
What is the Global Definition of Social Work?


Added on  2022-08-17

13 Pages3421 Words15 Views
Running head: SOCIAL WORK
Social Work
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Author’s Note
What is the Global Definition of Social Work?_1

Analyze the effects of poverty and social exclusion on LGBTQ Community and discuss whether
the causes are primarily structural or pathological.
Poverty and social exclusion happens all across the world as there are always certain
groups who are discriminated against in a particular society. It is a form of systematic
disadvantageousness which is done on the basis of ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, caste,
health status like HIV, disability or migrant status. The social discrimination that leads to poverty
and social exclusion occurs at various places including public institution, health and care
services, education institutions, and even households (Slater et al. 2017). Focusing on the aspect
of sexual orientation, it can be seen that most people are homophobic which leads to the
prejudices and discrimination directed towards the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer
(LGBTQ) population (Marston 2017). However, it can be said that the lesbian almost equals to
the discrimination faced by women on the basis of gender and experience poverty (Marston
This essay aims to explore the poverty and social exclusion on the basis of sexual
orientation in the UK. It will provide an insight into the mental harassment, material
disadvantage or poverty, stigma, and discrimination for their sexual preferences, and the
changing scenario in the UK. Furthermore, it would look into the loopholes in the structure, and
the necessary amends it needs to incorporate in the anti-poverty strategies in relation to sexual
orientation. All these analysis will then be evaluated to come to the understanding as to whether
it is structural or pathological.
What is the Global Definition of Social Work?_2

Defining Poverty, social exclusion
Poverty can be defined as the material disadvantage experienced by a group of people
which deters them to participate in social activities (Marston 2017). Not only that, but it also
prevents them to meet their bare minimum needs thereby violating human dignity (Marston
2017). It is a social condition which forces them to face lack of sufficiency, make choices, and
experience opportunities. Poverty can be further divided into absolute poverty and relative
poverty. In the former condition, people do not have the privilege to afford their bare minimum
sustenance like getting access to proper food, cloths, shelter, and healthcare services (Atkinson
2019). On the other hand, the relative poverty is the situation where the group of people do not
have sufficient money to maintain the average standard of living in the society they are residing
in (Atkinson 2019). Social exclusion, on the other hand, is also related to the concept of poverty
due to distinct separation of classes caused by the material status of an individual (Fabbre et al.
2019). The poor cannot experiences the privileges enjoyed by people having material disposition,
and hence cannot partake in social activities especially in the sectors of education and health care
services (Marston 2017). The term social exclusion is somewhat dubious because they have to
feel that they are socially excluded from the wider society and they are being denied some of
their rights of social participation and intermingling (Fabbre et al. 2019).
Sexual orientation
Sexual orientation can be defined as having emotional, romantic or sexual attractions to
men, women, or both sexes. It is usually discussed towards having relationship between
members of opposite sex (heterosexuality), members of same sex (homosexuality, lesbian/ gay),
or both the genders (bisexual) (Fabbre et al. 2019). There are no specific reasons behind this
What is the Global Definition of Social Work?_3

behavioral activity, however, it is pretty common in human as well as animal world (Aksoy,
Carpenter, and Frank 2018).
Causes of poverty and social exclusion on the LGBTQ community
The cause of poverty is rooted in social factors that generate low income (Aksoy, Carpenter,
and Frank 2018). However, when it comes to specific groups like the LGBTQ community, the
reasons tends to move towards socially constructed ideas (Lupton and Turok 2004). The Joseph
Rowntree Foundation in the UK has provided some interesting researches and facts that tend to
give an insight into the current poverty and social exclusion based solely on sexual orientation
(Marston 2017). Some of the key findings of this research are –
Gay men are likely to experience discrimination than their heterosexual counterparts
(Lupton and Turok 2004). It is indicated by the high number of poverty within the gay
community (Wright et al. 2019). They are also the ones who face the consequences of
homelessness (Wright et al. 2019).
Gay elders have a higher rate of facing social isolation compared to that of heterosexual
men (Wright et al. 2019). It is accompanied by poverty because of having less housing
wealth (Uhrig 2014).
Lesbians also face poverty which is almost similar to that of a heterosexual woman facing
it (Marston 2017). However, it has been found that lesbians are at materially
advantageous position then the gay men (Uhrig 2014). This can be backed by the fact that
they participate more freely in the labor market, pay premium, and can control their
motherhood (Wright et al. 2019).
Bisexual men and women both have to suffer pay penalty as they are more prone to
experience poverty as compared to heterosexual men and women (Uhrig 2014). This is
What is the Global Definition of Social Work?_4

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