
RPL HLT33115 Certificate III Health Services Assistance – Assisting in nursing work in acute care


Added on  2023-04-21

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Healthcare and Research
RPL HLT33115 Certificate III Health Services Assistance – Assisting in nursing work in acute care
Self-Evaluation Document – Students that have completed the first year of BN
(Assisting in nursing work in acute care)
University attending and position in qualification:
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RPL HLT33115 Certificate III Health Services Assistance – Assisting in nursing work in acute care
Skill Set 1: Work Safely
This section relates to your knowledge, skills, and experience working effectively using work health and safety and infection control processes to maintain your
duty of care to yourself, clients and co-workers.
What evidence can you provide?
Q1. Can you show evidence of contributions to WHS
processes in the workplace?
I have been able to create plans that have helped in promoting the safety and
health of workplace. I have also investigated accidents and trained
employees on how to prevent hazards.
Q2. Can you use an itemised checklist to identify hazards and
I have been able to use checklist to identify hazards so as to evaluate the
overall health and safety of employees at the workplace. I have also used the
checklist to gather valuable information that has been used to assess the
valuable controls and corrective measures.
Q3. Can you demonstrate that you follow procedures for
managing risks associated with a specific hazard?
I have used procedures for managing risks associated with a specific hazard
so as to reduce illnesses, associated costs, as well as the number and the
severity of the hazards within the workplace environment.
Q4. Can you demonstrate safe manual handling principles? I have been able to adhere to the principles of safe manual handling and this
has earned me an internal manual handling certificate. I have also attended
seminars regarding safe manual handling principles and this has improved
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RPL HLT33115 Certificate III Health Services Assistance – Assisting in nursing work in acute care
my abilities to apply these principles while at workplace.
Q5. Can you communicate respectfully and with sensitivity to
varying cultural beliefs and their practices? I communicate respectfully to varying cultural beliefs so as to avoid being
offensive as well as show my appreciation to the distinctive cultures.
Q6. Can you show evidence that you complete, either
electronically or written, documentation according to legal and
organisational standards?

I have completed the written documentation according to the legal and
organizational standards so as to give substance to the activities I undertook
at the organization.
Q7. Can you demonstrate that you implement safe work

I implemented safe work practises by adhering to the emergency evacuation
procedures, creating a communication plan as well as creating a training plan
so as to identify who needs the training. I also implemented safe work
practises by setting up workstations to reduce injuries of posture and
Q8. Can you demonstrate that you contribute to safe work
practices in the work place?
conducted a workplace risk assessment and recorded the
contributed to a WHS meeting or inspection in workplace
consistently applied workplace safety procedures in the
day-to-day work activities required by the job role
followed workplace procedures for reporting hazards
followed workplace procedures for a simulated
emergency situation

I have contributed to the safe work practises in the work place by conducting
surveys, reviewing records and the inspection reports, creating a plan to help
prevent future hazards as well as evaluating the changes. I have also been
able to train employees about the possible hazards they may be exposed to
and also supported the culture of safety.
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RPL HLT33115 Certificate III Health Services Assistance – Assisting in nursing work in acute care
Q9. Can you demonstrate safe manual handling principles?

I have demonstrated safe manual handling by adopting stable positions,
thinking before lifting or handling equipment, gripping firmly and having the
weight close to the centre of gravity. I also ensure to assess the tasks, load,
environment and me as an individual before lifting, pushing, pulling or
lowering weights.
Q10. Can you Follow standard and additional precautions,
policies and procedures for infection prevention and control
including hand hygiene, PPE, respiratory hygiene, cough
etiquette, environmental cleaning, linen and contaminated waste?
I have followed the standard and additional precautions, policies and
procedures for infection prevention and control including hand hygiene,
PPE, respiratory hygiene, cough etiquette, environmental cleaning, linen and
contaminated waste by wearing gloves, gowns, washing equipment and
disposing wastes properly so as to prevent the spread of infections.
Q11. Can you Follow procedures for handling and cleaning
client equipment that prevents skin and mucous membrane
exposures, contamination of clothing, and transfer of pathogens
I have followed the procedures for handling and cleaning client equipment
that prevents skin and mucous membrane exposures, contamination of
clothing, and transfer of pathogens by protecting my eyes, using clean
running water, isolating areas and soaking in bleach so as to prevent
Q12. Can you Identify infection hazards and assess risks

I have identified infection hazards and assessed the risks by find out the
infectious diseases which are at risk in my section, determining who can be
exposed to hazard, carrying out inspections and evaluating the current
precautions in place.
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RPL HLT33115 Certificate III Health Services Assistance – Assisting in nursing work in acute care
Q13. Can you Follow procedures for managing risks associated
with specific hazards, such as care after exposure to blood or
other body fluids as required, Remove spills and Minimise
contamination of materials, equipment and instruments by
aerosols and splatter.

I would clean body fluids by first wearing disposable gloves and wiping
the fluid with disposable materials. I would then pour a bleaching solution
in the contaminated areas and wait for at least 20minutes and then wipe up
the remaining bleaching solution. After that, I will dispose of the gloves in
the respective bins.
Q14. Can you Confine records, materials and medicaments to a
well-designated clean zone
Confining records, materials and medicaments to a well-designated clean
zone helps limit contamination and also makes it easier to remember
anything entering the zone.
Q15. Can you Confine contaminated instruments and equipment
to a well-designated contaminated zone
I have you Confined contaminated instruments and equipment to a well-
designated contaminated zone so as to reduce the risks of possible
contamination of processed items.
Q16. Can you demonstrate sharps handling and disposal
Sharp objects should disposed in sharps disposable containers
immediately after being used so as to reduce the risk of needle
cuts, sticks and punctures. This should follow guidelines according
to the health department. Sharp disposal boxes should be labeled
so as to be easily identified.
Q17. Can you surface clean? I have cleaned surfaces to disinfect them so as to avoid the spread of germs
that may cause illnesses. Surface cleaning has also helps get rid of dirt.
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Q18. Can you demonstrate knowledge of state/territory
legislation and how it impacts on workplace regulations, codes of
practice and industry standards, including:
state/territory WHS authorities
rights and responsibilities of employers and workers,
including duty of care
hazardous manual tasks
infection control

I have learned of state/territory legislation and how it impacts on workplace
regulations, codes of practice and industry standards so a s to be able to
know the authorities involved, my rights and responsibilities as an employee,
the hazardous manual tasks I may encounter as well as how to control
infection. This has helped me to work in a well organized manner.
Q19. Can you demonstrate knowledge of safety signs and their
meanings, including signs for:
dangerous goods classifications
emergency equipment
personal protective equipment (PPE)
specific hazards such as sharps, radiation

I have learnt several safety signs and their meanings so as to prevent injury
as well as the possible danger. I have learnt the dangerous goods
classification, emergency equipment like fire extinguishers, personal
protective equipment like gloves and aprons, specific hazards such as sharp
and how to effectively dispose them off.
Q20. Can you demonstrate knowledge of hazard identification,
definition of a hazard
common workplace hazards relevant to the industry
workplace procedures for hazard identification

A hazard is any potential source of harm, accident or injuries that may affect
an individual’s health. Common workplace hazards include biological
chemical, physical, ergonomic, and work organization hazards. To identify
hazards, one carries out risk assessments, determines how the employees
may at risk, evaluates the risks and records the hazard.
Q21. Can you demonstrate knowledge of workplace emergency
Work place emergency procedures include evacuation, reporting the
emergency, performing first aid or even turning off the power.
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