
Tourism Industry Analysis and Strategies


Added on  2020-02-05

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Travel and Tourism Sector 1
Tourism Industry Analysis and Strategies_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION ...............................................................................................................................3TASK 1.................................................................................................................................................31.1 Key historical developments in the travel and tourism sector ..................................................31.2 Structure of the travel and tourism sector..................................................................................4TASK 2.................................................................................................................................................52.1 Analysis of the functions of government, government sponsored bodies and international agencies in travel and tourism.........................................................................................................52.2 Local and national economic policy influenced the success of the travel and tourism sector. .62.3 Implications of political changes on the travel and tourism sector in different countries .......6TASK 3 ................................................................................................................................................73.1 Factors affecting tourism demand..............................................................................................73.2 Supply has changed to meet the effects of demand in UK........................................................8TASK 4.................................................................................................................................................94.1 Evaluation of positive and negative economic, environmental and social impacts of tourism 94.2 Strategies that can be used to minimize the negative impacts while maximising the positive impact.............................................................................................................................................10CONCLUSION ..................................................................................................................................11References..........................................................................................................................................122
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INTRODUCTION Travel and tourism is a biggest service industry which has provided the huge revenue andsupport the economic development of the community. It is the largest employment generate sectorin the world. The factors that drive this industry are social, religious, knowledge, entertainment,education, business interest etc (Buckley, 2002). It is one of the fastest growing sector in many ofthe nations and potentially support the other industries. The present research has based on travel andtourism sector and to understand its contribution in the development of the country and community,London (UK) has taken into the consideration. The objectives will cover under the followingresearch are structure and history of travel and tourism sector, role of national and local governmentand international agencies in travel and tourism sector, impact of demand and supply on the tourismsector (Chi and Gursoy, 2009). TASK 11.1 Key historical developments in the travel and tourism sector Many nations have their own travel and tourism business from the pre-histoic times when itwas not working as an industry itself. In the past time, the intention of the people was for collectingthe foods by hunting the animals etc. But in the present time, the meaning of tourism has different.The new purpose of travelling are trade, education, learn new culture, adventures, accommodationetc (London's Tourism Industry. 2015). The key historical development in the travel and tourismsector of London are as follows. Ancient time: In this time, the Romans roads were developed with the intention of wars andbusiness. This development was creating the favourable conditions for England and other areas ofUK. It was promoting the travelling in the different areas of London such as Hampton, Enfield andChelsea. In 9th century, London was again starting to grow because of Roman culture. The majorhistorical development in this duration were development of public buildings such as Basilica Northof the Alps, temples, bath houses, large fort of the city and an amphitheatre. Along with this adefensive London Wall around the landward side of London was build by Romans (London'sTourismIndustry.2015).Middle ages: This was defining as a Dark Ages in which travelling became more dangerous, hardand less attractive. During this period, the travellers was experience pain and require more efforts totravel. But many of the people were visiting the new places for the adventure and avail newopportunities purpose. On the other hand, the word HOLIDAY was originate which means thatpeople were not working on the occasions. 3
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Post reformation: In the early of 17th century, the new meaning and face of tourism was developed.Under this period, a grand tours was organizing for young people to motivate them to visit anothercontinents for complete their education. Such types of tours was also for giving the inspiration tothe other people. Therefore, the major purpose of the visiting the other countries was to gettingeducation and understand the culture of that place (London's Tourism Industry. 2015). Industrial revolution: In 18th and 19th century, the structure of the society and their living patternwas starting to change. The urbanization in London and other areas of UK was spreading very fastspeed. Due to the industrial revolution, the steam power concept was taking place which was usedin operating the large machines and it made the production of the goods easy. On the other hand, theleisure activities were also starting in which people were visiting the new places during the breaksfor relax and hectic schedule. Current duration: Now, London is a most attractive and famous destination for the visitors. Thenew destinations for the visitors are such as museums, botanical gardens, artificial islands, zoos,theme parks etc (London's Tourism Industry. 2015).1.2 Structure of the travel and tourism sectorThe structure of the travel and tourism sector of London has most developed and it has acombination of the various elements which are as follows. Attraction: This element has motivated the travellers to visit London because there are two typesof attraction point: man made and natural attractions. Along with this, some recreation points arealso the main attraction points in London for the visitors such as parks and open spaces, walkingareas and sports regions (The travel tourism industry. 2015).Transport: It is one of the major element of travel and tourism sector structure of London. Thetransport facilities for the travellers are air, rail, buses and trams, cable car, cycling, ports and riverboats and roads. With the help of these transportation connectivity, the visitors have easily reachedto London from any place of the world. The travellers have the large availability of the transportoption and these facilities has connected the different areas of London to each other. Tour operators: There are four types of tour operators working in London whom aim is to providethe best experience to the customers during their travelling. Mass market, specialist, domestic andinternational tour operators are providing the guides to the travellers for the better understand thehistory and culture of UK (The travel tourism industry. 2015). Travel agents: These are private retailer and provides travel and tourism related services to thecommunity on behalf of different suppliers such as car, airlines, hotels, rails and package tours. Thetravel agents in UK are dependent, implants, miniples and business travel agents. Beside this, many4
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