


Added on  2022-08-12

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Data Science and Big DataK12Higher EducationStatistics and Probability
Running Head : SOCIOLOGY
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There has been several studies examining as well as analyzing the impacts of the neighborhoods
over the educational attainments of children. However the result of the studies are often in
dilemma and are being conflicted with the use of the independent variable of educational climate
and social disorganization. Understanding related to the working within the neighborhood is
dependable over numerous social mechanisms which is furthermore used for defining the
characteristics of neighborhood that are explanatory essential features regarding the outcomes of
education. This study aims to identify if academic performance is influenced and affected due to
the reason of the categories and the types of neighborhood where students resides, specifically
targeting the urban, suburban and the rural neighborhoods

Table of Contents
Statement of Problem..................................................................................................................3
Rationale of the study..................................................................................................................4
Research Objective......................................................................................................................6
Literature Review............................................................................................................................6
Social Disorganization theory......................................................................................................6
Social capital theory....................................................................................................................7
Existing Literature Review..........................................................................................................8
Neighborhood factors..................................................................................................................8
Family Factors.............................................................................................................................9
Parenting styles..........................................................................................................................10
Factors of school........................................................................................................................11
Student factors...........................................................................................................................12
Gap in Literature........................................................................................................................12
Ethical consideration.................................................................................................................14
Research Instrument......................................................................................................................15
Elements for Preliminary Analysis Section...................................................................................15
Statistical analysis......................................................................................................................15
Correlation Analysis..................................................................................................................16
Regression Analysis...................................................................................................................18
Future direction..............................................................................................................................31

Population shaped by environment they reside is an essential and recurrent question
which is often debated in the field of social science. Research studies have been conducted to
investigate the influence over social, health, and cognitive as well as behavioral outcomes by
places they reside. This research study focuses mainly over the children and the adolescents
residing in the urban, suburban and rural areas of United States with the outcomes of education
as the key area of the interest (Gietz and McIntosh, 2014). The factor of neighborhood is
specifically relevant for the adolescents and young people since majority of them spend their
time for socializing, residing, participation at local activities. Thus these adolescents and children
tends to have several interactions at a daily basis with the adults and the services where their
attitudes, behaviors as well as the opportunities is the part that is majorly shaped within the
setting. The debate regarding the improvement of academic achievement of population residing
in advantaged area rather than the disadvantaged area seems to be a never-ending topic.
Statement of Problem
The past decades have witnessed an increase regarding the number of studies the topic of
the impact of neighborhood over the residential area of the people followed by its effects over
the socio economic opportunities within their life, specifically the educational achievement.
Relevant policy attention regarding this subject has furthermore resulted in the foundation and
the development of several neighborhood policies targeting the idea of the characteristics of
neighborhood that have an impact over the residents (Flouri et al., 2015). However, irrespective
of the widespread attention regarding this dilemma, there exist uncertainty regarding how the
context of neighborhood effects the residents and the importance of interaction among the

residents over the characteristics of neighborhood which thoroughly influences the neighborhood
individual. Research Context
According to the researchers, the understanding related to the working within the
neighborhood is dependable over numerous social mechanisms which is furthermore used for
defining the characteristics of neighborhood that are explanatory essential features regarding the
outcomes of education (Flouri, Papachristou & Midouhas, 2019). The commonly used
characteristics are mainly poverty of neighborhood, the climate of education, proportion of
ethnic or migrants group of people and the disorganization with the society. One of the major
social mechanism that is being cited is the contagion that illustrated the extent towards which the
population are being influenced by the attitudes and the behavior of the neighbors. According to
Kintrea, St Clair & Houston (2015), collective socialization is another mechanism which is
connected to contagion which explains the collective capability of population for coping up with
the social challenges in the neighborhood by the influence of the neighborhood behaviors.
Neighborhoods which showcases better and higher level of willingness and social cohesion for
intervening in undesirable situations, the residents residing within tends to enforce specific
norms in a more better way, like the norms related to pro learning and the norms assessing the
essentiality of education towards the future opportunities of a person.
Rationale of the study
Several study over the review of literature attempted to illustrate and summarize the
context of the impacts of neighborhoods over the outcomes of education, together with giving a
thorough insight over the essentiality of neighborhoods, the procedure or mechanism, on the
basis of which neighborhoods try to exert their influences as well as the methodologies which
can be utilized within the field of research. However, none of the research studies focused over

