
Impact of Covid-19 on Employee's Job in UK Hospitality Sector: A Study on Hilton


Added on  2022-12-15

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Design and CreativityData Science and Big DataDisease and DisordersEnvironmental Science
Research Report
Impact of Covid-19 on Employee's Job in UK Hospitality Sector: A Study on Hilton_1

The research below comprise of the impact of Covid-19 states that employees face
problems and it is because various hospitality or other organisation reduce the number of
workforce to cut or reduce their operational cost. Covid-19 conditions impacted on all sectors of
the economy and society it also define with understand of all pandemic conditions it is essential
to formulate policies that minimise impact on workforce and their work methods. There are
various roles performed by an organisation to fulfil requirements of customers. Hospitality sector
provide different services to the customers but due to current pandemic conditions all trade
activities is reduced. This results employee's face various challenges and it creates challenges for
workforce to manage work in a proper manner. Therefore, it is mandatory for an organisation
and the investigator to complete all task in an organised manner specifically to improve their
work methods in order to reduce the risk related with employee's health. It define about all work
aspect and it aids workers for completing work according to supportive factors that increase and
expose all global factors to induce about health related factors that protect workforce from
getting affected because of current diseases.
Impact of Covid-19 on Employee's Job in UK Hospitality Sector: A Study on Hilton_2

Table of Contents
LITERATURE REVIEW................................................................................................................3
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY.....................................................................................................7
ANALYSIS OF RESULTS...........................................................................................................10
ANALYSE AND DISCUSSION...................................................................................................20
Research proposal.................................................................................................................29
Impact of Covid-19 on Employee's Job in UK Hospitality Sector: A Study on Hilton_3

Title: To investigate the impact of Covid-19 on employee’s job in the context of UK hospitality
sector: A study on Hilton
In the present scenario, pandemic conditions formulate various challenges or issue that
generate problems for organisation to perform their work in an appropriate manner. Covid-19
formulate long term problems and it results management face challenges to manage and retain
similar profits (Reardon, Bellemare and Zilberman, 2020). With investigate about all factors
related with pandemic conditions management analyse the number of surroundings to generate
centre that manage and prevent challenges related with workforce. Further, healthcare
organisation around all over the world support employee's and individuals to manage and control
disease. Until pandemic conditions gets over it is identified that impact of health, economy,
supply chain etc. to estimate about workplace and engage workforce for reducing the number of
challenges related with hospitality sector. Job loss and job change generate problems and it
create drastic changes on workforce roles and methods.
In the current times, Covid-19 affected the entire business operations adversely. Due to
this, business activities and performance of hospitality sector is affected the most. UK hospitality
industry is marked as third biggest employer which provides range of employment opportunities
(Brown. and Cowling 2021). However, pandemic created direct impact upon the job of
employees which includes salary cut down, reverse impact on talent pool and majority of
employees become jobless (Sharma, Adhikary and Borah, 2020). For the current proposal Hilton
has been selected which provide luxurious and high quality accommodation services to their
customers. In this, proposal will shed light on the effect that pandemic having on employee’s job
level within hospitality industry. Further, it also highlights the research tool and technique that
can be used by researcher to analyse issue effectively.
According to the views of Jung, Jung and Yoon (2021), the labour trend of UK hospitality
sector is fluctuating after pandemic. The hospitality industry contributes majorly in relation to
providing employment opportunities. Nevertheless, after pandemic it is the only sector where
most of the employees become jobless. Aguiar-Quintana and et.al., (2021) also identified in their
study that there is negative impact upon those individuals who have a lowest income. Therefore,
Impact of Covid-19 on Employee's Job in UK Hospitality Sector: A Study on Hilton_4

