
Ineffective Leadership as a Cultural Diversity Issue at Aston Martin


Added on  2023-01-09

43 Pages10306 Words72 Views
Leadership ManagementProfessional DevelopmentDesign and CreativityData Science and Big DataReligionCalculus and Analysis
Research Project
Ineffective Leadership as a Cultural Diversity Issue at Aston Martin_1

Table of Contents
Research Topic: Ineffective leadership as a major cultural diversity issue at the workplace of
Aston Martin....................................................................................................................................3
1) Introduction.................................................................................................................................3
1.1. Background for research project.....................................................................................3
1.2. Problem statement...........................................................................................................3
1.3. Aim and objectives..........................................................................................................3
1.4. Rationale for selection of topic........................................................................................4
1.5. Research questions..........................................................................................................4
2) Literature review..........................................................................................................................5
3) Research methodology................................................................................................................8
4) Analysis and interpretation of research findings.......................................................................12
Analysis of collected data.....................................................................................................12
Interpretation of research finding.........................................................................................15
5) Communication of research outcomes and recommendations..................................................23
5.1. Research Outcomes.......................................................................................................23
5.2. Recommendation...........................................................................................................24
5.3. Communication with stakeholders and intended audience...........................................25
6) Reflection...................................................................................................................................25
6.1. Reflection on the effectiveness of research methods applied........................................25
6.2. Reflection on alternative research methodologies and lessons learnt...........................26
7) CONCLUSION.........................................................................................................................26
Ineffective Leadership as a Cultural Diversity Issue at Aston Martin_2

Research Topic: Ineffective leadership as a major cultural diversity issue at
the workplace of Aston Martin
1) Introduction
1.1. Background for research project
Cultural diversity is associated with leading a workplace which allows employment and
recruitment of employees from a diversified cultural and background . Thus, cultural diversity
leads to an enhanced level of creativity in workforce and also boost performance of a company
but many challenges and issues are also associated with culture diversity as it is difficult to have
a balance among cultural diversified employees (Al-Jenaibi, 2017). Therefore the role of leaders
and managers in leading effective management of cultural diversity is vital and most essential as
they are the one who guide and direct employees for leading coordination and balance in their
efforts for accomplishment of set targets.
Aston martin which is a well known independent British car manufacturer which deals in
luxury sports cars along with grand tourers across the world and having its main headquarter in
England, UK. Thus, being a multinational company many issues and challenges are encountered
by Aston martin while leading and managing cultural diversity (Barak, 2016). Thus, current
investigation is conducted to evaluate about Ineffective leadership as a major cultural diversity
issue at the workplace of Aston Martin.
1.2. Problem statement
Ineffective leadership is a major issue faced by organisation while management of cultural
diversity at workplace.
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1.3. Aim and objectives
Aim of the research
The main aim associated with respect to current investigation is, “To evaluate about the
concept of managing cultural diversity along with ineffective leadership as a major cultural
diversity issue at the workplace.” An investigation on Aston Martin.
Objectives of research
The main objectives and purposes associated with respect to current research work on Aston
martin are discussed below:
To review about the concept and need of managing cultural diversity at workplace of an
To evaluate about the impact of managing cultural diversity on the success and growth of
a global company.
To investigate about the issues associated with the ineffective leadership faced while
managing cultural diversity at workplace of Aston Martin.
To determine the possible strategies and solutions to overcome the issue of ineffective
leadership faced while managing cultural diversity at Aston martin.
1.4. Rationale for selection of topic
The observation of particular topic of research seemed to be rationale and appropriate as it
ensures a better evaluation of challenges lead by ineffective leadership while managing cultural
diversity at workplace. In today’s world of globalising, cultural inclusion and diversity forms
vital part of very company thus, evaluation of challenges and issues associated with management
of cultural multiplicity is viable and crucial part of the professional aspects of researcher.
Further, current investigation also provided better determinations of possible strategies and
solutions to overcome the challenges of cultural multiplicity. Apart from this, enhanced
managerial skills and other interpersonal competencies are also lead by current research project
which meets academic and personal interest and development of researcher.
1.5. Research questions
The question tag set out for current investigation for better evaluation and accomplishment of
above problem statement are listed below:
Why management of cultural diversity is need and important for an organisation?
What impact is lead by management of cultural diversity on the success and growth of a
Ineffective Leadership as a Cultural Diversity Issue at Aston Martin_4