the relationship of the academic or the educational performance and the types of neighborhood,
categorizing the suburban, urban and the rural categories. Studies did not explain the great
diversity among the population connected to the factor and the cofounding variables of race and
socio economic factors within the neighborhood types which might impact the academic
According to Vyncke et al., (2013), due to the economic constraints, unprivileged or
poor families tends to reside in poor and underdeveloped areas as compared to the richer families
which highlights the gap or the variation among the families. Poor and underprivileged families
residing mostly in the rural and the suburban areas tends to lac proper access to the economic
and the cultural resources which is required for helping the children of the household to succeed
within the environment of school and also lead the children towards exhibiting lower attainment
of education.
This study takes in consideration of the relevant variables for the research purpose. This includes
both the dependent and the independent variables. The independent one being the neighborhood
types followed by the cofounding variables within it that is race and socio economic factors. The
dependent variables for this research study is the academic performance. For this research study,
the researcher is taking consideration the black, white and the Hispanic race within the types of
neighborhood selected. That is the urban, suburban and rural type. Regarding the choice of the
theories that will be used in this research study, the study will use integrated framework related
toe social disorganization theory as well as the social capital theory for the examination of the
influence and the impact of the interpersonal relation among the family, neighborhood towards
the examination of the effect over the academic achievement for the effective e understanding of
the role towards assessing the accountability efforts of the school.

Research Objective
The aim or the objective of this study is to identify the connection or the relationship
among the academic performance and the types of the neighborhood considered for the research.
This includes the types of the urban, suburban and the rural categories of neighborhood. The
study furthermore aims to understand if academic performance is influenced and affected due to
the reason of the categories and the types of neighborhood where students resides, specifically
targeting the urban, suburban and the rural neighborhoods.
The study investigates the following research questions
What is the relationship between academic performance and urban neighborhood type?
What is the relationship between academic performance and suburban neighborhood
What is the relationship between academic performance and rural neighborhood type?
These questions that has been considered for the research study will be addressed through the
entire study by the method of hypothesis testing illustrated below.
H0 - Academic performance is affected due to the types of neighborhoods that students live in
H1 - Academic performance is not affected due to the types of neighborhoods that students live
Literature Review
Social Disorganization theory
The social disorganization theory illustrates the broader context of society where the
students, schools and families tend to operate. The theory illustrates the characteristics of the

structure of neighborhood, which is the exogenous component which have a detrimental impact
over the social organization where several of the population reside (Bruinsma et al., 2013). This
theory is primarily used for the evaluation of several crimes and the rate of juvenile delinquency.
The theory includes three of major stages of the developed. These are the traditional model of
social disorganization, systematic model of social disorganization and the contemporary model
of social disorganization. According to Scott (2007), the traditional model of social
disorganization illustrate how the factor of racial heterogeneity, economic deprivation and the
mobility of residence leads towards a major decrease in the social control which decreases the
probability of educational attainment among pupil and increases the probability of them to get
involved in the crimes. The traditional model was furthermore revitalized towards a systemic
model that included the variables helping the explanation of relation among the exogenous
factors included in the neighborhood characteristics as well as the social sector that is informal.
As stated by Kubrin & Wo (2016), the model incorporates several elements which posits the
essentiality of social networking towards mediating the impacts of the structural constraints of
neighborhood which leads to lack of educational attachments and increase in the crime rates.
Finally, as per Cramm, Møller & Nieboer (2012), the contemporary model of the social
disorganization expands the usage of the social capital theory for the identification of the major
mechanisms here the social networks tends to facilitate the informal rate of social control,
followed by mediating the detrimental impacts of the social constraints of neighborhood.
Social capital theory
Social capital theory can be illustrated from three different concepts. The first was
derived from the Coleman (1988) which provided the normative theory related to the society.
The second was derived from the work by Bourdieu (1985) towards the explanation of the

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