it is examined that there is such a rapid fall in employment where around 7.6 million jobs are at
risk in terms of reduction in salaries, temporary furloughs etc (Khan and et.al., 2021).
Chen and Eyoun (2021) presented their views that the effect of pandemic upon
hospitality sector is negative because of travel restriction most of the employees do not come to
their respective workplaces and then companies fire their employees. On the others side, Yu,
Park and Hyun (2021) also argued that due to sudden loss of jobs, existing employees gets
demotivated that also affect performance. Further, it shows that there is an adverse impact upon
the employee’s job and this also affect their behaviour as well. Apart from this, 1.25 billion
workers are employed within hospitality sector but with low paid and low skilled jobs which is
considered as a sudden loss of income (Covid-19 causes devastating losses in working hours and
employment, 2021).
Yue and Cowling (2021) explained in their study that most of the hospitality companies
deduct employee’s salary and increase working hours after pandemic, along with frequent job
cut. This reflect that there is a heavy loss of most of employee’s job and many of them work in
an informal sector that is creates reversing impact upon talent pool.
Research gap: There is not much study conducted within hospitality sectorand that is
why, through this research scholar provide impact of Covid-19 upon the employee’s job.
Aim: To study the impact of Covid-19 on employee’s job within Hilton”
To examine recent labor trends within UK hospitality sector.
To ascertain the effect of COVID-19 on hospitality sector with regards to labor relations.
To critically analyze the challenges faced by Hilton during Covid-19 on employee’s job
in the context of Hilton.
To recommend strategies to Hilton in relation to managing workforce effectually.
Research questions:
What is the recent labor trends existing within UK hospitality sector?
What are the effect of COVID-19 on hospitality sector with regards to labor relations?
What is the effect of Covid-19 on employee’s job in the context of Hilton?
The rationale for doing this research is to examine how Covid-19 affected the employee’s
job within Hilton. This in turn considered as a research issue because majority of the employee
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lose their jobs, whereas some of them gets demotivated. So, it is recognized as an issue now
because the overall trend of UK hospitality labour trends affected adversely which in turn
increase unemployment as well (Khan and et.al., 2021). Thus, through thematic perception test
technique, research could also shed a light on the level to which pandemic affects employee’s job
within hospitality sector. The existing pandemic conditions generate different challenges and it
aids to perform work with decided food system. Also individual manage work by analyse of
workforce that increase factors to complete all task in an organised manner.
A literature review is explained as a survey of different scholarly sources related with a
specific topic. This provide an overview about the current knowledge as it allow individuals for
identify of different theories, models, gaps and methods that exists within research. In simple
terms, literature review is explained as a search as well as evaluation of available literature
related with a specific topic. The main focus of literature review is to gather in-depth information
related with subject and it also aids to understand research into existing body to perform research
in a proper manner. Literature review demonstrate familiarity with body of knowledge and topic
that demonstrate credibility of work. Further, it also summarise about project and research
factors to investigate about all subject and gaps related with research project.
Investigate of labour trends related with hospitality industry
From the perspective of Jordan Hollander, 2021 In the present scenario, future aspects of
hospitality industry are changing with rapid speed and this refers faster changes among hotels
create various challenges for hospitality industry to perform all work according to decided time-
period. This is complex for hotel management to manage and complete all task according to
decided trends. Hotel management generate different results through adopting business task
which is related with specific hotel industry. It consider different research trends is identified and
it related with research trends that aids to design all aspects related with hospitality industry.
Hospitality industry is enhancing their size and it aids to perform all task in an appropriate
manner. This also consider about all those task by which all individuals complete task according
to research trends. It consider work is managed according to analyse of all systems which is
related with renewable energy aspects. Due to Covid-19 there are different changes related with
employees work is identified such as to use protective gears including mask, gloves and use of
hand sanitizer to perform their work in a safe and appropriate manner. This determines change in
Impact of Covid-19 on Employee's Job in UK Hospitality Sector: A Study on Hilton_6

