so that better services can be provided to them. In this the person can also be appointed by the
patient so that financial decision or any other type of decision can be made on their behalf. The
person who is suffering from mental health problems can also be provided with consent that they
cannot be restrained in hospital. In this advance decision can also be made by them through
appointing an attorney. This act can also issue advance statement and that too legally. All these
are provided to improve health outcome of patient.
Mental capacity act 2019: It amends the mental health capacity act of 2005 provided by
parliament of United Kingdom (Donnelly, 2016). The primary purpose of this act is to make
decisions on behalf of those who do not have capacity to think or take any type of decisions. The
decision made provides benefits to those suffering from mental health problem. In these equal
health care services will be provided to those who have gone through substance abuse, alcohol
abuse, emotional or physical abuse. It will also be provide