
Project on Supply Chain Framework


Added on  2020-05-28

42 Pages9315 Words42 Views
Business DevelopmentFinanceLeadership ManagementProfessional DevelopmentDesign and CreativityData Science and Big Data
Running head: RESEARCH PROJECTA Study to investigate the critical factors that will influence the supply chain frameworkName of the Student:Name of the University:Author Note:
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1RESEARCH PROJECTAcknowledgmentI would like to thank my supervisor who has provided me the opportunity to work on thisresearch study that is based on “Critical factors that will influence the supply chain framework”.I would also like to thank my co-workers and my friends who has supported me in carrying outthe research. I would like to thank Mr. ___________________ who has guided me in each stepof the research study. I would also like to thank my parents for providing me moral and financialsupport.
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2RESEARCH PROJECTContents1. Introduction..................................................................................................................................4What is the setting for your project?............................................................................................4What are the aims of your project?..............................................................................................4What is your project about?.........................................................................................................4How and why did you chose the project?....................................................................................62. Literature Review........................................................................................................................62.1 Framework for green supply chain management...................................................................62.2. Critical factors for the success of supply chain....................................................................72.2.1 Communication...............................................................................................................82.2.2 Manage relationships......................................................................................................82.2.3 Planning tools.................................................................................................................92.2.4 Build plans and vision....................................................................................................92.2.5. Take up management responsibility..............................................................................92.2.6 Share benefits, costs and risks......................................................................................102.2.7 Manage data..................................................................................................................102.2. 8 Train the users and manage change in the organization..............................................112.2.9 Monitor and evaluate performance...............................................................................112.2.10 Reengineer processes..................................................................................................122.2.11 Assess the legacy and the IT system...........................................................................12
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3RESEARCH PROJECT2.2.12. Frame team projects...................................................................................................122.2.13 Strategic factors..........................................................................................................132.2.14 Technological factors..................................................................................................132.2.15 Organizational factors.................................................................................................142.2.16 Operational factors......................................................................................................143. Process.......................................................................................................................................15What methodology did you adopt (inductive or deductive)?....................................................15What methods did you chose?...................................................................................................16How did you carry out your project?.............................................................................................17Discussion and Evaluation.............................................................................................................18An analytical critical discussion of your project with references to literature to support yourarguments...................................................................................................................................18Graphical analysis......................................................................................................................205:Conclusion and Recommendation..............................................................................................26What do your findings show?....................................................................................................26What were the limitations of you project?.................................................................................28What recommendations would you make on the basis of your findings?.................................29Do you think your recommendations are innovative or entrepreneurial? How and why are they?.......................................................................................................................................................30Appendix........................................................................................................................................31
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4RESEARCH PROJECTReferences......................................................................................................................................351. IntroductionWhat is the setting for your project?The paper is divided in the following section. Part 1 will deal with theintroduction of the paper and it will highlight the research objectives, research motivation andcontribution. Part 2 will highlight the literature, which was conducted by the previous scholars,and this will help to recognize the independent variable and thus build up the researchhypothesis. In part 3, the data collection method and research methodology will be described indetails. Moreover, Section 4 will highlight and compare the findings of the previous studies.Section 5 will deal with conclusion of the paper.What are the aims of your project?The main objective of the project is to analyse the critical factors that will affectthe supply chain. It will also investigate how to minimize the critical factors so that it becomeseasier to maintain the supply chain framework. Moreover, it will also highlight the criticalfactors and the supply chain element that are dependent on each other. What is your project about?The project is associated with the supply chain framework and the various factorsthat will affect the supply chain. The recognition of the factors are important and it was alsohighlighted by the previous researchers. The company must develop proper relationship with thesuppliers and thus it will help in developing the level of commitment. The supply chain
