
Equality and Diversity in the Workplace


Added on  2023-01-18

23 Pages4995 Words83 Views
Professional Development
Equality and Diversity in the Workplace_1

Table of Contents
TOPIC – “Equality and Diversity in the Workplace”......................................................................1
INTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................................1
Background of the research work ..........................................................................................1
Problem statement .................................................................................................................1
Research Aim ........................................................................................................................2
Research Objectives...............................................................................................................2
Research Questions................................................................................................................2
Rational of research................................................................................................................2
LITERATURE REVIEW................................................................................................................3
Concept of equality and diversity at workplace.....................................................................3
Importance of equality and diversity in supporting the diverse workforce of Marks and
Constraints encountered by Marks and Spencer in facilitation of equality and diversity......3
Workplace discrimination, impacts upon performance level of Marks and Spencer's staff
Introduction ...........................................................................................................................5
Method outline .......................................................................................................................5
Research Philosophy .............................................................................................................5
Research approach .................................................................................................................6
Research design .....................................................................................................................6
Data collection process ..........................................................................................................6
Sampling method ...................................................................................................................6
Sample size and techniques ...................................................................................................6
Research data analysis ...........................................................................................................6
Ethical consideration..............................................................................................................6
TIMELINE OF RESEARCH ACTIVITIES....................................................................................7
DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION ............................................................................9
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REFLECTION ..............................................................................................................................18
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TOPIC – “Equality and Diversity in the Workplace”
Equality and diversity is defined as promoting equality of opportunity for all individuals
working in an organisation. This is achieved by providing each and every individual working in
the company good opportunities in order to enhance their career and abilities. There are various
acts adopted by organisations for providing equal opportunities to employees at workplace.
Equal opportunity is defined as understanding the way in which people or individuals are treated.
A diverse workforce is helpful for an organisation to offer wide range of resources, skills and
ideas for giving the company competitive advantage. It is very important for an organisation to
develop effective strategies for providing equal treatment to employees at workplace. In this
way, the motivation and employee engagement level will increase. The present research is done
using the company naming Marks and Spencer this company was founded in the year of 1884.
The founders of this company are two friends naming Michael Marks and Thomas Spencer. This
is one of the major British multinational retailer and the headquarters of this company are
situated in Westminster, London. This company deals in clothing, home products and food
products. Equality and diversity in the workplace is beneficial for M&S. As it will help an
enterprise by promoting innovation at workplace. Through innovation company can easily attract
more customers and retain workers for long time. Discrimination is one of the major issue that
occurs in Marks and Spencer. Thus, it is taken care that all employees are feeling motivated and
involved within company.
Background of the research work
Marks and Spencer is a company that is dealing in different countries across the world.
This company has employees from different background, culture and ages and they work
together for achieving organisational goals. This is important for Marks and Spencer to provide
equal opportunities to all employees at workplace so that they do not feel discriminated.
Problem statement
This research is conducted for Marks and Spencer as there is problem faced by this
company where employees are not treated equally. Some of them have complained that there is
partiality in judgements and because of this employees are demotivated. They do feel connected
within this organisation. This is a big problem for company as it is essential for company to
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motivate all it's employees and make them engaged within he company. The researcher is using
qualitative research methodology for conducting effective research.
Research Aim
In order to conduct the investigation on chosen topic, researcher has developed the aim
and i.e. “To analyse the importance of equality and diversity in reducing discrimination at
workplace and to create effective working environment”. A case on Marks and Spencer.
Research Objectives
To understand the concept of equality and diversity at workplace.
To determine the importance of equality and diversity in supporting the diverse
workforce of Marks and Spencer.
To examine the constraints encountered by Marks and Spencer in facilitation of equality
and diversity.
To analyse the impact of workplace discrimination on performance of Marks and
Spencer's staff members.
Research Questions
What can be considered as the concept of equality and diversity at workplace ?
What is the importance of equality and diversity in supporting the diverse workforce of
Marks and Spencer ?
What could be considered as the constraints encountered by Marks and Spencer in
facilitation of equality and diversity.
How workplace discrimination, impacts upon performance level of Marks and Spencer's
staff members.
Rational of research
The rationale for conducting this research is to analyse and evaluate importance of
diversity and equality for minimising acts of discrimination at workplace. If there are less
discrimination cases then it will help business organisation for developing healthy and creative
work culture. Also, by conducting this research, the investigator will be able to enhance
knowledge about the different ways by which equality and diversity affects workplace. Within
Marks and Spencer, there are a lot of employees who are not comfortable while working. Thus,
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there must be effective strategies developed for providing equal opportunities to employees in
the company.
Concept of equality and diversity at workplace
According to Oswick and Noon, (2014), The main concept of equality is related to the
way in which employees are treated within workplace. They must not be discriminated on the
basis of any type of factor like race, sex or culture. On the other hand, diversity is another
concept related to recognising that individuals are different from one another. This also consists
of valuing and respecting people as individuals not on the basis of differences. Within UK
companies, Equality Act 2010 strictly states that all employees must be treated in equal manner.
This means that people coming from different cultures are able to bring new and innovative ideas
which can make effective working of the company.
Importance of equality and diversity in supporting the diverse workforce of Marks and Spencer
According to Klein, (2016), equality & diversity at workplace are related to a lot of
things. These are related to respecting individuals working in the company and not
discriminating them on any kind of basis like gender, race, sex, beliefs, skills, career
expectations, background, culture, etc. Marks and Spencer is involved in hiring individuals from
different cultural background. These employees are taken care by providing equal treatment.
These employees are motivate for doing good work in order to attain organisational goals and
objectives. In the present context of Marks and Spencer, it is seen that equality and diversity
training programs are organised by the managers of Marks and Spencer for making them work
effectively in the company. These programs are based upon different topics like types of
discrimination, compliance, legal background. These training sessions helped this company for
implementing the equality and diversity practices within the workplace. The training program
have been organised and these are bound by consideration of workforce and staff people are not
discriminated at workplace.
Constraints encountered by Marks and Spencer in facilitation of equality and diversity
As mentioned by Leeflang and et. al., (2014), there are various issues in companies
while equality and diversity programs are organised within workplace. Marks and Spencer is a
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