
SITXFSA001 Use Hygienic Practices for Food Safety Instructions for Students: Assessment Task 1 (AT1): Questioning


Added on  2022-08-15

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SITXFSA001 Use Hygienic
Practices for Food Safety
Instructions for Students: Assessment Task1 (AT1): Questioning – Written
Submission details
Student’s name ID no.
Assessor’s name Phone no.
Assessment date/s Time/s
The Assessment Task is due on the date specified by your assessor. Any variations to
this arrangement must be approved in writing by your assessor. Submit this
document with any required evidence attached. See specifications below for details.
You may submit the assessment electronically on assessments@aaic.edu.au or in
physical form as agreed with your assessor. You must clearly mention in the subject
line: Unit Code ID – STUDENT ID & NAME – ASSESSMENT Number. Submit this
document with any required evidence attached. See specifications below for details.
Performance objective
You are required to demonstrate understanding of a wide range of questions to
assess your underpinning knowledge of the environment. For this task you are
required to demonstrate an understanding of use personal hygiene practices to
prevent contamination of food that might cause food-borne illnesses
Assessment description
In order to complete Assessment Task 1, you must complete written responses to
the questions in the Assessment Task1 (AT1): Questioning – Written Assessment
Procedure (Steps)
Provide answers to the following Knowledge Questions. Your response must be typed
only. Answer following questions in relation to commercial kitchen/hospitality
SITXFSA001 Use Hygienic Practices for Food Safety Instructions for Students: Assessment Task 1 (AT1): Questioning_1

SITXFSA001 Use Hygienic
Practices for Food Safety
Q1. Provide definition of following terms as per the Australia New Zealand Food
Standards Code
1. contaminant
Any substance that is not a natural food component or food additive
and whose presence in food causes undesirable health effects (Food
Standards Code, 2020).
2. contamination
It is the process through which undesired foreign materials
(contaminants) come into contact with food.
3. potentially hazardous foods
These are foods that require some temperature-time combination to
make them safe for consumption.
Q2. Employee and employer responsibility to participate in hygienic practices
Employee: should ensure that there are mechanisms put in place to
encourage safety. In addition, the employer should ensure that employees are
regularly trained on measures to take to maintain hygiene.
Employer: should take a personal initiative to ensure cleanliness hygiene at all
times and follow employer’s policy on hygiene (Busquets, 2017).
Q3. What are the legal requirements for a food business according to the Food
Safety Standard 3.2.2 – Food Safety Practices?
The standard requires a food business to have elaborate ways of receiving
raw materials, storage, processing, packaging, supplying to the market and
recall of unsafe products from the market. The standard also makes it a
requirement for the employees and their supervisors to have adequate
knowledge of hygienically dealing with food (Food Standards Code, 2020).
Q4. Provide reasons for food safety programs and what they must contain
Food safety programs are important to promote hygiene. These programs are
also important since they help safely deal with food from the point of
receiving the raw materials to the finished product. The programs ensure food
safety which is one of the key components of food and nutrition security.
These programs must contain several components. One, the programs must
have a written policy that promotes food safety. Secondly, there must be
mechanisms of training food handlers. Thirdly, there must be mechanisms in
place for cleaning in place and out of place (Wallace, Sperber & Mortimore,
Q5. Role of local government regulators. There is legislation governing correct
food handling processes in Australia and New Zealand through Food
SITXFSA001 Use Hygienic Practices for Food Safety Instructions for Students: Assessment Task 1 (AT1): Questioning_2

SITXFSA001 Use Hygienic
Practices for Food Safety
Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ). Who is in charge at the local
government level and what powers does this authority have?
Local authority in charge of
food safety
Executing person and their powers under the
Health Act
Local councils The environmental health officers. They are
responsible for enforcing the Australia New
Zealand Food Standards code. They also
enforce state and territory laws relating to food
Q6. What is the role of an Environmental Health Officer (EHO)? What are the two
main rights of an EHO?
The role of an Environmental Health Officer is to ensure that the Australia New
Zealand Food Standard Code is adhered to. In addition, they also ensure that
state and territorial laws relating to food safety are adhered to. They have two
main rights. One, they have a right to monitor and supervise food safety in
retail, hospital facilities, food industries and distribution of food. Secondly,
they have the right to monitor and supervise food safety in community events
and any organizations.
Q7. Ramifications of failure to observe food safety law and organisational policies
and procedures
Failure to observe food safety laws and organizational policies/ procedures
may have several impacts. These range from fines to withdrawal of license. If
it is an employee who has failed to observe set regulations, they may be
suspended or fired. When a company/ industry is found guilty of having
undermined food safety, they may receive a warning, partial withdrawal of
license, persecution or even closure.
Q8. List 1 example of how each of the following health issues could cause a
hygiene risk for food safety:
Health Issue Example – Hygiene risk relevant to food safety
SITXFSA001 Use Hygienic Practices for Food Safety Instructions for Students: Assessment Task 1 (AT1): Questioning_3

SITXFSA001 Use Hygienic
Practices for Food Safety
airborne diseases May spread among food handlers which in turn poses
some significant risk to the food product. There is a
chance of the pathogens causing the disease to find
their way to the food product.
food-borne diseases Food borne diseases pose a great risk to food safety. If
food borne pathogens find their way to food products,
the resulting contamination may have far reaching
effects. Some of the effects include diarrhea and even
other severe infections such as meningitis.
infectious diseases It is unlikely that an infectious disease such as malaria
should directly pose risk to food contamination.
However, the disease may spread among food handlers
leading to a situation where they cannot optimally
maintain hygiene. Such a situation would definitely
undermine food safety.
Q9. What is food poisoning? What are its common causes?
Food poisoning refers to an illness that is caused by pathogenic
microorganisms in food. Common causes include the following: norovirus,
salmonella, Clostridium perfringens, campylobacter, streptococcus and E. coli.
Most of these causes are bacteria.
Q10. Name 5 different causes for food-borne illnesses
Five causes of foodborne illnesses include: bacteria such as Listeria
monocytogenes, viruses such as norovirus, parasites such as Entamoeba
histolytica, prions and chemicals such as heavy metals.
Q11. Explain how improper food safety practices pose a potential risk for food
poisoning for the following areas?
1. Fruit and Vegetables:
These foods are highly perishable. Improper safety practices may
increase the rate of perishability, alter the taste and cause food
borne illnesses.
2. Temperature Control:
Temperature control is a very important factor in processing of
certain foods. There are certain temperature-time combinations
that have been developed for various food products. Underdoing
these combinations may result to a situation where pathogenic
microorganisms are still present in food thereby contributing to
SITXFSA001 Use Hygienic Practices for Food Safety Instructions for Students: Assessment Task 1 (AT1): Questioning_4

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