
The Impact of Globalisation on Business Expansion


Added on  2023-01-19

29 Pages6793 Words43 Views
Research Project
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Table of Contents
Topic: “The impact of globalisation on business expansion”, A study on Nestle office Gatwick,
Overview of research ................................................................................................................1
Rationale and Significance of study...........................................................................................1
Research Aims............................................................................................................................2
Research Objectives....................................................................................................................2
Research ethics ...........................................................................................................................3
CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW.........................................................................................3
Relation between globalisation and business expansion.............................................................3
Influence of globalisation on business expansion strategy.........................................................5
Set of recommended policy of Nestle for business expansion....................................................6
CHAPTER 3: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY.............................................................................7
Time frames and activities..........................................................................................................9
CHAPTER 4: DATA ANALYSIS ...............................................................................................13
CHAPTER 5: RESEARCH OUTCOME ......................................................................................21
This part is covered in PPT.......................................................................................................21
CHAPTER 6: RECOMMENDATION AND REFLECTION ......................................................21
REFERENCES .............................................................................................................................24
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Topic: “The impact of globalisation on business expansion”, A study on Nestle
office Gatwick, UK.
Overview of research
Globalisation is a vast process that has facilitated free movement of people, goods and
services across the boundaries of nation. It is a process that has increased integration and
interdependency among economies and lead to geographic dispersion of industrial and service
activities (Faghih, 2019). Thus, globalisation has driven and foster international trade and
investment through bringing people, communities, companies, society closer. Globalisation has
eliminated the barriers of national boundaries and facilitates buying and selling of goods and
services across different nation which has created a vast opportunity for business organisations to
grow and expand from domestic level to international level. Government of various nations are
also adopting policies of free market economic system for increasing their productivity and
employment which is further crating myriad new opportunities for international trade and
investment thus, creating new and better opportunities for corporations to built foreign factories
and establish and developing better production and marketing arrangements with foreign
partners. The main factors that has increased the phase of globalisation and act as a driver of
foreign integration is technology which has dramatically transformed economies and provided a
valuable tool for identifying and pursuing economic opportunities, including faster and more
informed analyses of economic trends around the world and also facilitates easy transfers of
assets, and collaboration with far-flung partners (Djelic and Quack, 2018).
Thus, to have a better understanding about impact of globalisation on expansion and
growth of a business following research is conducted on Nestle office Gatwick, UK. Nestle is
basically a Swiss multinational drink and food processing company headquartered in Switzerland
but it is having its business operations in various parts of world including UK.
Rationale and Significance of study
This research report is based on impact of globalisation on expansion of business
operations. Globalisation is a concept that has created vast and enlarge opportunity for all
organisations through facilitating better integration and transfer of goods and services beyond or
across the boundaries of nation which has created an opportunity of target market expansion
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thus, lead to better growth of organisations. The significance of this research report is that it will
enhance the knowledge and understanding about the implication and effect of globalisation on
growth and expansion of a business (Pauluzzo and Shen, 2018). This report will provide a
evaluation that how globalisation has created vast business opportunities for business
organisations like Nestle. Further, thus research topic also creates relevant opportunity for
researcher to undertake and expand its business operation beyond national level and facilitates
analysis of impacts of globalisation on development and growth. Many organisations are facing
issues in expansion of their business operation at international level thus, this research topic is
important for investigator to easily explore business at global and international market
(Vestergaard and Etter, 2018). Along with this, the other significance of this research is that this
topic of research is related with educational background of researcher thus, boost career of
investigator and also boost and enhance knowledge of individuals and people regarding
globalisation and its impact on international business market which further increases significance
and scope of this research.
Research Aims
The main aim of conducting this research is, “To study the impact of globalisation on
business expansion”, a study on Nestle office Gatwick, UK.
Aim of this research is to analyse impact on globalisation on business success. While
expansion of business, there is requirement of analysing changes which are taking place. With
the help of this study, it will be clear to reader and researcher that they have to analyse market
properly and then frame policies. There is difference in working policies of different countries,
hence it is essential to understand it and then planning has to be done about expansion. This
assist in getting positive outcome.
Research Objectives
The objectives and target of research provide a guidance and framework for researcher
through providing a base for measuring effective outcomes of research. The main objectives of
this particular research conducted on Nestle office Gatwick, UK are as follows:
To understand the relation between globalisation and business expansion.
To analyse the influence of globalisation on business expansion strategy (Zhu, 2018).
To determine a set of recommended policy of Nestle for business expansion.
Research questions
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What is the relation between globalisation and business expansion ?
What is the influence of globalisation on business expansion strategy ?
What is the best and recommended policy of Nestle for business expansion ?
Research ethics
Ethics are the representative of the moral principals that a researcher must follow while
conducting any research. It involve doing right thing at right time and maintaining the research
integrity through providing due respect and importance to feeling and behaviour of participants
and respondents (Koziol, 2018). It is necessary for a researcher to follow are the ethics and
should not harm and hurt feeling of any living or dead person as well as should not create any
threatening or harm for animal for completion or betterment of research report. The questions
asked during this research work on analysis of impact of globalisation should be asked after
proper consent of respondent.
This part of research report provides a discussion and critical analysis of published
sources, or literature on a particular research topic. Literature review is a comprehensive
summary or description about research topic on the basis of review of surveys scholarly articles,
books, online sites and other relevant sources associated with that particular research (Stringer,
2018). This literature review or analysis is made for meeting the requirements and determining
the nature of current research topic i.e. To study the impact of globalisation on business
expansion a case study conducted on Nestle office Gatwick, UK.
Relation between globalisation and business expansion
Globalisation is the concept which has increased the integration, relation and
interdependency between different nations and economics thus, when economies and nations are
coming together it should definitely yield a better opportunity for business organisation to
expand and operate their business at different countries beyond the boundaries of their domestic
nation. Thus, a close relation is exits between globalisation and business expansion. As per the
view point of Mike Myatt, 2019, who has explored more than 22 countries of world has found
that globalisation has increased and provided more opportunities to organisations to expand and
transact their business operations in various parts of world like Asia, Middle east, Canada, Latin
America, Russia and many more locations of world. The improvement in technology and
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