
(PDF) The Role of Theory in Research


Added on  2021-02-19

10 Pages2880 Words98 Views
(PDF) The Role of Theory in Research_1

TABLE OF CONTENT INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................................3MAIN BODY ............................................................................................................................31. Applying the theory on the selected topic .........................................................................32. Apply the theory by which people behave they do work in company...............................43. Organizational examples of importance of applications of theories..................................5CONCLUSION..........................................................................................................................7RFERENCES ............................................................................................................................8
(PDF) The Role of Theory in Research_2

·INTRODUCTIONThis present essay is going to represent about different theories if job satisfaction bywhich help the company can understand the behaviour of their people. By using the best andjob satisfaction theories various companies like Tesco, Tesla, Volkswagen Toyota ofdifferent sector and industries make themselves able to understand different behaviourspeople. The main aim of application of theory by organizations is to achieve their pre-determined goals by identifying nature and attitude and then satisfy their needs accordingly(Lee, Back and Chan, 2015).·MAIN BODY ·1. Applying the theory on the selected topic Job satisfaction is one of the most studied variables in the area of workplacepsychology. It has been linked with number of psychosocial issues that different fromleadership to job design. Job specification is the pleasurable emotional state resulting fromthe appraisal of one job as accomplishing or helping the attainment of one job values. Themost definition involves effective feeling workers have towards their job or work (Judge andet.al., 2017). This can be the job in normal or their attitudes towards the particular needs ofit. The level to which work result meet or exceed expectation can define the level of jobsatisfaction. In this context, there are many theories of job satisfaction that have powerfuloverlap with concepts defining human motivation. The most common theories in this fieldinvolve Maslow’s need hierarchy, Herzberg’s two factors theory, job characteristics modeland dispositional concept.Maslow’s need hierarchy theory: This theory is one of the most essential which is to examine important contributionsto job satisfaction. This theory advice which human needs form five level hierarchycomprising to physiological, safety, belongingness, esteem and self actualization. This theorywas developed to describe human motivation in normal terms (Hierarchy of Needs, 2017).Still, it is main boarder which is applicable to work setting and have been utilized to describejob satisfaction. The financial compensation and well-being are some advantages within thefirm that can aid worker meet the basic physiological needs like food, shelter and water.Safety needs can noticeable itself through workers feeling physically safe in their worksurrounding and job security. When kit is satisfied, worker can focus on feeling as thoughthey belong to the company. This can come in the kind of positive relationship withcolleagues and managers in the company. When it is satisfied, worker will seek to feel
(PDF) The Role of Theory in Research_3

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