
Secondary Research Workshop 2 Worksheet for Career Hub at Conestoga College Survey


Added on  2022-11-19

7 Pages2030 Words307 Views
Workshop 2 Worksheet
You are required to conduct research and write a report on one of the 4 survey
topics for your Research Report. This worksheet guides you through the process of
analysing surveys (primary research) and determining what secondary research
related to your survey topic might provide value for your client.
(A) Survey Analysis:
1. Indicate the survey topic you are investigating:
Career Hub at Conestoga College Survey
(A1) SWOC Analysis: Strengths and Weaknesses
Complete the table below by following these instructions:
1. Using the Analysing Surveys and SWOC Analysis guides from the learning
materials, analyse the results of your survey in order to explain in your report
what the results of the survey mean.
2. Identify the strengths and weaknesses from the survey that might be of
interest for your client.
Evidence to support each statement
S1. Awareness about
Career Hub
1 The point can be supported through the
results of the survey where we see that
the students know about the career hub
and they are interested in it.
S2. Placement cell is very
2 This point can be supported by looking
at the analysis of how the placement
cell is active in the college and the
students are very much interested in
getting a job after the work.
S3. Events and workshop 3 The students get to attain free workshop
conducted by the job portal and they
can learn about the process of how to
get a job and how all the job procedure
is done.
Evidence to support each statement
W1. Less number of
workshop attend by the
1 This point can be supported by looking
at the survey that the students are not
interested in attending the workshop
that is conducted by career hub.
W2. Career advise not taken
by the student
2 The student don’t take the career advise
which have been given in the career hub
Secondary Research Workshop 2 Worksheet for Career Hub at Conestoga College Survey_1

Secondary Research
website which shows the result that a
higher percentage of students are not
interested in taking any sort of advice
W3. Not aware about job
3 In the survey it can be seen though the
placement cell provide job postings but
the students are not aware of them
(A2) Opportunities to Add Value
In order to provide value to your client in your report, you should be searching for
information that fulfill these requirements:
1. Think of the possible opportunities to address weaknesses you identified in
your SWOC analysis of the survey.
2. Try to determine the opportunity that has the most potential to provide the
value to the client.
The opportunity should be of interested to your client and not already
Opportunities to address the weaknesses to provide value to your client? Rank
them in order and explain why in the rationale column.
Opportunity Rationale
1. Inform the students about the seminars
in the class, publish notice on the
notice boards, make the seminars
interactive for the students not just
having some boring lectures so the
students will be attracted and will be
attaining the seminars.
This methods will increase the
interest among the students and
the students will be more
interested in getting the
seminars and these seminars will
help the students to gain
knowledge about the job and the
job processes
2. The college should conduct face to face
counselling with the students and they
should ask the students about their
passion and interest and what they
want to achieve in their life and
organize specific job related for those
students where the students can come
together and know about all the details
of their favourite job and they can
attain the career advice.
This method will channelize the
students into knowing their
strengths and weakness. The
students if given proper guidance
can choose suitable career.
3. To make the students aware about job
postings they should give flyers, should
give notice on the notice boards, and
also give information in the class and
enroll name of the students who are
interested in the job
This method will help them in
learning about the job postings
and the students who are
enrolled for the job may tell their
friends about the job postings
Communications Dept. 2
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Secondary Research
(B) Email:
Instructions: Write an email to your instructor:
1. Indicate the survey you are analyzing.
2. Explain the key points from the survey from your analysis, focusing on
strengths and weaknesses using the evidence from the survey.
3. Explain which opportunity you are going to conduct further research on and
what part of your analysis has triggered.
4. The headings in the template below are there to guide you: create functional
and descriptive headings and sub-headings in your email to guide the reader.
SUBJECT: Career Hub at Conestoga College Survey
Opening (Purpose of the email)
The recent survey conducted by Conestoga College highlights the importance of
Career Hub and the survey conducted has provided us with some unexpected
results. The survey has highlighted some of the strengths and weakness of the
Conestoga College Career Hub portal
Details (Explain the key points from the survey from your analysis, focusing on
strengths and weaknesses using the evidence from the survey)
The following details are being divided into some points such as the strengths and
weakness that have been briefly discussed here
1 Awareness of the Career Hub among the students
2 Interest in working co-op position
3 Active Placement Cell
4 Number of Events and Workshop organized more
1 Attendance of workshop by the student is very less
2 Though there is career advice organized by the college but the students are not
willing to take the career advice in the college
3 Job postings students are not about the job postings that are being done on the
portal of Career Hub and there is a less number of students knows about the job
postings properly
Communications Dept. 3
Secondary Research Workshop 2 Worksheet for Career Hub at Conestoga College Survey_3

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