
Working Practices and Strategies to Minimise Abuse in Health and Social Care


Added on  2023-03-23

1 Pages960 Words36 Views
Existing working practices and strategies
Some practices are needed which can solve the problem of abusive and
harmful situations between the individuals. These practices are described
Educating- It is practice of letting the every person knowknows
about the situation which are abusive or harmful in any way. There
are educators who can perform this practice in very efficient and
effective way. This practice also educates the persons about the
measures which can be taken to handle these kinds of situations.
Legislation- New laws or legislations can be made to protect the
persons from the abuse or harm. This can be only done by the
government. They are the one who should analyse the whole
situation and they make some laws which will safeguard rights of
each and every person. It will be very useful to minimise any kind
of abuse.
These are some working practices which are designed to minimise abuse in
health and social care. These makes the individuals feel safe and secure.
Evaluating the effectiveness of working practices and strategies used to minimise abuse in health and
social care contexts.
The working practice which works in the direction of minimising the abuse in health and social
care are very effective. They are working for very important and crucial cause so they need to be very
effective. Only by this they will be able to protect individuals from any kind of abuse or harm.
Educating the persons about any kind of abusive or harmful situations. It makes the individuals
have the knowledge and understanding about the actions and measures which can be taken for
handling these kinds of situations in effective and efficient manner. This practice is very
effective on its own. Knowing the information about each and every abusive and harmful
situation in health and social care the individual can take necessary actions to help the person
who is facing these kinds of issues.
Making legislations to control and minimise the abuse in health and social care is a very good
and effective practice. This will force every person to follow the laws if not then strict actions
will be taken against them. This makes the individuals feel safe and secure. It is made for every
kind or type of abuse which can be done in health and social care context.
Counselling practice is very effective in making the emotional health strong. Mainly it is
effective in the context of mental health. It maintains the stage of person’s health which is
emotional. This is stage which can easily get hampered. Working practice of counselling makes
the individual confident to face any kind of emotional situations which can lead to abuse in
health and social care.
Anti-discrimination is the practice which is very effective in handling the situation of
discrimination in health and social sector.
ICT is the practice which can share the information online. Information will be effectively
shared because there are many people who uses the online websites. It will be very helpful in
health and social care context.
These are the effectiveness of practices to minimise the abuse.
Counselling- It is the practice which is done by the professional
counsellors who help in maintaining mental health of the abused person.
It can help in enhancing the self confidence in individual which makes
them strong to handle the bad situations. It helps the old aged persons to
take actions which will protect them in any kind of abuse.
Anti-discrimination- This is the practice which is against the any kind of
discrimination done between the individuals. It helps the people to get
their rights despite of their age or any kind of status. Anti-discrimination
ensures that each and every person gets their right of protection in health
and social care context.
Information and communications technology- It is the practice which
can be used to share the information about the abuse on the online level. Possible improvements to working practices and strategies to minimise abuse in health and care contexts.
There are some improvements which can be made in the working practices and strategies for
minimising the abuse.
Monitoring process can be used to keep the control over every situation. Professionals who are
involved in protecting the individual from any kind of abusive situation in the health and social
care context like emotional abuse. Checking every activity of their lower staff will efficiently
help them to take control.
Government should make more strict rules and regulations which will be must to follow by the
persons. They should make some strict moves in social context to minimise the emotional abuse
in the older age people.
Councils who are working in this direction should work on making people aware and tell them
about how to help the individual who is facing the emotional abuse near them. They can contact
any higher authority and report about the abuse which is occurring and they have some
information about it.
Dong, X., Chen, R. and Simon, M. A., 2014. Elder abuse and dementia: a review of the research and health policy. Health Affairs, 33(4), pp.642-649.
Spencer-Lane, T., 2014. Safeguarding the public by regulating health and social care professionals: lessons from Mid-Staffordshire and the Law Commission review. The Journal of Adult
Protection, 16(1), pp.52-59.
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