
Resourcing and Talent Planning Assignment


Added on  2021-02-19

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Resourcing andTalent Planning
Resourcing and Talent Planning  Assignment_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................................3TASK 1............................................................................................................................................41.1 The major key contemporary labour market trend in various countries ..............................41.2 Examine organisations position themselves strategically in competitive markets...............41.3 Significance for working planning .......................................................................................41.4 Role of government, employers and trade unions to ensure future skills ............................4TASK 2 ...........................................................................................................................................42.1 Principles of effective workforce planning and tools used in the process ...........................42.2 Develop basic succession and career development plans.....................................................42.3 Contribute to plans for downsizing an organisation.............................................................42.4 Contribute to development of job description, person specification and competencyframeworks..................................................................................................................................42.5 Legal requirements in relation to recruitment an selection ..................................................42.6 Strength and weaknesses of various methods of selection and recruitment ........................4TASK 3............................................................................................................................................43.1 Evaluate how to maximise employees retention...................................................................43.2 Strength and weaknesses of various approaches to retention of talent ................................4TASK 4............................................................................................................................................44.1 Evaluate how to manage dismissal, redundancy and retirement effectively and lawfully...4CONCLUSIONS .............................................................................................................................4REFERENCES ...............................................................................................................................5
Resourcing and Talent Planning  Assignment_2

INTRODUCTION Resourcing and talent planning is important function which involves coordination amongrecruitment team and business in various aspects such as networking and selection of properhiring channels, forecast of required resources. In other words it is a process in whichorganisation attract and identify talented from large base of market those who aid companies togain more competitive advantages in effective manner. The report is based on Argos Ltd. Argosoperate their functions in merchandising sector, its headquarter is in Buckinghamshire, England.Further report is discussed on legal requirement within the workforce planning, labour markettrends, roles of government, employees and trade union for ensuring future skills in effectivemanner. In addition with this report include various tools which are used for effective workforceplanning, career development plans, discussed about job description and personal specification,various methods and process of selection and recruitment and its strength and weakness. Lastly,employees retention and different approaches which aid to retain skilled and talented employees. TASK 11.1 The major key contemporary labour market trend in various countries HRM is very important and plays a very distinct role in every business organisations,this department is involved in performing different functions and forming effective plans &policies for different departments of company. Trends affecting labour market conditions arediscussed below:
Resourcing and Talent Planning  Assignment_3

Economic: In UAE labour market is very loose and there is presence of lot ofredundancies and people are suffering from loss of job. In UK, labour conditions are differentthere are tight market conditions as there is shortage of skills in prospective labour for entry leveljobs and jobs requiring special skills, overall supply of labour in market is shrinking and demandis exceeding the supply. Recent;y, BREXIT has also affected supply of labour in a negativemanner. Emiratization: In UAE pay ranges are currently low, as compared to past. In UK there arevarious payment schemes and different contracts and provisions are specifically made forminimum wages. Legal: There is minimum requirement of age that is 16 both in UAE and UK. Which is abarrier for some children if they are willing to work at early age then this and support themselvesand their family. EVP: In UAE Global mobility benefits such as flexible working, wellness and nonmonetary benefits are given more attention. In UK taxation policies affect pay policies ofcompanies, other benefits like maternity leave, medical leaves etc. keep on varying. Legal: There are lot of requirements in terms of Visa and other work permit in UAE. InUK trade unions have high impact on policies made by companies for their employees. 1.2 Examine organisations position themselves strategically in competitive marketsIt is necessary for organisations, to position themselves in Market if they are facing highcompetition as there are lot of conditions in market which such as customer preferences,technological shifts, government policy changes and many others. These dynamic conditionsaffect position of all organisations. In context of Argos company follows some of followingstrategies to position themselves in market.Long term planning: Argos always believes in planning for long term they focus onplanning for a period of around 3 years. This helps company in identifying any problems whichthey migt face in future an develop effective solutions for it. Gap Analysis: Companies always try to fill gaps which occur between demand of humanresource and its supply. Same is the case with Argos they always make attempts that theybeforehand are able to identify future requirements and then make their policies according to it. Skill and competency programs: There are different types of programs which companiesdevelop in order to provide training to their employees one such common program is Grad
Resourcing and Talent Planning  Assignment_4

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