hospitality business also formulate new way for labour to complete their task in a systematic
manner. It consider work is managed by analyse of research trends that is related with alternative
factors of changes. Smart rooms and internet related with aspects aids to spread about different
aspects that helps to access different areas to manage all work with decided smartphone.
Hospitality and tourism perform work with decided skills trade and proportion of work to
complete research in an desired manner specifically to manage task with decided trends. This
consider all work is manage by adding support that improve employee efficiency to perform
work in a proper manner. Moreover, detailed information is gathered and utilised by an
investigator to manage their work in proper manner. Local workforce plays an important role to
improve all factors which is related with hospitality sector. It consider prioritise related with
work help the stakeholder to perform their task with decided information. Further, hospitality
industry is also focused to manage their work according to environment sustainability and it
helps to perform work with decided manner. In the last, management complete their task
according to decided manner that make results by adoption of appropriate green practices and
aspects that is related with changes. It also define changing workforce is another factor according
to this it refer that employee's task are changing and due to this work methods of an organisation
is also changing. This results changes in demographic areas and global workforce methods also
create problems for management and engaged workforce to perform their task in a decided
manner in order to recruit effective workforce that improve overall productivity of organisation.
What are the effect of COVID-19 on hospitality sector with regards to labor relations
According to the J Hosp Manag, 2021 The labour crisis related with Covid-19 generate
pandemic conditions and it results that unemployment is increase at global level and according to
new assessment specifically with International labour organisation. This is complex for engaged
workforce to generate coordinated response which is related with crisis of employment.
According to this this is analysed that global unemployment impacts on labour relation because
now employee's are focused to manage work in a competitive manner. This define about
workplace aspect aids to complete task according to decided manner in order to relate them with
employment related factors. Their are different crisis relates with hospitality sector and it
consider lack of coordination generate problems to manage work related with organisation. On
the other side, protecting workers at the workplace, stimulation of economy and obtaining
support related with job aids to perform work in an equal manner. But due to different measure
Impact of Covid-19 on Employee's Job in UK Hospitality Sector: A Study on Hilton_7

of Covid-19 this is difficult for tourism sector to drive better growth and jobs in an organisation
specifically with those that is related with hospitality sector. On the other side, impact related
with workers aids towards formulation of efforts that represent and consider all those factors
which is related with International labour standards and also this helps to consult about policies
that reduce challenges for labour. In context of this researcher or investigator this is understand
unprecedented circumstances that is raised due to Covid-19 create different problems for
hospitality industry. According to this there are different thwart relates with all sector and it raise
question for management for survive in market for a longer period. It also define the main focus
of an investigator is to address different questions that relates with Covid and its impact on
employees behaviour. With analyse of all systems it is consider that participants perform an
important role to manage all work in an organised manner. This is also used to address about all
problems that is related with development factors of workforce and their relations in order to
manage work in an appropriate manner by studying about all those factors that is related with
Covid-19. Further, the last year was too much unsettle and unfortunate due to which diseases and
infection take place among all over the world due to which all work is stopped. It also define
about aspects that create loss of jobs so conflicts between labour take place that create problems
in order to ensure their job safety.
What is the effect of Covid-19 on employee’s job in the context of Hilton
As per the viewpoint of ED Frauenheim, 2020 With the spread of virus among all over
the globe, it is identified that hotels business face challenges because the number of room
occupancy, revenue related with business is decreased and this laid Hilton to manage work in
difficult situations. Overall, this is understand that choices offered by organisation aids to
increase in the number of jobs at global level. The number of corporate workforce is raised at
global level and according to this individual obtain longer results through managing task in
decided time-period. This refers hospitality organisation provide services to individuals for
increasing their revenue by attracting different customers. It also consider that this is unusual for
an organisation to generate high remarks for generating care related with workforce. In the hard
times, this is also complex for Hilton to sustain in market for longer period so different heart-
breaking decisions are taken by the management of Hilton Hotel and it is used to navigate about
all business factors that is related with business. This define work is managed in proper manner
specifically to identify all value factors through which results better to complete all task in a
Impact of Covid-19 on Employee's Job in UK Hospitality Sector: A Study on Hilton_8

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