensure talent acquisitions procedure are more inclusive and removing obstacles which prevent all
the candidates through having equal opportunity during the hiring procedure. Hiring people from
diverse background area are also equal important like the was a business is operating at
international level. Therefore, businesses now days are focus over conducting international
operations and for this recruitment from diverse areas are creating value for the business in
increasing unique talent, innovation and so on. Thus people from diverse areas are imperative in
increasing the efficiency of the business operations and also effective in handling customers
query so well (Gupta, Goktan and Gunay, 2014). Despite from this, diversity recruitment is
underlying the cause that when the diverse employees work together then they learn new and
advance notion from one another and this increases the working efficiency of employees. In the
context to business which are operating at international level are widely concern over
approaching diversity at workplace due to the reason of attaining higher growth and
advancement as diversity is imperative for the businesses to conduct operations with more
liability and also enhance understanding about different culture.
The relation between hiring of diverse employees and the cultural diversity within Sainsbury.
According to Sawyer (2020), Diversity in the context to business defined as a business
which internationally employs a workforce which comprised of people of varying gender, race,
ethnicity, religion, age, education, sexual orientation and many other attributes. Hiring of diverse
employees mainly refers as the aspect to recruit people from the different culture and
background, ethnicity, race, culture, gender and so on. Therefore, diver hiring is effective for the
business in encouraging diversity at workplace to attain higher growth and success. Chua and
Yazdanifard (2014) argues that, there is a positive inter relationship among the diverse hiring and
the cultural diversity, therefore, diverse hiring is effective for the business to enhancing diversity
at workplace. However, Sainsbury is a large multinational corporation which has its operations at
The Impact of Hiring Diverse Employees on Company Performance_8

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