
Situational effects on consumer behavior Question Answer 2022


Added on  2022-09-27

8 Pages1456 Words29 Views
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REVIEW Questions
1. [LO1] What exactly are situational effects on consumer behaviour? Provide at least three
examples of ways in which situational effects influence your own consumer behaviour. /6
Situational effect on consumer behavior denotes the impact of situation on consumers’ behavior.
(opentextbooks, 2016)
Provide at least one example of how situations influence:
One example of your Brand preference
Example of brand preference is preferring purchase of Apple I Phone while looking for
purchasing smart phone.
One example of how situations stimulate purchases
Example of situational stimulation of purchase is - during the winter, buyer needs to purchase
woollen garments to protect from weather.
One example of how situations cause you to pay more than you might otherwise.
During natural calamity, we have to pay more for the daily consumables than of normal days.
This is the example of situation demanding more price than normal price.
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Situational effects on consumer behavior Question Answer 2022_1

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2. [LO1] How does a situational influence change value for consumers? For example, how
does the value of different types of restaurants change for a consumer who has only 25
minutes for lunch? /5
For restaurants catering customers with quick service to maintain minimum delivery time
for customers’ consumption adds to consumers’ value, as it meets the demand of such
segment of customer. The restaurants with longer time to prepare and serve food would be
of less priority or no priority for the consumers with 25 minutes to finish lunch.
3. [LO2] Define temporal factors. What are the different ways in which temporal factors can
influence consumer behaviour? Which do you think are strongest? /4
Temporal factors are those, which can influence consumer behavior while buying any
goods. Three different temporal factors are dominant in consumer behavior- time, mood
and money to spare for the consumables. Out of them, money is the strongest factor,
because other temporal actors can be considered and adjusted, but cash in hand cannot be.
(Kiboro, Omwenga, & Iravo, 2017)
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Situational effects on consumer behavior Question Answer 2022_2

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4. [LO2] What is the concept of advertiming? Is advertiming a good thing for marketers and
consumers? /4
Advertiming is defined as change of advertisement from time to time to attract consumers for
the said products. (dictionary, n.d)
Advertiming is good for marketers to keep attraction of their products for consumers with
change of advertising from time to time by adding value to the projection of the products.
Advertiming is good for consumers, as they are able to know added features of the products
changing over from time to time.
5. [LO3] Define shopping. What are the two key dimensions of personal shopping value, or
PSV? /4
Shopping is defined as buying goods of needs from shops.
The two key dimensions of personal shopping values are hedonic personal shopping value and
utilitarian personal shopping value. (IgiGlobal, n.d)(Global, n.d)
6. [LO3] What are the different types of shopping activities in which consumers participate?
What types of value would you associate with each? Can a retail website be designed to
cater specifically to each type of orientation? Explain. /8
There are four types of shopping activities the consumers participate. They are epistemic,
acquisitional, impulsive and experimental shopping activities. (DayBuyDay, 2016)
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