
Routing and Switching Traffication for a Telecom Organization


Added on  2023-06-13

11 Pages4216 Words287 Views
CCE2060 IPP Template 2015 – R Colson
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1. Title
‘Routing and Switching Traffication for a Telecom Organization’
2. Key words
Routing, Switching, Filtering, LANs, Network, and Telecom
3. Introduction an
The Routing and Switching Traffication is the method of transferring of the
information through a well defined network system (Odom and Wilkins 2017). The
wireless networks or wired network in an organization is a crucial factor that results in
forming the major influence for the deployment of the successive and effective
operations favouring the management of the improved operation development. The
routing and switching is helpful for the continuation of the network access favouring
the alignment of the activities and the formation of the successive development
methods (Wallace 2014). The use of effective network connection would be helpful
for the management of the operations and the formation of the operations and aligning
the modification for the formation of the operations. The analysis would also help in
listing the modification supporting the transfer of information. The following report is
developed as an individual project proposal and the alignment of the activities
favouring the management of the successive project approval (van der Steeg et al.
2015). The project proposal is developed for the project of ‘Routing and Switching
Traffication for a Telecom Organization’ and it would help in easing the alignment of
the operations for forming the management of the activities favouring the alignment
of the operations and listing the management of the operations favouring the
information proposal.
The ‘Routing and Switching Traffication for a Telecom Organization’ is
aligned for the deployment of the activities favouring the development of the
successive information transfer. The project is deployed for listing the modification
and alignment of the operations. The analysis would help in forming the management
of the modification supporting the transfer of information (Aslanidis and Kogias
2014). The routing and switching is helpful for the continuation of the network access
favouring the alignment of the activities and the formation of the successive
development methods. The use of effective network connection would be helpful for
the management of the operations and the formation of the operations and aligning the
modification for the formation of the operations. The network connection would be
developed and it would align the formation of the operations favouring the
development of the successive operation development (Peters et al. 2015). The
network connection would also help in forming the deployment of the communication
process for the Telecom Organization.
4. Evidence of req
The Telecom Industry requires the use of the Routing and Switching
Traffication for the functions of information sharing, integrated database, and
implication of the intranet technology. These requirements have been explained
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Information Sharing: The use of the Routing and Switching Traffication
would help in easing the deployment of the operations for information sharing. The
sharing of the information is helpful for the management of the improved operation
development. The sharing of information is a major requirement for Telecom industry
(Chatterjee, Sarma and Oki 2015). The information processing would help in easing
the utilization of the successive development model. The inclusion of the activities is
helpful for supporting the management of the improved functional and development.
The Telecom organization is largely responsible for the alignment of the improved
operational development. The information processing is helpful for the deployment of
the effective development of the operations and listing the utilization of the functions
supporting the listing of the operations.
Integrated Database Development: The use of Routing and Switching
Traffication would also be helpful for forming the implication of the single database.
The network connection and the improved communication would be based on the
single database connection and alignment of the operations favouring the implication
of the operations so that improved database can be implied (Liang et al. 2015). The
integrated database development would be implied for the alignment of the mitigation
of data redundancy.
Implication of Intranet Technology: The implication of the Intranet
Technology is required for Telecom Organization so that the network communication
would be implied for the utilization of the communication method (Sajjadi, Tanha and
Pan 2016). The analysis would also be helpful for using the management operations
and implying the effective development modification. The effective intranet
technologies would be helpful for forming the alignment of the improved operation
5. Problem definit
The defining of the problems would be helpful for listing the alignment of the
successful operation development and formation of the effective integration
development. The problems of the Telecom Organization are,
Issues in Sharing of information: The major issues of the Telecom
Organization are lack of methods of information transfer. The sharing of problems is a
major problem that would form the hindrance in the alignment of the activities and
forming improved operation development.
Lack of technology advancement: The slack in usage of the technology
development is another crucial factor that would form the issues in aligning the
deployment of the successful implication.
Competition: The competition of the rivals is another major factor that would
result in forming the major influence for the formation of the operation development.
6. Aims
The project of Routing and Switching Traffication aims for the following features,
a) Deployment of the successive network connection in the telecom organization
b) Alignment of the Network Development favouring the communication process
c) Effective intranet technology implementation for the organization
7. Objectives
The objectives of the project of Routing and Switching Traffication are,
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To use effective switching and routing traffication for the Telecom
To imply the use of the technology for aligning a single database for the
To improve the existing operations of the organization favouring the
deployment of the successive operation development
8. Methods chose
The method of implementation of the project of ‘Routing and Switching
Traffication for a Telecom Organization’ is deployed using Waterfall methodology.
The implication of the waterfall methodology is deployed for the alignment of the
improved functional development and operations. The waterfall methodology is
helpful for forming the alignment of the activities in a sequential method for forming
the alignment of the improved functional and operational development. The
successive deployment of the operations would also help in easing the flow of
information and ensuring that appropriate information is transferred to the required
personal. The waterfall is a traditional methodology and it would tend to form the
alignment of the operations for forming the deployment of the step by step activities.
The traditional waterfall methodology is helpful for forming the alignment of the
activities sequentially and it would also help in easing the management of the
successive deployment of the operations. The implementation of the activities would
also tend to deploy the management of the operations favouring the management of
the implementation model. The implementation of the waterfall methodology would
also help in forming the collective deployment of the activities favouring the
management of the operations so that the operations would be aligned successfully.
The project implementation is also helpful for forming the cohesive deployment of the
operations. The waterfall methodology comprises of 5 phases namely,
Project Initiation
Project Planning
Project Executing
Project Monitoring
Project Closing
The implication of the waterfall methodology for the project of ‘Routing and
Switching Traffication for a Telecom Organization’ can be understood by the use of
the project plan analysis. The project plan is developed by using the Waterfall
methodology and the project plan is divided into 5 phases namely initiation, planning,
execution, testing, and closing. The description of the 5 phases is given below,
Initiation: The initiation is the first phase of the project planning and it is
formed for the development of the project activity initialization so that project would
be completed. It includes analysis of the requirements, project initiation document,
charted documentation, submission of documents, review and sign off, and project
kick off.
Plan Phase: The planning is the second phase of the project activity and it
would be helpful for forming a plan comprising of the activities along with schedule
that would form the alignment of the project development activities. It includes listing
the required tasks, developing schedule for the project, reviewing the developed
schedule, and approval of the plan.
Execution Phase: The execution phase is deployed for carrying out the
activities of the project and it would favour the network development and deployment.
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