
The Impact of Gender Discrimination on Employee Performance in Sainsbury


Added on  2023-01-11

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Calculus and Analysis
Research Proposal Form
Student Name: ______________________ Student ID: ____________
Centre Name: _____________________
Tutor: ________________ Date: ___________________
Unit: ____________________
Proposed Title: ______________________________________________
Section One: Title, objective, responsibilities
Title or working title of the research project (in the form of a question, objective or hypothesis)
Title:The impact of gender discrimination on employee performance in Sainsbury.
The main aim of my research is “To determine impact of the gender discrimination on employee’s
performance.” A study on Sainsbury, Drury Lane, London, United Kingdom.
Research Questions:
What is gender discrimination at workplace?
Does gender discrimination impact on employee’s performance in Sainsbury?
What are the different issues faced by Sainsbury from gender discrimination?
What ways should be adapted through Sainsbury to removing gender discrimination issues from
Research objectives (e.g what is the question you want to answer? What do you want to learn how to do?
What do you want to find out?):
To examine concept of gender discrimination at workplace.
To analyse the impact of the gender discrimination on employee’s performance in Sainsbury.
To assess the issues faced by Sainsbury company from gender discrimination.
To recommended ways Sainsbury should adopt to removing gender discrimination issues from
The Impact of Gender Discrimination on Employee Performance in Sainsbury_1

