
Solving Social Housing Crisis in Tower Hamlets, East London


Added on  2023-06-17

15 Pages6097 Words416 Views
Action Project
Solving Social Housing Crisis in Tower Hamlets, East London_1

Literature Review................................................................................................................................3
Plan an effective course of action.......................................................................................................5
Implement and evaluate the action....................................................................................................7
Manage the project............................................................................................................................10
Draw Closure.....................................................................................................................................11
Evaluate results..................................................................................................................................12
Project Plan........................................................................................................................................12
Solving Social Housing Crisis in Tower Hamlets, East London_2

Social housing can be defined as a type of housing wherein the property is usually
owned by a government authority which can either be central or local. It can be said that
social housing plays a significant role in the contemporary world. This is because it provides
a home to people who otherwise cannot afford the same (Beizaee, Morey and Badiei, 2021) .
Apart from this, it also helps in building communities that allows them to live a healthy as
well as happy life. Social housing enables the government to meet the aim that everyone
should have access to a home that is affordable as well as good quality. The respective report
will provide an overview of the problem and what are the causes of social housing. Apart
from this, it will also explain a range of possible solutions for the same and the most
appropriate solution for solving the problem of social housing crisis in Tower Hamlets, East
Literature Review
Certainly, it fulfills a simple human need for safe haven, however it also contributes
to the properly being of each dad and mom and peoplengsters. Studies display that kids in
stable housing do better in faculty and are less in all likelihood to experience disruption in
their schooling because of undesirable moves. Decent, affordable housing reduces strain,
pollutants, and infectious ailment, which leads to development in each bodily and intellectual
fitness. Affordable housing also frees up finances within households’ tight budgets to spend
on fitness care and meals. Studies have shown that children whose parents receive housing
help advantage from higher nutrition. For parents, residing in first rate, less expensive
housing also means reduced pressure due to a lessening of issues that high housing prices will
result in foreclosure and eviction; this in turn results in fewer physical and intellectual fitness
troubles and reduced absenteeism on the activity.
Affordable housing also is critical to the economic vitality of communities.
Affordable homes can appeal to and keep employees in peopler community- a promoting
point and a aggressive benefit for region employers. Affordable houses also assist the local
workforce that allows people to stay near their jobs. Shorter commutes permit employees to
spend more time with their families even as the network benefits from discount in site visitors
congestion, air pollutants, and costs on roads. In revitalizing communities, the construction of
affordable houses can also assist to stimulate economic increase (Dekker, 2020). A healthful
mix of housing options, from market- price and low priced apartment housing, unmarried-
Solving Social Housing Crisis in Tower Hamlets, East London_3

family homes, duplexes, as well as developments for seniors, ensures possibilities for all
people to improve their economic scenario and contribute to their groups.
The position of social housing is actually important. It offers a domestic for those who can
not in any other case get right of entry to one, something which within the midst of our
housing crisis is as important as ever. It builds communities and gives humans support which
helps them to stay healthy, happy lives. Decent, low priced housing is crucial to households.
Certainly, it fulfills a simple human need for safe haven, however it also contributes to the
properly being of each dad and mom and peoplengsters. Studies display that kids in stable
housing do better in faculty and are less in all likelihood to experience disruption in their
schooling because of undesirable moves (Irving-Clarke and Henderson, 2020). Decent,
affordable housing reduces strain, pollutants, and infectious ailment, which leads to
development in each bodily and intellectual fitness. Affordable housing also frees up finances
within households’ tight budgets to spend on fitness care and meals. Studies have shown that
children whose parents receive housing help advantage from higher nutrition.
There can be various causes of social housing such as a low level of income as well as
unstable sources of income. The principle stakeholders of the respective problem are the
people who cannot afford a proper home to live in as well as the government and the local
authorities. This will ensure that the needs of the stakeholders have to be kept in mind to
ensure that there is an increase in the outcome. The respective problem of social housing
crisis in the borough is located in East London in Tower Hamlets. It can be said that the
respective situation is problematic because it is causing difficulties for the local residents who
do not have a proper home to live in. It can also be said that the reason why the problem of
social crisis is wicked because it can create various uncertainties and create difficulties for the
people. There can be a range of possible solutions that can be implemented in order to
overcome the problem.
Low earning lead families to spend maximum of their income on necessities, like housing.
Second, authorities law, in element designed to enhance first-class, can boom the price of
housing in order that it's far unaffordable. Housing accept as true with price range are set up,
ongoing, and public investment resources for low-income housing developments in both
states and cities. In lots of these, kingdom cash is the sole supply of investment due to low
populations or robust price range at that stage — both of which lower the call for for extra
nearby investment (Lima, 2021) . While cities do now not have direct manage over how all
Solving Social Housing Crisis in Tower Hamlets, East London_4

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