
Importance of Sustainability in Hospitality Sector


Added on  2022-11-29

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Professional Development
Pearson BTEC HND in Hospitality Management and
International Travel and Tourism Management
Unit 18 and Unit 19 Research Project (RQF) L5
Project Proposal Form
Session: February 2020
Student Name Student ID
Tutor Date
Unit Number:
Research Theme: Sustainability in Tourism and Hospitality
Research Topic:
Section One: Title, aims, objectives
Based on your topic, define and write your research title which should reflect on the aims and set
specific objectives to be achieved from your research (e.g. what is the research question you want to
answer? What do you want to learn or find out? What is assumption or hypothesis you are making and the
Research Aim:
"To analyse the importance of sustainability in achievement of competitive position in hospitality
sector organisations". A study on premier inn UK."
Research Objectives
To analyse the basic concept of sustainability in hospitality sector
To evaluate different sustainable strategies adopted by premier inn to enhance its brand
To determine importance of sustainability in achievement of higher competitive advantage
for Premiere inn.
Research Question:
What is the concept of sustainability in hospitality sector?
What are the different sustainable strategies adopted by premier inn to enhance its brand
What is the importance of sustainability in achievement of higher competitive advantage for
Premiere inn?
Section Two: Reasons for choosing this research project
Rationale and Reasons for choosing the project (e.g. links to other subjects you are studying, personal
interest, future plans, knowledge/skills you want to improve, significance of the project and why the topic is
important and):
One of the main reasons to conduct this study is to gain knowledge about the importance of
sustainability in attainment of competitive position within the hospitality industry. In addition to
this, it assist researcher to know about various sustainable strategies opted by hotels to improve its
brand positioning. Moreover, this investigation assist in both personal and professional context to
researcher. In context to professional, it help in dealing with the situation where investigator will
work in future and also help in suggesting company to be more sustainable. With reference to
personal, it improve skills of investigators such as communication, problem solving, time
management, data analysis, data interpretation and many more. Furthermore, it also aid investigator
Importance of Sustainability in Hospitality Sector_1

