
Influence of Reward System on Employee's Performance within UK Retail Industry: A Study on Marks and Spencer


Added on  2023-06-07

13 Pages4023 Words361 Views
Data Science and Big DataStatistics and Probability
Influence of Reward System on Employee's Performance within UK Retail Industry: A Study on Marks and Spencer_1

Table of Contents
Background of research...............................................................................................................3
Background of organisation........................................................................................................3
Problem statement.......................................................................................................................3
Rationale of the research.............................................................................................................4
Research questions......................................................................................................................4
Literature Review.............................................................................................................................5
Concept of reward system and employees performance within retail industry..........................5
Different types of reward system used in Marks and Spencer to influence employee's
Different challenges faced by M&S to implement effective reward system within their
Impact of reward system on employee's performance of M&S..................................................8
Research methodology ....................................................................................................................8
Books and Journals:..................................................................................................................12
Influence of Reward System on Employee's Performance within UK Retail Industry: A Study on Marks and Spencer_2

Research Topic: “Influence of reward system on employee's performance within UK retail
Background of research
Reward system is important for both employees and employers within the organisation.
For employees, it is the thing that helps in motivation to perform better and to stay longer in the
company. Whereas, for employers, implementing reward system helps in attaining the targets
and goals in an efficient and effective manner. It is essential to have effective reward system that
ensures that workers and employees will create a strong bond with the organisation. The current
research topic will be based on the identification of impact of reward system that is used within
retail organisation in UK (Adeoye and Obanewo, 2019). Different types of reward system would
be found that works for enhancing the employees' performance. Implementing reward system for
employees also involves different types of challenges so that it would also be researched by the
research practitioner. Lastly, it would also be found the impact of reward system on the
performance of M&S employees.
Background of organisation
Marks and Spencer is one of the multinational brands that is specialised in merchandising
clothes, beauty and home products, as well as food products. The headquarter of company is in
Paddington, London. In 1884, the organisation was established by Michael Marks together with
Thomas Spencer. It has multinational business operations with more than 950 outlets across the
United Kingdom itself. It is found that the company has been severely affected by the impacts of
coronavirus which leads to cut-off jobs in the business. Many employees along with their
performance have been negatively influenced so that it is very much important to implement
effective reward system to improve the employees' performance (Marks & Spencer Group
Plc profile, 2022).
Problem statement
If the company has no effective reward system then it may face different challenges or
problems in maintaining the employees' performance which leads to ineffective goal attainments.
Reward system affects the employees' motivation as well, if they are demotivated towards their
work then it may lead to increase in absenteeism, lower productivity, low job satisfaction, low
morale to perform better and much more. Marks and Spencer also face the challenge in
Influence of Reward System on Employee's Performance within UK Retail Industry: A Study on Marks and Spencer_3

maintaining their employees performance in the business due to ineffective reward system.
Leaders or managers need to analyse different types of reward system that can impact the
performance of employees.
Research Aim and Objectives
Aim: “To acknowledge the influence of reward system on the performance of employees within
UK retail industry”. A study on Marks and Spencer
To understand the concept of reward system and employee's performance within UK
retail industry
To analyse different types of reward system used in Marks and Spencer to influence
employee's performance
To evaluate different challenges faced by M&S to implement effective reward system
within their organization
To identify the impact of reward system on employee's performance of M&S
Rationale of the research
The rationale of the current research is based on dual perspectives i.e. individual and
professional. From individual perspective, this research helps in getting the understanding of
reward system that supports employees to provide enhanced productivity in the organisation. It
helps in increasing the knowledge how employees get incentives, promotions or bonus in order
to remain influenced for the work. From professional viewpoint, reward system helps to decrease
the absenteeism rate in the organisation as employee get something for their hard work. It helps
in acknowledging the needs and requirements of employees that affects their work performance
(Kadarusman and Herabadi, 2018).
Research questions
What is the meaning of reward system along with employee's performance within retail
industry of UK?
Which reward systems exploited in M&S to influence the performance of employees
within their workplace?
Elaborate different challenges faced by M&S in the implementation of reward system
within their business.
Explain the impact of reward system on the performance of employees within M&S.
Influence of Reward System on Employee's Performance within UK Retail Industry: A Study on Marks and Spencer_4

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