Section Two: Reasons for choosing this research project
Reasons for choosing the project (e.g links to other subjects you are studying, personal interest, future
plans, knowledge/skills you want to improve, why the topic is important):
Present research is based on the impact of the gender discrimination on employee’s performance. Gender
discrimination is a main issue at workplace and it makes the discrimination among the male and female
employees. At workplace, male employees are treated more favourable as comparison to the female employees
and this develops the negative impact on female employee’s performance level. There is personal and
professional reason of learner behind conducting an investigation. The personal reason of researcher for
conducting a research is to enhance the knowledge and skill base of researcher. On the other hand,
professional way of conducting research helps an investigator to gain the in- depth knowledge or information
on the gender discrimination. Through conducting present investigator, researcher can able to perform the
research activities in a better manner in future.
Section Three: Literature sources searched
Use of key literature sources to support your research question, objective or hypothesis:
Gender discrimination at workplace
According to opinion ofBeth Castle (2020) Gender discrimination is known as the sexual discrimination. This is an action plan that
denies the privileges, opportunities or reward of an individual due to gender. The discrimination on the basis of gender is civil rights
violation that takes the several forms consists pregnancy discrimination, sexual harassment and the unequal pay for women
employees which do have similar job to men. The circumstance where people are being treated differently is characterized by gender
discrimination, merely because they are male or female rather than based on their particular skills or abilities.Unlawful
discrimination takes place when an employer treated a applicant or employee unfairly because of age, gender or conventional age
norms. Gender discrimination covers everything under the umbrella of sexual assault, including unintended sexual growth, sexual
advantages and verbal or physical abuse. In context to this, gender discrimination develops negative impact on performance of the
female employees as company gives the less pay to employees than the male in performing the similar job responsibilities. It is
necessary for an organisation to find the effective ways to preventing the workplace environment from the gender discrimination and
also provide the equal job responsibilities and equal pay to female employees as to men. This is helpful in motivating them and also
make enhancement in performance level.
There are different theories related to discrimination mention below:
Accommodation-It is considered about the gender discrimination that arise the differences among male and female workers in an
Sexual harassment- It is related to providing the intimidating as well as hostile working environment to staff members. In regards to
this, quid pro quo sexual favours requested in exchange for job benefit.
Disparate Treatments- This theory states about the individual discrimination or the less favoured treatment on the basis of protected
group status.
Gender discrimination impact on employee’s performance in Sainsbury
On the basis of Jonathan Gabay (2018) Issue arise from the gender discrimination can extend to the personal reputation as well as
relationship and this can even leads to physical or mental issues. Discrimination at workplace could be because workers are not
handled equally in terms of people or classes relative to others and it is not because they are able to do similar roles as they are
assigned. The gender basis discrimination develops negative impact on performance of female employees in Sainsbury company.
Any business that is successful in the market can easily relate its performance to its workers with success and without adequate
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success is inaccessible in the workplace. The work of the employee is very important to each company and employer. In context to
gender discrimination, Sainsbury committed to facing the legal action from female shop floor employees which claim to company to
pay less than the men which do equally jobs at supermarket chain. Discrimination on the basis of gender and inequality in assigned
facilities has a negative relationship to the output of workers and can minimize organizational efficiency.This has been stated that
relationship among gender discrimination and behaviour of management is necessary cause in developing association among staff
members and management. This is to be seen that it would impact on performance of staff members at workplace and also on
organisational productivity.
Different issues faced by Sainsbury from gender discrimination
As per opinion ofMichelle Seidel (2020) Gender discrimination can impact others, developing the self- reinforcing system which can
perpetuate discrimination by company and this can also lead to discrimination in decision making, HR policies and also enactment.
In gender discrimination, women receive negative evaluation of performance that criticise for being aggressive or low
morality.Gender discrimination may appear to be a minor problem at workplace, but it does bring to the conflict and pressure
between team members. Now this is clear that culture of the workforce devaluation the involvement of female staff, the emphasis is
moved from carrying out daily tasks to women's issues, which take action against sexism. Another result of discrimination against
men and women is that female employee will not feel motivated to do her job because her bosses do not respect her. In context to
this, gender discrimination hinders the productivity of company because it has not resolved issues which mainly impacting female
employees. Other than this, there are some issues faced by Sainsbury from discrimination given below:
Enhanced workplace conflict- Discrimination in harassment form and this has enhanced conflict at workplace. The focus of team
shifts from the job duties to office other work. Conflict develops the negative impact on the employee’s performance as this reduces
their productivity level.
Reduced Organizational Productivity-With enhance in the conflict and also reduce the morale, the productivity of company
diminish. It is necessary for the manager to know about the interest of employees and also provide them positive working
environment so that they can able to perform in a better manner. This has significant negative impact on organisational productivity.
Ways should be adapted through Sainsbury to removing gender discrimination issues from workplace
According to Jess Fuhl (2020), It is necessary for the Sainsbury company to find out the effective ways to remove the gender
discrimination issue from workplace as this develops the negative impact on employees performance level. From preventing
workplace discrimination, the performance of female employees will be enhanced, their morale can be increased and this will help in
enhance organizational productivity. There are some ways in preventing workplace from gender discrimination given below:
Educate employees about gender discrimination–The gender based discrimination is not limited to passing
the qualified women over hiring or promotions on the basis of their gender. This encompasses the harassment
of several kinds, using stereotypes and making feel uncomfortable according to gender. It is necessary for
management of Sainsbury to educate the staff members regarding the gender discrimination issue. If at
workplace, there is any person arise the discrimination then management should take the strict action against
Review salaries and standardize pay- It is necessary for Sainsbury organisation to review the salaries on
frequent basis among genders. In hiring, determine the pay scale provided by the years of experience, and not
the way the applicant negotiated the last compensation package, with some flexibility for special achievement.
Have a clear policy on discrimination- Sainsbury should having an unambiguous, unequivocal policy on
discrimination ensuring that workers have a clear way to inform and report on unfair workplace care. Ensure
that everyone understands and follows the strategy. Strict penalties for sexual misconduct and abuse are
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Be transparent- Join it with a concrete action plan on the steps Sainsbury take in reducing the gender wage
gap as an employer with specific goals and benchmarks. Contact the staff freely and frankly and describe the
practical changes that plan to achieve.
Castle, B., 2020. Gender Discrimination at Work: How to Find It & Deal with It. [Online]. Available through:
Fuhl, J., 2020. 10 ways to eliminate gender bias in the workplace. [Online]. Available through:
Gabay, J., 2018. Sainsbury’s gender inequality pricing malfunction. [Online]. Available through:
Seidel, M., 2020. The Effects of Gender Discrimination in the Workplace. [Online]. Available through:
Section Four: Activities and timescales
Activities to be carried out during the research project (e.g research, development and analysis of
ideas, writing, data collection, numerical analysis, tutor meetings, production of final outcome,
evaluation, writing the report): Ho
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