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5RESEARCH PROJECTframework is also associated with quality, on time delivery, level of rivalry among the otherfirms and competition in these sector. Environmental uncertainty is regarded as the vital factorthat is associated with the strategic supply management plan. The rise in the outsourcingactivities in different industries will augment the awareness of the importance of different supplychain management that will help in building better relationships among the differentorganization. The companies must understand that imports are a better option and thus helps inobtaining flexibility in the supply chain framework. The uncertainty will affect the performanceof the company and thus it will reduce the strategic relationship with the suppliers in theorganization. The companies must try to execute the new strategies that will help them to dealwith different kinds of uncertainties in the supply chain framework. It is important for thecompanies to remain inclined towards the suppliers in different ways. The adversarialrelationship is mainly associated with the relationship between the suppliers and the buyers. Itcan be said that there will be no cost reduction in the supply chain framework (Tachizawa andYew Wong 2014). It will be beneficial for the suppliers to develop alliance and partnerships thatwill be beneficial to the buyers as well as to them. It might be based on personal, production andsymbolic networking and this in turn will be associated with strategic alliance in theorganization. The co-ordination and integration of different activities with the suppliers and theimportance to understand the needs of the customers will be beneficial to the organization. Theimportant planning tools are the manufacturing resource planning, material requirement planningand enterprise resource planning. These planning tools will allow the organization to schedulethe various production activities that are specific and helpful in meeting the deadlines. There arealso some important IT tools that will be used in management and execution of the activities andassociations in the supply chain framework (Zare 2017).
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6RESEARCH PROJECTHow and why did you chose the project?The research paper is different from the other research methods and it focuses on adifferent area compared to the previous researches. The supply chain management framework isapplied by the different companies and it yields proper results such as financial performance,time reduction, building trust among the supplier and customer satisfaction. The project ischosen because it is significant for the companies to resort to the varied supply chain practicesso that they can improve their performance. It is also imperative to understand the working of asupply chain and the various factors that are associated with it. Moreover, the organizations mustalso focus on improving the effectiveness of the supply chain management. The businesses weredriven by monopolistic strategies. The small and the medium enterprises find the task of supplychain very challenging and it is important to find out appropriate ways to deal with these supplychain strategies effectively. To face the challenges and to overcome them, it is important for theorganizations to have effective collaboration with the customers and the suppliers and this shouldbe in terms of quality, delivery, innovation and cost (Stadtler 2015). 2. Literature Review2.1 Framework for green supply chain managementAccording to Govindan et al.(2014), the variation in the production processes will help ininfluencing the supply chain management. Some of the major impact will include the capabilitiesof the processes that will use different materials, the capabilities of the process to integrate theremanufactured or the reusable components in the system and the processes that are generallyused for the prevention of waste. This focus on the environment innovation is due to the fact thatproduction is one of the most important element in the operational cycle that will help in the
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7RESEARCH PROJECTdevelopment of the organization. It can be said that this supply chain plays a significant role inthe implementation and improvement of competitive advantage of the firm. The identification ofthe business benefits for varied environmental initiatives and improvement in the performance ofthe businesses is vital for the dissemination of initiatives in small and large enterprises.Moreover, green supply chain is defined as one of the main effort that is aimed at reduction ofwaste for environmental as well as economic reasons with reference to protection of theenvironment. The internal environmental operations, green purchasing and green logistic areregarded as integrative in the supply chain approaches. It can also be said that green supply chainmust focus on the grounded as well as experimental approaches. There are certain organizationsthat fail to adopt the green supply chain management concepts due to certain internal factorssuch as communication structure, sunk costs, institutional norms and internal politics. It is alsoimportant to identify the different barriers which must be removed for the adoption of greensupply chain management practices. 2.2. Critical factors for the success of supply chain Denolf et al.(2015), has highlighted that the success of the organization depends on itsability to co-operate and integrate the varied supply chain partners in the organization. Theenterprises also needs to transcend the different boundaries in the traditional organization and theother enterprises are also trying to adopt these system. The organizations must also build thesupply chain framework in such a way so that the relationship between their partners are builtand co-ordinated in a proper way. These contracts are regarded as the legal instruments that areused to define the different inter-organizational cultures in the organization. This kind ofconnection among the supply chain organizations is regarded as a good predictor for the successof supply chain relationships. The trust among the supply chain partners is important for the
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