
Self-care activities for psychologists - Mindfulness Assignment


Added on  2021-01-01

7 Pages1428 Words269 Views
Self-care activities forpsychologists –MINDFULNESS
Self-care activities for psychologists - Mindfulness Assignment_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................................3MAIN BODY...................................................................................................................................3How Mindfulness works in professional life?............................................................................3Improvements in psychotherapist’s self care activities...............................................................3How can mindfulness build resilience in practice ?....................................................................5CONCLUSION ...............................................................................................................................5REFERENCES................................................................................................................................6
Self-care activities for psychologists - Mindfulness Assignment_2

INTRODUCTION Psychologist are the persons that studies normal and abnormal mind states of patients andcheck how they react in certain situations. Their duty is to interpret, observe and record differentbehaviours of patients and provide necessary counselling and prescribe appropriate treatment tothem. They also prescribe self care activities which can improve their mental ability and thus canlead a normal and stress free life. These activities improves the goodwill in the person and theyget the strength to deal with their stress and other issues. MAIN BODYHow Mindfulness works in professional life?MINDFULNESSIt is a state when person pays attention in the present situation in order to experience theirthoughts or feelings without judging them as good or bad. This process helps a person to focusmainly on current circumstances rather than thinking of past experiences and situation andanticipating the future. According to (Rayan and Ahmad, 2016),Mindfulness based interventions (MBIs) areincreasingly used by psychologists in the management of mental health conditions. As apsychologists, I am treating patients by giving them this treatment so that they can emerge frommental illness and can live a better and quality life. I also prefer Adjunctive mindfulness basedtheory, which is another effective treatment for reducing depressive symptoms and increase thewillingness to live a healthy life. MBIs are cost effective, portable and safe to use and can berecommended to patients as a standard care or self management strategy for major depressionand Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). EXAMPLE:Mindfulness is a great process to navigate relationship and expectations to get goodresults. This process work greats in psychotherapist’s professional life as this assist psychologiststo treat major depressions and enabling person to focus in their present as compared to past andfuture.Improvements in psychotherapist’s self care activities Psychotherapist’s practice are highly appreciable and rewarding as they improvesomeone life by giving them necessary treatments and counselling. They make significant effort
Self-care activities for psychologists - Mindfulness Assignment_3

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