
Project Management for Smart City OS: Skills, Stakeholders, Project Triangle, Finances, and Risk Management


Added on  2023-06-12

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FinanceLeadership ManagementProfessional DevelopmentDesign and CreativityData Science and Big DataTeacher DevelopmentEnvironmental Science
Project management
Project Management for Smart City OS: Skills, Stakeholders, Project Triangle, Finances, and Risk Management_1

Table of Contents
Task 1 – The Project Manager.........................................................................................................1
What skills the project manager of the Smart City OS project needs to develop..................1
Actions the project manager of the Smart City OS project should take to develop skills.....2
Task 2 – Problem Solving & Decision Making...............................................................................2
Identify stakeholders and create a stakeholder influence map for the Smart City OS project2
Why the identified stakeholders are most critical emerging from the analysis......................5
How engagement of the identified stakeholders can be done with the Smart City OS project5
Task 3 – The Project Triangle..........................................................................................................7
Importance of project triangle parameters which are required to managed by the Smart City
OS project manager................................................................................................................7
Impact of possible changes to the current project..................................................................9
Task 4 – Managing Finances.........................................................................................................10
Resources may be required for the project...........................................................................10
Cost estimation technique for the Smart City OS project with justification........................10
Task 5 – Risk Management within the Project..............................................................................11
Risks description..................................................................................................................11
Impact description................................................................................................................11
Impact level..........................................................................................................................11
Probability level....................................................................................................................11
Total Multiplied (Impact level * probability level)..............................................................11
Risk Mitigation.....................................................................................................................11
Task 6 – Conflicts and Negotiation...............................................................................................17
Conflict and management 1: Task based conflict.................................................................17
Project Management for Smart City OS: Skills, Stakeholders, Project Triangle, Finances, and Risk Management_2

Conflict and management 2: Leadership conflict.................................................................18
Conflict and management 3: Work style conflict.................................................................18
Conflict and management 4: Personality based conflict......................................................19
Conflict and management 5: Discrimination conflict..........................................................19
Conflict and management 6: Creative idea conflict.............................................................20
Task 7 – Teamwork.......................................................................................................................21
Strategies to build a highly successful team for the Smart City OS project.........................21
Importance of how a diverse team can increase project performance..................................21
Actions of project manager to build a diverse team for the Smart City OS project.............21
Challenges of working in diverse teams...............................................................................22
Project Management for Smart City OS: Skills, Stakeholders, Project Triangle, Finances, and Risk Management_3

Project management can be defined as the process of undertaking a project in order to
accomplish goals of the project while leading the entire team who are involved in the project
(Bibri and Krogstie, 2020). The following discussion is based on the case scenario of the smart
city OS case study that is the Hull’s journey to becoming a programmable city. The project is to
be managed by covering the skills required in project manager to develop the project and actions
needed for the same. Moreover, stakeholder identification and their engagement is also covered
along with the project triangle parameters and its relationship among them. The below report
also provides the insight of resources required and cost estimation along with the risk analysis
and management of the risk. Discussion is also made on the different types of conflicts and its
solutions within the project management along with the strategies to build a highly successful
team and importance of how a diverse team can increase project performance. Furthermore,
actions to build a diverse team and challenges of working in diverse teams are also viewed in the
current report.
The methodology used in the current scenario for the smart City has several steps. The
first step is the infrastructure which the developers have focused on according to the range of
network connections. The second step is the installation of sensors across the city so that the
connections can be identified along with their bandwidth. The third step is the implementation of
the platform after analysing all the risks and mitigations of it. This has resulted in the strong
digital infrastructure of the smart city which has the economic benefits as well.
Task 1 – The Project Manager
What skills the project manager of the Smart City OS project needs to develop
Project manager must have the skills while working on the project of smart city OS such
as he must have the ability to clarify the goals with the team so that conflicts and confusions can
be avoided. He must encourage the open communication so that interaction level among the team
can be strategic and effective in nature (Mora, Deakin and Reid, 2019). Moreover, he must have
the leadership skills for directing the team towards right tasks and assist with any resources or
guidance as well. He must know hoe to maintain the positive atmosphere and also having the
negotiation skills along with the scheduling and time management. Risk management and
problem solving behaviour must also be a skill in project manager.
Project Management for Smart City OS: Skills, Stakeholders, Project Triangle, Finances, and Risk Management_4

Actions the project manager of the Smart City OS project should take to develop skills
There are actions which are required such as the project manager must undertake the on
the job as well as off the job training so that the practical as well as the theoretical knowledge
can be gained to manage the project. Manager must practise to gain the cognitive and critical
skills in order to develop the above mentioned skills. They must prepare the action plan so that
the skills which need improvement can be focused. For example, problem solving behaviour is
the most important skill to develop while undertaking the project (Perkins, Mathur and Jugdev,
2020). This can be developed by conducting the group meeting with employees also known as
the brainstorming process in which the ideas are exchanged and solutions to problems are drawn
out for better enhancing of the existing skills of manager and also gaining new ones as well.
Moreover, conflict management can be done by adopting several strategies of team management.
Task 2 – Problem Solving & Decision Making
Identify stakeholders and create a stakeholder influence map for the Smart City OS project
As per the case scenario, there are various stakeholders who are involved in the project
management of Smart City OS project. These are divided into internal and external stakeholders.
Internal stakeholders involved are the energy suppliers, ICT sector representatives, citizens,
government, property developers, planners, policy makers, experts and scientist and financial
suppliers (Ageed, Zeebaree, Sadeeq and Abdullah, 2021). External stakeholders involved are the
academia and research institutions, non profit organizations, political institutions and media. All
these stakeholders are connected in terms of performing functions like planning and developing
strategies along with the implementation of strategies and following them up.
The Mendelow Matrix is defined as the matrix which analyse the stakeholders and
classify them in four different quadrants. It has scaling from high-to-low in terms of power and
low to high in terms of interest. Key players are a first quadrant which has high interest and high
power. Keep informed is the second quadrant which has low power but high interest. Keep
satisfied is the third quadrant which has high power but low interest (San Cristóbal, Diaz, Carral,
Fraguela and Iglesias, 2019). Minimal effort is the fourth quadrant which has low power and low
interest. The below figures have the classification of internal and external stakeholders and are
classified into four different quadrants.
Project Management for Smart City OS: Skills, Stakeholders, Project Triangle, Finances, and Risk Management_5

Figure 1
Project Management for Smart City OS: Skills, Stakeholders, Project Triangle, Finances, and Risk Management_6

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