
Marketing Planning Framework for a New Business Idea


Added on  2023-01-09

7 Pages1339 Words54 Views
Select a business idea which
appeals to you and write an
academic report
Marketing Planning Framework for a New Business Idea_1

MAIN BODY..................................................................................................................................3
Marketing planning framework...................................................................................................3
Marketing Planning Framework for a New Business Idea_2

This report is all about a new business idea. There is a newly established business named
Cold Mountain has innovated a new exclusive ice cream, in which the upper management of this
new busines has claimed that, this ice cram product will definably attract thousands of customers
towards own brand in its initial stage. Reason is, owner of Cold Mountain has added the honey
flavour within an ordinary milk ice cream, after adding honey this ice cream has become very
tasty. This is report included the marketing planning framework also in this report which upper
management of Cold Mountain should be considered in its daily operations for effectively
promote its newly innovated honey ice cream product.
Marketing planning framework
The management of Cold Mountain need to make a specific marketing planning
framework which can definitely support to the company for gaining huge profit within the
market (Dolan, Seo and Kemper, 2019). A marketing planning mainly includes some productive
marketing tools and strategies which contributes in successfully running a business. So that a
productive marketing planning framework for this new business idea has been included here.
Current Situation
Analysis of current market situation is very necessary task to Cold Mountain, so there are
some productive tools and frameworks has been used below for perfectly analysing current
market situation.
PESTLE analysis
PESTLE analysis is very helpful tool in the terms of identifying key external factors of a
business. It indicates six key factors which are as follows;
Political: Political factors of the UK will positively affect to Cold Mountain, because local
government welcomes new business within the country. Reason is, when number of business
increases in this country, then unemployment rate also will be decreased.
Marketing Planning Framework for a New Business Idea_3

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