
Coconut Bliss Strategic Marketing Plan


Added on  2020-07-22

15 Pages4920 Words51 Views
Coconut Bliss Strategic Marketing Plan_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1LO1 .................................................................................................................................................1a) (P1) Relation of key role & responsibilities of the marketing function on organisation........1b) (P2) Role & responsibility of the Marketing related to company and its performance.........3c) (M1) Role of marketing in marketing environment:...............................................................5D) (M2) Importance of interrelationship between marketing & other functional units oforganisation.................................................................................................................................5E) (D1) Relation between marketing function & other departments of the company................6LO2..................................................................................................................................................61) (P3) Application of marketing mix at Coconut bliss:.............................................................62) (M3) Tactics applied by organisation to acheive business objectives:...................................83) (P4) Basic market plan for Coconut bliss:..............................................................................9(M4) Detailed coherent marketing plan for Coconut bliss:......................................................10(D2) Strategic marketing plan to fulfil overall marketing demands of Coconut Bliss:............11CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................11REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................12
Coconut Bliss Strategic Marketing Plan_2

INTRODUCTIONMarketing is the process to build a relationship between a company or product & thecustomer. It is based on the analysis of customers demand & market trends & modify the processor the product to cope up with the demands (Pike, 2015).The Company here chosen for the study is Coconut bliss. It is a Eugene based company, cofounded by Barry Kaplowitz, working in food industry.The fields covered in this report will be the analysis of the strategies & business plans,that the company will follow to meet the market demands. Various marketing mix techniqueswill be discussed & based on that, a business plan will be suggested to meet up the marketdemands(Brassington and Pettitt, 2013). LO1 a) (P1) Relation of key role & responsibilities of the marketing function on organisationMarketing department plays an important role in achieving the market growth & brandimage for a company. For Coconut bliss, its marketing team will workout to target as muchconsumers it can to gain its market base in food sector industry.As the company is on the starting phase, & low count on the number of employeesworking, the marketing team of Coconut Bliss has to develop a core marketing strategy that canhelp the company in raising the bar of its market share & brand image in the consumers(Badrinath, 2016). Thus, the marketing team can apply following steps or methods to improvethe market presence of the company:Getting idea of the customers needs: The marketing team of coconut bliss has to gain theidea of the current market trends as well as the taste of the customers. They can do it by:Creating surveys or getting the information by the sales team & customer care, whichinteract directly with the customers. Based on the data received through the marketresearch conducted & feedback received , the marketing team can decide a core plan forthe future(Dibb and Simkin, 2013).Also Coconut bliss can perform a campaign like events over social media platform toincrease customers awareness about the brand.1
Coconut Bliss Strategic Marketing Plan_3

Keeping a track record of market trends: the Coconut bliss has to keep an regular checkon the past & ongoing market trends & customers mood to make the strategy for thefuture. It is necessary because the taste of customers changes from time to time.Working for a brand image: Coconut Bliss has to look after the fact that brand image &brand value is the key factor which plays a crucial role in the sell of products of acompany. The marketing department of coconut bliss has to try all possible methods toensure the company gets a brand value & emerge as a popular food brand. Apart fromthis, the marketing department has to look that company maintains this brandimage(Babin and Zikmund, 2015). Coordination with other partners: The marketing team of Coconut bliss has to see throughits coordination with other partners or helpers in marketing like publishers, designers,reporters, business & sales executives & social media service providers so that the task ofmanaging a market presence for the Coconut bliss is maintained. Regular advertisementson various print or digital media & social media platform will catalyse the growth of theproduct in the market.To come up with something new & different: Innovation is a tool which can take acompany to places it has targeted. The marketing team of the Coconut bliss has to workfor some sort of innovative & storming idea either in product line, manufacturing or inmarketing strategy to transform its sales structure (Ebert and et.al.,, 2014). Company hasto understand that small changes can make big differences. Coconut bliss can work onintroducing new flavours in the market.Maintaining a strong interpersonal communication: For Coconut Bliss, the marketingteam has to laid a communication structure outside as well as within the company. Timeto time communication process can be held with the various departments of the company.This will ensure the team to find any sort of loophole or obstruction, that can have anegative effect on the brand image as well as better functioning of the company(Philip,2014).Improvement in sale processes & customer satisfaction level: As discussed earlier, oncethe communication process is been held in the company & the issues are been identified,the marketing team can work with the respective departments to remove the problem &2
Coconut Bliss Strategic Marketing Plan_4

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