
Global Factors Business Environment Assignment


Added on  2021-01-01

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Global Factors Business Environment Assignment_1

TABLE OF CONTENTSTOPIC:.............................................................................................................................................1INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1Research Background.............................................................................................................1Rationale.................................................................................................................................1Aim and Objectives................................................................................................................2LITERATURE REVIEW................................................................................................................2Meaning and Concept of global business environment..........................................................2Advantages of global business environment on the functions and operations of retail business.................................................................................................................................................3Risk faced by organisation in retail industry operating in global business environment.......3RESEARCH METHODOLOGIES.................................................................................................4Research Methods..................................................................................................................4Research Approach.................................................................................................................4Sampling.................................................................................................................................4Data Collection.......................................................................................................................5Data Analysis..........................................................................................................................5FINDINGS AND RESULTS...........................................................................................................5RECOMMENDATION.................................................................................................................11ALTERNATIVE RESEARCH METHODOLOGIES .................................................................12REFLECTION...............................................................................................................................13CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................14REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................15APPENDIX....................................................................................................................................17
Global Factors Business Environment Assignment_2

TOPIC:“To identify the risk and benefits of global business environment on the functions andoperations aspect of business in retail sector. A study on Marks and Spencer.” INTRODUCTIONGlobalisation is a fact because of technology, because of an integrated global supplychain, because of changes in transportation. Globalisation is the speed of light. It is the spread ofproducts, technology, information and jobs across the national borders and cultures. In additionto this, global business environment is the environment in different sovereign nations withfactors exogenous to home environment of the company, affecting decision making on theresources use as well as capabilities (Murray, Skene and Haynes, 2017). Legal, social, political,technological, social and economic and all the global external factors which influence thebusiness in both positive and negative way. After globalisation, organisation had graphed manyopportunities to trade across the world as globalisation has also developed liberalisation policy.Apart from the positive things, globalisation has also led to raise many risks in the operationsand functions of business such as trade imbalance, dominant global brands, rapid change intechnologies etc. Thus, this present report will identify the risk and benefits of global business environmenton the functions and operations of business by using various techniques and methods. Research BackgroundThis present research study is based on identifying the risk and benefits of globalbusiness environment on the functions and operations Marks and Spencer (M&S) is a majorBritish multinational retailers in United Kingdom. It is one of the recognised brand in clothingand other luxury goods. Within increasing trade across the boarders, Marks and Spencer alsoraise the production scale of the company for which they start selling their product across theworld (Dyllick and Muff, 2016). Further, the migration of labour across the nations is alsoincreased which is also one of the great advantage for company working in the global market.Further, the risk factors is that if particular country do not have liberal policies than theoperations are badly affected. RationaleThe reason behind choosing the topic globalisation is that it is one of the word which isvery popular in the context of business. It is fact that globalisation has bought many1
Global Factors Business Environment Assignment_3

opportunities for businesses to grow and expand but it also leads many risk factors. In thispresent research study, the impact of global business environment is on the operations andfunctions of the company as it has been noticed that the country which do not provide liberalpolicies of trade it will directly affect the operation and function of firm (Namada, 2018) .Aim and ObjectivesAim:“To identify the risk and benefits of global business environment on the functions andoperations aspect of business in retail sector. A study on Marks and Spencer.” Objectives:To articulate the meaning and concept of global business environment. To identify the advantages of global business environment on the function and operationsof retail business. To determine the risk that organisation faces operating in global business environment. To provide recommendations to expand the business in global business environment bytaking advantages and overcoming the risk factors. ResearchQuestions:1.What is the meaning and concept of global business environment?2.What are the advantages of global business environment on the function and operationsof business?3.What are the risk that organisation faces operating in global business environment?4.What are the recommendations to expand the business in global business environment bytaking advantages and overcoming the risk factors? LITERATURE REVIEWMeaning and Concept of global business environmentAs per the Kolk, (2016) global business environment is the environment in varioussovereign nations, with factors exogenous to home countries of the company affecting thedecision making resources use and capabilities. It is very important for organisation that tounderstand the social environment of the host nation they are operating as there are thousands ofcountry that operate in many parts of the globe. These companies shave to acquaint themselveswith the language as well as culture of the nations where they are operating. All the policies andstrategies needs to be followed by the counties where they are operating and it may vary from2
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