to conduct further studies systematically and properly in future. With the help of this, researcher
will be able to gain opportunities in this competitive marketplace.
Section Three: Literature sources searched
Use of key literature sources and precedents to support your research question, objective/hypothesis:
Literature review is defined as a secondary source method where different information and data that
is already exist within the market is gathered by sources like particles, journals, books, online polls
and so on. In addition to this, these sources are basically the work presented by professionals that
help researcher to gain knowledge on research topic. It is stated that literature review is an
advantages source for investigator to develop reliable and positive outcomes. One of the main
agenda of literature review is analyzing the gap within the research by using the perception of
various professionals. In context to present research, the main gap is to identify the importance of
sustainability in attaining competitive position within the hospitality industry. For bridging the gap
of investigation some of the research question will be answered by literature review, which are as
concept of sustainability in hospitality sector
According to view point of Jones (2019), sustainability in hospitality sector must come a
long way in order to arrive in-room suggestion in order to use or save water. The hotel as well as
other hospitality organisation increasing or taking mature approach in order to incorporate social
responsibility practices and sound and mental atmosphere policy. Sustainability or social
responsibility is determined as a fast becoming concerned for public as well as private sector and in
hotel industry. In other words, sustainability signifies natural eco-system that provides continuous
support and offer resources to meet need of future as well as current generation. The sustainability
is also important within hospitality sector (Sustainability in hospitality industry, 2019). The hotel
requires electricity water and food that is consumable & durable because it results in generating
ways. In addition to this, they focus on adopting sustainable technology in order to get green
building label and also it signifies meeting needs without any kind of compromise capability related
to future generation in order to meet only need for organisations towards natural resources. They
focus is on a satisfying social as well as economic resources. The sustainability is helpful within
hospitality sector in order to provide different kind of advantage t society and creating best practices
during the period of time. It is also helpful in performing different kind of activities in an
appropriate manner. Thus, it is analysed that sustainability is useful for conducting different
activities in an appropriate manner. It aids assistance in performing different practices in relation to
sustainability in proper way that assists in performing diverse things in proper way. Thus, the
management team of Premier Inn focuses on using sustainable practices for providing positive
ambience to its employees at workplace. It helps in retaining staff member for a longer time period.
To evaluate different sustainable strategies adopted by premier inn to enhance its brand
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According to Gregory Unruh, 2(017) sustainable strategy is an important concept for
organisation as it was analysis that it is just a series of projects. As per this it was analysis that it
will create a business value for organisation. (Sustainable business strategy, 2021) it refers to a
vehicle which support the transformation to a sustainable company which form an unsustainable
one. This type of strategy will established pathway which support and drive an organisation towards
the long term success of company. For effectively formulating a sustainable strategy a company will
require to effectively recognizing the global and local sustainability issues which could impact the
growth of organisation. Other than this for an effective sustainable strategy it is important to clearly
define the sustainability vision. It was analysis that strategy of an organisation will assist in
attracting investors towards company because it will represent the translation of company capacity
and its market positioning into a series of action which re conducted over time for successfully meet
the objective of business.
According to Patricia Lotich, (2019), it is stated that an organisation will adopt various
sustainability strategies which assist an organisation in enhancing their brand positioning in the
market. First important strategy which is used by selected company is investing more time and
money in providing training to their employees on the importance of sustainability the environment
and effectively share with them what the organisation will doing to help conserve resources also use
the strategy of free flow of communication so that their employees will also provide various ideas
for resource conservation. Their employees will provide effective ideas with the help of which
company will reduce its waste and also improve their work environment. This will create a good
impact on the guest of selected hotel and create an effective brand image in the mind of customers.
Another important sustainable strategy which is adopt by Premier inn company is related to the
consumption of water and electricity (8 Sustainable Business Practices, 2019). As per this strategy
company will educate their customers related to the conservation of water and electricity and
involve their consumers in reducing the wastage of these valuable resources. It was analysis that
now a days customers are prefer to choose a sustainable company which is environment friendly
and by formulating these strategies selected company will effectively position their brand image in
the mind of customers which also help company to gain their long term loyalty. By developing
sustainable policies and procedure in their organisation will able to effectively positioning their
brand. Such as create fluorescent light bulbs are used and also set their business goal which reflects
sustainability strategies in it. This means making this a priority in every aspect of organisation
operations. All these efforts will create momentum in company sustainability efforts. It was analysis
that adopting all these sustainability strategies company will attract more and more customers
towards their hotel and effectively positioning the brand image of company in mind of customers or
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Importance of sustainability in achievement of higher competitive advantage for Premiere inn
As per the viewpoint of Tracy Stottler, (2018) It is stated that hoteliers have turned their emphasize
to the significance of sustainability within the hospitality industry as it associated to hotel
development and operations, economic and social impact, environmental influence and so on. In
addition to this, sustainability is one of the most vital issue that is currently facing within the
hospitality sector. It is determined that hospitality sector has historically associated to a dramatic
influence through water and energy consumption, hazardous waste creation, use of durable and
consumable goods. The hotels consume lighting, power and fuel needs. The waste is mainly
generated by the disposal of batteries, bulbs, paper, appliances etc. Many of the hoteliers realize that
they can give an improved guest experience through integrating natural elements and focus on green
thought. By the assistance of this, there are various advantages gained by respective organization.
One of the benefit is cost saving ad it is analyzed that cost is always a driving aspect and decline
operating cost gives a compelling incentive to hotels. Many of the hotels now make use of different
strategies in order to reuse, recycle and reduce waste. Another advantage gain by Premier Inn is
providing effective guest experience. Many of the hotels understand that investment within
environmental technology has positive impact on the guest experience as in present time guests
want to stay on those properties that provides “at home” feeling. The adoption of sustainable
strategy gives a distinct benefit in context of retaining and attracting talent. It is analyzed that the
brand of hotel have incorporate some extent of sustainability platform into their brand definition. It
is said that having sustainable business practices will lead hotel to enhance and improve its brand
image that translate hotel to gain profit within the long-term (Importance of Sustainability in
hospitality industry, 2018). It is important for the higher authorities of Premier Inn to focus on
developing effective sustainable strategies as it help in gaining economic incentives. It is analyze
that government has enacted a variety of economic incentives in order to encourage development of
environmental retrofits. All these benefits involve insurance premium discounts, financial grants
and many more. It is analyzed that an organization is able to attract large number of customers and
develop positive mindset of them towards brand if it go sustainable. In the present time, the
preference and requirements of customer is changed as they focus on consuming eco friendly offers.
Apart from this, sustainability allow hotels to take advantage at the highest value of opportunities.
For this, it is vital to have custom sustainability program which addresses the unique requirements
of every hotel. It is determined that there is an increase in profitability level of hotel if it make use
of effective sustainable strategies. Premier Inn have programs which monitor energy use as well as
offer general recommendations and the custom sustainability which minimize risk and enhance
investment returns. All this will lead to attainment of competitive advantage at marketplace and to
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