
Sustainability in Food Service Supply Chains: A Review


Added on  2019-12-28

15 Pages4645 Words127 Views
Business DevelopmentLeadership ManagementProfessional DevelopmentMaterials Science and Engineering
Sustainability in Food Service Supply Chains: A Review_1

Table of contentsIntroduction................................................................................................................................3Task 1.........................................................................................................................................3a) Defining the roles and characteristics of leaders and managers............................................3b) Examining the roles of leader and function of managers in different contexts.....................4c) Applying leadership theories and models..............................................................................7d) Analysing and differentiating between the roles of leaders and managers............................8e) Assessing the strengths and weakness of different approaches within work environment....9f) Critically analysing and evaluating the leadership approaches..............................................9Task 2.......................................................................................................................................10a) Explaining the key approaches to operations management taken up by managers andleaders......................................................................................................................................10b) Explaining importance of operations management in terms of business objectives...........10c) Assessing factors affecting business environment...............................................................11d) Evaluating operations management improvement strategies...............................................11e) Analysing impact of the factors on business environment and wider community..............11f) Critically evaluating the applications of operations management and its impact on businessenvironment..............................................................................................................................12References................................................................................................................................13
Sustainability in Food Service Supply Chains: A Review_2

IntroductionThe practices and procedures undertaken by the management to improve the overallperformance and efficiency within an organisation are collectively termed as operation'smanagement. One should not oversimplify operations management just as the modification ofthe existing operation processes to meet the consumer demands but rather as the act ofintegrating raw material procurement and their transition into end user products and servicesso as to satisfy the demands of the consumers. This assignment shall help us to understandhow the roles and characteristics of leaders and managers differ from each other along withexamining their respective roles and functions. The various models and theories linked withleadership shall also be discussed.Task 1a) Defining the roles and characteristics of leaders and managersIn words of Beske et al. (2014, p.131), leaders and managers are interrelated yet they arefundamentally very different from each other. While leaders are more involved in performingappropriate tasks, managers are more involved in completing tasks in the appropriate manner.This kind of fundamental difference compels everyone to understand the roles andcharacteristics of both, leaders and managers. This clear understanding of the roles andcharacters will help to compare and contrast the differences and similarities between the twopillars of management. According to Stadtler (2015, p.3), understanding these fine nuances ofthe management can help organisations to solve their problems and tackle them by employingthe correct kind of person to lead the organisation or a team.As discussed earlier, leadership undertakes to do the right things. To further simplify thissentence, leadership can be summarised as the capacity of an individual to be impactful,influential and critical of the adequateness of the tasks performed by the individualsfollowing the leader. According to Brandenburg et al. (2014, p.299), leaders have thecapability to positively contribute to the feeling of effectiveness and accomplishment amongthe individuals. This is mainly so as leadership and leaders are more people oriented and thishelps them to better understand the most important ingredient of any market and company,the people. This statement is true because the market is people, the developers are people andeven the staffs involved are people, not machines. This kind of people oriented outlookenables the leader to gain the trust of the people they command. Their personality isincredulous and alluring at the same time. They are highly imaginative and great minds havea tendency to be introvert and are not liked by others often but without any doubt, theycommand the respect of those who follow them. In words of Kafeztopolous and Gotzamani
Sustainability in Food Service Supply Chains: A Review_3

(2014, p.2), leaders are more private persons and have a very colourful, imaginative andcalculative mind which helps them to lead the people. They know which buttons to push toget the right results without hurting the self-confidence and loyalty of the followers.Successful outcome by leading and guiding the people towards the set objective is the mainconcern of any leader.b) Examining the roles of leader and function of managers in different contextsFunctions of a manager are:PlanningThis function of managers is crucial as theydefine the way of how they are going toachieve their goals and objectives.According to Manzini and Accorsi (2013,p.251), this involves prioritising the stepsthat are deemed necessary to achieve thegoals set up by the management. OrganisingOrganising and re-allocating the staffs andassets takes place in this step. The managersneed to have the authority and trust of thesenior management to organise a randomgroup into more focused and result orientedteam. LeadingAfter the planning and organising phase, themanager needs to identify the potential ofthe individuals in the group. As observed byBosona and Gebresenbet (2013, p.32), theylook for the pro and cons of the individualwhich will be helpful in giving clear cutinstructions. ControllingAfter all the above-mentioned phases, havebeen taken care of, it is necessary to takecorrective measures so as to keep the entireteam on track with the set-up goals,objectives and plans.Table 1: Functions of managers
Sustainability in Food Service Supply Chains: A Review_4

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