global company?
Is ineffective leadership is a major cultural diversity issue at the workplace of Aston
What are the possible recommended strategies and solution that could be adopted by
Aston martin to overcome the issue of ineffective leadership faced while managing
cultural diversity at its workplace?
2) Literature review
2.1. To review about the concept and need of management of cultural diversity in workplace
According the opinion of Vince Scopelliti, 2018, Cultural diversity is stated as the variation
among people in terms of the way they determine on different dimensions involving ethnicity,
language, race and religion, ethnoreligiousity, ancestry, national origin etc. Culturally diverse
workplace means that an organisation employ workforce with different backgrounds
(Management of Cultural Diversity in the Workplace, 2018). Different cultures in the
organisation embrace distinct perspectives over significant issues of work place involving
respect for authority, responsibility, management of time and teamwork. Contradictory
elucidations of transparency and ethics, methods of communication as well as reluctance to
deliver and get feedback may also take place. For running the operations of an organisation
smoothly and efficiently, it is very necessary to break these barriers. Maintaining cultural
diversity helps in breaking down those barriers in the organisation. Employees with different
cultural backgrounds are able to effectively manage the activities and functions of organisation
and lead it towards growth. Companies are required to maintain cultural diversity to attain
competitive benefit in market and accomplish growth (Orr, 2016).
2.2.Influence of management of cultural diversity on the success and growth of a global firm
As stated by Rojas, (2018), Because of increasing gender and ethnic diversity and trends in
globalisation, it is very necessary for the organisations to manage cultural differences along with
individual work attitudes. More diverse workforce provides opportunities as well as challenges
to managing workforce in diverse work environment. several opportunities are gain by an
organisation by managing cultural diversity in workplace including competitive advantage,
innovation and creativity etc. However, the challenges involve effective management of workers
with different attitudes, beliefs and values (Roberson, 2019). When a company hire employee
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from diverse backgrounds, then it influences on marketing activities of company. It becomes
able to gain broad perspectives about the preferences of consumers belonging to different
cultures which ultimately enables your organisation to offer them with products and services that
satisfy their needs effectively and attain high profits. Apart from this, it also impacts on
creativity and innovative abilities of employees as each individual has their own way of thinking
and ideas which helps in endorsing innovation within the company (Ravazzani, 2016).
2.3.To investigate about the issues associated with the ineffective leadership faced while
managing cultural diversity at workplace of Aston Martin.
With respect to the information provided by Michael Ray Hopkin, 2018, there are any
issues ad challenges lead by ineffective leadership which are faced while managing cultural
multiplicity at palace of working of an organisation. These issues consists of lack of proper
guidance and direction for employees along with ineffective communication and lack of proper
training to which hampers management and creation of cultural diversity at workplace. An
evaluation of these issues which are associated with the ineffective leadership mainly faced
while managing cultural multiplicity in context of Aston Martin company is provided below:
Lack of direction and motivation- The first issues related with lack of leadership at
workplace is associated with lack of proper directions that might leads to enhanced chances of
chaos and conflicts at workplace mainly among the cultural diversified employees. Further, lack
of motivation lead to ineffective bonding and interaction among workers which is also one of the
main challenge faced while management of cultural multiplicity at place of work of Aston
Martin (Brown, 2017).
Ineffective communication- The another issues associated with lack of effective
leadership consists of ineffective communication which reduces the transparency in decision
making and strategy formulation which carets a senses of discrimination and biasness at
workplace. Thus, lack of transparency is a bigger a challenge associated with ineffective
communication and leadership which is faced by Aston martin as a challenge while managing
cultural multiplicity at its workplace (Butcher, 2016).
Lack of training and teamwork- The another main challenge associated with ineffective
leadership is related with lack of proper training and development programmes for employees
that leads to reduction in coordination and team bonding. Thus, ineffective leadership styles
hampers team bonding and coordination among the employees which a big challenge for creation
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and management of a diversified and inclusive workforce at place of work of Aston Martin
(Cletus, and et. al., 2018).
2.4. To determine the possible strategies and solutions to overcome the issue of ineffective
leadership faced while managing cultural diversity at Aston martin.
As per the information provided by Dr. Richard T. Alpert, 2020, it today’s world diverse
workforce along with proper cultural competence is viable and essential for an organisation.
Thus, implication of possible strategies and effective solution becomes important for a company
to overcome and eliminate the issues of ineffective leadership faced while managing cultural
diversity. Evaluation of some of these strategies and possible solution that could be adopted by
Aston Martin to overcome the issue of ineffective leadership faced while managing cultural
diversity is provide as follows:
Implication of participative leadership style- The first and foremost solution that can be
implicate by Aston martin to overcome the issue of ineffective leadership faced while managing
cultural diversity comprises of adoption of participative leadership style as it ensures a more
transparent and better decision making and strategy formulation at workplace. Participative form
of leadership ensures and brings proper contribution of all employees irrespective of their
cultural background in making of proper decision along with vital strategy formulation thus,
ensures more transparency and clarity at workplace that leads to better management of cultural
diversity at Aston martin through leading reduction in biasness and discrimination (Enoksen,
Leverage cultural Training- The anther step that could be adopted by Aston Martin
comprises of providing regular cultural training for all employees and other associated
individuals as to ensure a better coordination and team bonding among diversified workforce
through leading better skill and competences which leads a common style of work. Thus,
providing regular cultural training ensures better awareness and understanding among employees
which ensures enhanced team boding and coordination to proper manage cultural diversity
(Fletcher, 2017).
Implementation of provisions of Equality act, 2010- the another way and strategy for
leading proper management of cultural multiplicity and overcome the issues of ineffective
leadership style comprises of implementation of provisions of Equality act, 2010. Adoption of
equality act, 2010 at place of work of Aston Martin ensures a strict legal check and control on
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leaders and managers to eliminate the chances of discrimination and biasness at workplace thus,
insures a transparent and more equal workplace for all employees to lead better management of
cultural diversify at place of work of Aston Martin (Gottardello, 2019).
3) Research methodology
This section of research involves a study and evaluation of various research techniques and
method that are used by a researcher to develop and adopt a suitable approach to meet and
achieve the research objectives in a more effective and viable method (Greene, 2019). In
accordance to current investigation on Aston Martin, implication and use of Research onion
Model is made to select and adopt most suitable and viable research method along with valid
justification for there selection while leading current investigation.
Figure 1: Research Onion, 2020.
Research philosophy- It being the first and outermost layer of onion of research that
forms four types of philosophies comprises of Positivism, Pragmatism, realism and
Interpretivism. From these four types on philosophies, adoption of Positivism type of research
philosophy is most suitable and justifiable as per the nature of this particular investigation as it
support and ensures better testing of quantifiable data which lead to better accomplishment and
assessment of set of the objectives (Humphries, 2017).
Research approach- It is the second layer which reflects about the suitable approach
used for conducting an investigation starting from collection of data till its interpretation.
Research approach is basically comprises of two main types i.e. inductive and deductive where
inductive is associated with setting new theories through in-depth study where as deductive leads
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