
Barriers for the development of a strategic approach caused by economic and day-to-day operational pressures


Added on  2022-11-24

23 Pages4283 Words452 Views
Research Project
Barriers for the development of a strategic approach caused by economic and day-to-day operational pressures_1

Table of Contents
Topic: “Barriers for the development of a strategic approach caused by economic and day-to-day
operational pressures.”.....................................................................................................................3
Chapter One: Introduction ..............................................................................................................3
Research Aim..............................................................................................................................3
Research rationale.......................................................................................................................3
Research Questions.....................................................................................................................3
Research Objective.....................................................................................................................3
Significance of the Research.......................................................................................................4
Chapter Two: Literature Review ....................................................................................................5
Main body...................................................................................................................................5
Chapter Three: Methodologies .......................................................................................................7
Research philosophy...................................................................................................................7
Research Approach.....................................................................................................................7
Research Strategy........................................................................................................................7
Research choices ........................................................................................................................7
Data collection ...........................................................................................................................8
Ethical Implications....................................................................................................................8
Chapter Four: Findings (Data Analysis and Presentation) .............................................................9
Chapter Five: Discussion (Data Interpretation).............................................................................11
Chapter Six: Conclusion, Recommendations and Implications for Further Research (500).........17
Recommendation and Implication for further research............................................................17
Appendix ......................................................................................................................................20
Barriers for the development of a strategic approach caused by economic and day-to-day operational pressures_2

Topic: “Barriers for the development of a strategic approach caused by
economic and day-to-day operational pressures.”
Chapter One: Introduction
Research Aim
“To evaluate challenges for the development of strategic approaches which may cause by
the economic and operational pressures. A case study on Next Plc.”
Research rationale
One of the main reason to work and make effective use of talent management is related to
effective growth and work for the most important aspect to work on major changes. The need of
major talent management and work as per the growth to analyse the outcome and work to
analyse effective possible and employees growth. With the effective analyse of different barriers
and make development approaches in order to caused by effective economic and operational
pressure on the company (Khatter and et.al., 2021). The chosen company for this research is
Next Plc, founded in 1864 and more than 500 stores are available. Further, company to work and
make revenue £3,284.1 and having more than 44000 employees in all over the places. This
become the reason to work and make significant aspect to analyse the use of talent management
and work to promote effective growth.
Research Questions
What is the role of strategic approaches that can be implemented to effective talent
management strategies?
Which barriers would be faced by the company to apply different range talent
management strategies due to economic and operational pressures?
What strategies must be used by the company to overcome the above discussed barriers?
Research Objective
To analyse the role of strategic approaches in order to implement talent management
strategies within the company.
To determine major challenges face by Next Plc to apply different range of economic and
operational pressures.
Barriers for the development of a strategic approach caused by economic and day-to-day operational pressures_3

To evaluate the major strategies used by the company to overcome the above discussed
Significance of the Research
The main significant of the research is to avoid major barriers face by the company and
make growth in addressing effective adaptability and make changes as per the growth and
affectivity of the firm (Nchanji and et.al., 2021). The topic help the company and other
researchers to work on the talent management policies and challenges face by them in an
appropriate manner. Further, after the impact of covid-19, companies make a systematic changes
and work as per the growth to analyse and work with the growing activities and major changes.
Barriers for the development of a strategic approach caused by economic and day-to-day operational pressures_4

Chapter Two: Literature Review
The use of literature review is very helpful in gain more authenticate knowledge and
provide relevant sources to manage data. All of these are helpful for the growth to work and
make appropriate changes in an effective manner. With the help of LR, in talent management
improve basic knowledge to work and make specific topics with the help of effective sources.
All of these are helpful for gaining advance knowledge and provide reliable sources to manage
data in an authenticate manner.
Main body
To analyse the role of strategic approaches in order to implement talent management strategies
within the company
As per the view of Vulpen, (2020); human resource of the organisation are related to
effective growth and implement the use of talent management strategies to work and make
significant growth to analyse the prospective changes. With the help of effective talent
management approaches within the company, most of the factors are related to work and make
simple argumentative statement to analyse major changes in the growth of company. The use of
talent management, it help in effective performance to work and make growth to make positive
talent management and work financial performance changes (Martínez-Martínez, Cegarra
Navarro and Bolisani, 2021). Further, the company make a systematic changes and allow the
competitive changes to allow the growth and implemented right talent management strategies to
overcome the issue and analyse the role and make significant growth. Another way for doing
effective talent management strategies are related to work and make innovation and decrease
turnover to analyse the growth (Creating a Talent Management Strategy – the Full Guide, 2018).
All is related to work and make some strategies to work and grow in order to provide effective
To determine major challenges face by Next Plc to apply different range of economic and
operational pressures
As per the views of Beattie, (2021); while a business work and make significant growth,
small business to analyse effective growth and work to make changes. When the use of effective
talent management strategies to work and make effective places in Next plc and it is needed to
Barriers for the development of a strategic approach caused by economic and day-to-day operational pressures_5

overcome the issues through economic and operational pressure (Jones And et.al., 2021). All of
these are related to work and make significant approaches to analyse growth in strategic manner;
one of the issue is controlling and managing money, and reserve the cash in an effective manner.
Further, the change in fatigue sector for applicable and manage data in order to work and balance
as per the growth and make qualities to manage growth. With the help of above challenges the
company can make effective strategies for analysing growth an make suitable changes for using
appropriate growth in an authenticate manner (5 Biggest Challenges Facing Your Small
Business, 2021). One of the major challenges and barriers must be affected as per the growth and
make suitable changes for applying operational and economic challenges to work and make
suitable changes in an authenticate manner.
To evaluate the major strategies used by the company to overcome the above discussed
According to the prospective of Bonic, (2021); there are different ways and make suitable
changes to work and make effective growth to work and analyse as per the company atmosphere.
All is related to work and make effective changes to overcome the above discussed challenges
and manage the data and use report to analyse major changes. The use of effective growth and
make subsequent changes diverse to work and manage strategic tools to analyse sources and
make effective outcome to work and imbalance the growth and strategic analyse for
implementing processing activities (The Talent Management Muddle: Five Priorities to
Overcome It, 2021). All of the strategies to work and make significant growth to overcome the
issues and make suitable changes for the essential growth.
With the help of above Literature review, it is analyse that the company make effective
strategies to overcome the barrier in an appropriate way. Further, this will be related to manage
data and make more effective growth in reliable data. Different barriers are identified and
manage sources to evaluate data and manage strategies to enhancement of employee's
performance and adoptive knowledge.
Barriers for the development of a strategic approach caused by economic and day-to-day operational pressures_6

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