
Social Media Affect the Hospitality Sector Doc


Added on  2021-02-20

29 Pages7338 Words22 Views
How does social mediaaffect the hospitalitysector
Social Media Affect the Hospitality Sector Doc_1

Table of ContentsEXECUTIVE SUMMARY.............................................................................................................1RESEARCH PROPOSAL ..............................................................................................................2Introduction and background.......................................................................................................3.........................................................................................................................................................7RESEARCH PROJECT ..................................................................................................................7Literature review .........................................................................................................................8Research methodology...............................................................................................................11Results of the research...............................................................................................................15Conclusions and recommendations............................................................................................23Review of research methodology...............................................................................................23Reflection...................................................................................................................................24REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................25APPENDICES...............................................................................................................................26
Social Media Affect the Hospitality Sector Doc_2

EXECUTIVE SUMMARYThe following report is proposed for Hotel Marriott with the aim of finding out theimpact of Social media on Hospitality industries and the objective of conducting the research forHotel Marriott. This report has highlighted the Introduction and Background of the HotelMarriott. Further this report has highlighted the Literature review of the report. After that reportdescribed the Research methodology of the report, in which it shows the method used toperform the research, what type of the philosophy has been applied, what are the approachesused, way of collecting the data and sampling the same and how data has been analysed. Afterthat the report has highlighted the result of the research with the help of the stats and theInterpretation of the stats which has been found. Further this report has detailed therecommendation on the basis of the finding of the research. 1
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RESEARCH PROPOSALIntroduction and background2
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Social Media are the websites and applications that are developed and made so thatpeople share their content in real time. It is a computer based technology. This is ancommunication tool that is started with computers. It is an dynamic and ever-evolving web basedplatform. This is an creation on which information, career interests, ideas and other expressionsof an individual are shown via networks. Breaking it down in two parts social and media. Socialmeans interacting with people by sharing their personal information with them and at the sametime receiving information from them. Media is the instrument of communication that is internet.This technology has brought the world closer, through social media applications one can knowwhat is happening around the world. Social Media has increased interactions with other peoplearound the world, more shared information. Usage of social media has enhanced the knowledgeof people about the health, providing every single information about the health issue and theirprecautions. Social media activities includes photos and video sharing, blogging, socialnetworks, social gaming, virtual words and reviews, business networks and much more. Forindividuals the social media applications are the medium to stay in touch with the friends andextended family. Tourism Union International(TUI) is a travel and tourism organisation that is situated atHannover, Germany. It is one of the largest company of their type in the world. The companyhas it's own hotels, travel agencies, airlines, retail stores and cruise ships. TUI is listed jointly onFrankfurt Stock and London Stock Exchange. Social Media has affected every single sectorweather it is IT, Manufacturing, Financial, Tourism, Hotels, Hospitals etc. In this report impacton social media on hospitality sector is highlighted. As the social networking is a form of socialmedia that offers a platform for the individuals to connect with each other. IT has versatileeffects that it is useful for leisure and business purposes as well. In hospitality sector, socialmedia plays an crucial and beneficial role(Kim and et.al., 2015). Content presented on socialsites affect the marketing in positive as well as negative ways. Social Media can affect theconsumer's behaviour, improve brand awareness, connection with consumer's, benefits of timeand cost, building company's image, and help in promoting the firms, targeting customer's. Butthere are certain challenges such as these applications also distract people, providing Return onInvestment with social media, how one can be different from their competitors. AIM: Impact of Social Media on Hospitality Sector. OBJECTIVE3
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To describe the concept of social media in hospitality.To determine the positive impact of social media on hospitality sector.To analyse the challenges of social media on hospitality sector.To recommend the effective usage of social media in hospitality sector.Research QuestionDescribe the concept of social media in hospitality?Determine the positive impact of social media on hospitality sector?Analyse the challenges of social media on hospitality sector?Recommend the effective usage of social media in hospitality sector?Research methodology- Research types-Research type is divided into two kinds qualitative and quantitative research, quantitativeresearch is systematic investigation of phenomena by mathematical or computational methods,performing statistical and gathering quantifiable data. Whereas qualitative research is primarilyexploratory investigation, it is used to gain understanding of chosen topic. Research will usequalitative research types relies on further research procedure.Research approach-Research approach is divided into two types deductive and inductive, inductive researchapproach starts with observations proposed towards end of investigation process as outcomes ofobservations, whereas deductive approach is concerned with creating hypotheses. Research willchose deductive research approach based on further investigation(Song and Yoo 2016). Research philosophy-Research philosophy will devoted in great level of depth, it is divided into two typespositivism and interpretivism research philosophy. Research will chose interpretivism researchphilosophy which is quite beneficial and useful for gathering data. Research design-Research design is divided into four groups, exploratory, experimental, explanatory anddescriptive. Research will chose exploratory research design, it help to determine appropriateinformation based on chosen topic and not intended to provide conclusive data. Limitations-4
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