
Role of the Human Resource Management - Essay


Added on  2021-06-15

13 Pages3745 Words21 Views
Running head: HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENTHuman Resource ManagementName of the Student:Name of the University:Author’s Note:
Role of the Human Resource Management - Essay_1

1HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENTThe concept of “human resource management” has gained a considerable amount ofimportance in the contemporary business world. The employees of a particular organizationare its most important assets and therefore it becomes of paramount importance for theorganizations not only to recruit new individuals who would add a considerable value to theirorganization but also to retain them within the framework of their organization (Truss et al.,2013). “Human resource management” is more commonly called by the name of HRM orHR. The “Human resource management” is generally seen as a strategic framework whichdeals with the effective management of the different employees or the individuals who arerelated to a particular business organization or industry (Briscoe, Tarique & Schuler, 2012).The HRM team of a any business organization is imbued with a variety of roles like theprocess of selection as well as recruitment, induction, performance management, providingthe relevant information to the new employees about the job roles which they perform, jobdesign, management of diversity at the workplace, ensuring that the workers have adequateamount of work-life balance, addressing the grievances of the employees, providing primaryas well as the secondary training to the employees and others (Brewster, Chung & Sparrow,2016). This essay will discuss about the role of the “human resource management” within theagricultural industry. The essay will focus on the concepts of “recruitment and selection,managing diversity and work-life balance and performance management and also reward andrecognition and the benefits which they render to the business enterprises associated with theagricultural industry”. Agriculture has been a major source of subsistence for the human beings since theancient times. The agriculture industry from the various parts of the world generated netrevenue of approximately “$2.9 billion” for the year 2016 and in the prediction of manyexperts this particular amount is likely to continue to grow in a significant manner in thefuture as well (Willer & Lernoud, 2018). The customers of this particular industry can be said
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2HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENTto be the entire human population and therefore this particular industry is likely to have acustomer base of “9.7 billion people by 2050” (Willer & Lernoud, 2018). In addition to this,it is significant to note that this particular industry provides employment to around 65% ofthe people who belong to below the poverty line from the different parts of the world and thisparticular industry single handedly contributes about “one-third of global gross-domesticproduct (GDP)” (Willer & Lernoud, 2018). According to a 2016 report of the World Bank,“hunger is a challenge for 815 million people worldwide and in 2014, 2.1 billion people wereoverweight and obese, 62% of them in developing countries”(Willer & Lernoud, 2018). The agricultural industry, although “one of the largest ones of the world as well as oneof the most flourishing ones of the world” is currently facing various kinds of issues as wellas challenges because of the ineffective management of the human resources related to thisparticular industry (Findlay & McCollum, 2013). The major challenge this particular industryis facing at the current moment is its inability to get the adequate number of trained as well asskilled professionals. The industry currently has more than 600,000 job positions out ofwhich only 100,000 have been filled (Findlay & McCollum, 2013). Furthermore, it is truethat the industry provides jobs to m0re than 65% of the people belonging to below thepoverty line (Findlay & McCollum, 2013). However, not many educated as well as skilledindividuals like to opt for the jobs which the agricultural industry provides on account of thecrude nature of the work which they need to do. Thus, it is seen that in the majority of theagricultural organizations of the world the organization faces the problem of inadequatestaffing. Another significant problem which the majority of the agricultural organizations ofthe current times face is the problem of the ineffective performance of the workers or theemployees. Many scholars are of the opinion that the lack of the use of the recent technologyas well as the inadequate staffing is adversely affecting the prospects of the various
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3HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENTorganizations (Hennebry & Preibisch, 2012). Thus, the according to an estimate theproductivity rate of these industries is lower than the expected rate by almost 15% and isexpected to decline even further below (Hennebry & Preibisch, 2012). Ineffective management of the diversity and the cultural factors is another factorwhich has significantly affected the prospects of the various organizations in the recent times.The agricultural industry is one of the most diverse ones and it is generally seen that theemployees related to this particular industry are from diverse social as well as culturalbackgrounds (Shantz et al., 2013). The various organizations belonging to the agriculturalindustry fail to effectively utilize this particular diversity and thereby fail to perform as perthe expectations of the industry.The people who work in the agricultural industry had to lead a very hectic life andalso the amount of hard labor which they need to put in for the work is more in comparison tothe other industries. Thus, it is often seen that the various employees fail to effectivelymaintain their “work life balance” in the most effective manner and it is one of the mainreasons for the high rate of dissatisfaction as well as attrition of the employees who belong tothis particular industry (Alarcón & Sánchez, 2013).Many scholars are of the opinion that perhaps the most important role of the HRMteam is the conduct of the process of “recruitment and selection” (Kramer et al., 2011). Thisparticular role becomes very significant in the agricultural industry as well since this is one ofthe fastest growing industries of the world and thus it can be said that the role of the HRMbecomes even more a very important one in this particular industry (Alfes et al., 2013). It isduring the recruitment as well as the selection process that the various business organizationsrelated to the agricultural industry acquire the kind of employees who are to add value to theorganization concerned (Alfes et al., 2013). Therefore, the recruitment process which the
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