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Classical Dish Portfolio: Sole Fish with Butter Sauce Recipe


Added on  2023/06/10

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This portfolio includes the recipe and cost sheet for the classic French dish Sole Fish with Butter Sauce, as well as an adapted version based on customer feedback. It covers the ingredients, production method, labour cost, training needs, and culinary trends. The dish is high in protein and nutritional value, but may contain allergens. Food safety and provenance are also important considerations.

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Classical Dish Portfolio

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MAIN BODY...................................................................................................................................3
Original dish................................................................................................................................3
Original dish recipe.....................................................................................................................4
Ingredients List...........................................................................................................................4
Production Method......................................................................................................................5
Original dish cost sheet.............................................................................................................10
Labour skill and labour cost......................................................................................................11
Training needs...........................................................................................................................11
Resources and specialist equipment required...........................................................................12
Adapted dish.............................................................................................................................14
Adapted dish production method..............................................................................................14
Adapted dish cost sheet.............................................................................................................15
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A classical dish portfolio is considered to be the inclusion of the portfolio which is the
inclusion of the list of food-related portfolio which is related to the jobs which is the best dishes
that has been created. In this portfolio the selected dish is the of Sole Fish with butter sauce. In
this portfolio. The origin of this dish is French and its dated at least from the time of King Louis
XIV. The original recipe is adapted with the version of a standard forma\t for the inclusion of
methods of productions along with graphical representations. In this project the standard costing
sheets for the original recipe and the adapted version is also included with the calculation of the
selling price in VAT. This dish portfolio would also provide an adaptation dish which has been
selected after the reconsideration of the customer’s feedback regarding this dish.
This dish has been served with the butter sauce and lemon before being garnished with
fresh parsley and pepper. It has been one of the most iconic French recipes as it has been well
known and appreciated as the time of "Le Roi Soleil". This dish also has perfectly browned in a
sputtering butter sauce with a little sprinkling of chopped parsley on top. The consumers of this
dish in the past has explained this dish to have the mouth full experiences as it is said to be eaten
slowly through chewing. it is also the flesh of the sole which is delicate with a light distinct taste
of the ocean which blends marvellously with a brown butter.
Original dish
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Original dish recipe
Dish Sole Fish with butter sauce Source : Filets de Poisson
Beurre Blanc
Yeild 4 Serves Time : 20 mins
Ingredients List
Ingredients Quantity
Skinless White Fish fillets (Sole) 750g
Salt and white pepper -
Shallots (finely chopped) 2 pcs
White Wine Vinegar 90ml
Whipping cream 15ml
Unsalted butter 175ml
Chopped fresh tarragon 15ml
Fresh Tarragon sprigs -

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Production Method
Step 1:
First step is going to be to make the sauce of this dish, for which we will put the shallots
and vinegar in small heavy saucepan and boil over a high heat until the liquid has almost even
evaporated. It will leave only about 15 ml of tbsp (Bajda, De Clercq and Van Leeuwen, 2022). In
order to complete the process, we would need to stir the sauce for a while in order complete the
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Step 2:
For the next step towards the preparation of this dish we will have to reduce the
temperature of to at least medium and add butter into it (Provost and, 2019). The butter
needs to be added one piece at a time in order to make sure that it is whisking constantly until it
melts before getting added to the next. Making sure that the pan is lifted when the butter melts as
faster in order to get it incorporated.
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Step 3:
For the next step the season with the salt is going to be the next step of adding the taste to
the dish in which the whisk in the tarragon or chives are to be selected. It is important to make
the sauce smoother for which straining before adding the herbs would give the desired results.
Covering the pan and setting it aside in a warm place will be the next thing to be done.
Step 4:
For the last step of this method bring some water to boil the bottom of a covered steamer.
season the fish fillets with salt and pepper. It is going to be very important to then steam it for 2-
5 minutes. This will help the flesh to opaque (Dovgan and, 2020). The next few time will
depend on the thickness of the fish which allows the time to be depended on the thickness of the
fish. It helps n serving the fish with sauce garnished with fresh tarragon.

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Special Point
This classic French butter sauce liven up steamed or peached fish. It is very good for
dinner party and can be made before the guests arrive and keep warm in a vacuum flask until
ready to serve.
Quality evaluation of the dish
Please grade the quality of the dish being produced
Just acceptable
Further with the help of the feedback and the survey results gathered from the range of
different consumers it was evaluated that there are certain types of changes which can be
implemented within the dish. Thus, after the implementation of these changes the adapted
version of dish will be created (Backes and, 2021). With the help of the survey it is clear
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that in accordance to the latest trend consumers are demanding the cheese within the fish as well.
Thus because of this more cheese is being added within the dish. Along with this other than sole
fish will also be used within making as people less like the sole fish.
Original dish cost sheet
Ingredients Quantity Cost (in £)
Skinless White Fish fillets (Sole) 750g 1.5
Salt and white pepper - 0.2
Shallots (finely chopped) 2 pcs 3
White Wine Vinegar 90ml 0.5
Whipping cream 15ml 0.89
Unsalted butter 175ml 0.11
Chopped fresh tarragon 15ml 0.12
Fresh Tarragon sprigs - 0.13
Total 6.45
With the help of the above cost sheet it is clear that every individual ingredient and this
will be assistive to hotel for charging the price to the consumers. This is very important for the
reason that when the cost will not be appropriately charged then this will be affecting the
working and profit capability of the dish (Bonacho, 2021). Hence, for increasing the profit to be
generated by the dish it is essential for maker to ensure the top quality products are used such
that consumer like the dish. Hence, after analysing the cost it is very necessary that appropriate
selling price is decided by keeping in mind the profit margin as well.
This is very necessary because in case the price is less than the company will not be in
position to buy the dish (de Boer and Aiking, 2018). Thus, in the present case of Sole fish with
butter sauce the profit margin to be kept is minimum of 15 %. This is necessary because in case
the dish will be earning this much of profit then this will be improving the earning capacity.
Hence, for the selling price to be set, it needs to be minimum of 7.4175 (Sorensen, Chen and
Mussalli, 2021). Thus, in case the selling price will be charged near to this so that the profit
objectives of the company are met easily. Thus, the price charged by hotel will be £7.5 and the
1.5 % VAT will be charged from the consumers. Hence, the final price to be charged to the
consumer will be £7.5 plus 1.5 % VAT that is £7.6 (Joanis, 2020).

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Labour skill and labour cost
For the effective making of the dish it is very essential that proper labour is being
selected in order to analyse and making the dish in proper manner. This is very necessary for the
reason that when the labour will be working in proper manner then this will be resulting in
making the dish in appropriate way (do Rosario and Walton, 2020). In case the labour will not be
skilled then this will be affecting the dish and the profitability as well. For making the dish there
are different types of the labour being present like skilled, semi- skilled and different types of
other as labour as well. Thus, the requirement of the labour and its cost is very important both in
case of original and adapted (Pfisterer and, 2022). This cost involves the following-
Type of labour Original recipe Adapted recipe
Semi- skill £20 £22
Highly skilled £40 £41
Specialist £55 £62
Total £115 £125
Training needs
For the production of this dish the fundamental skills of cooking such as fish filleting and
knowledge of cuts and folds are important. It helps in stock making and sauce making and also
thickening needs to be done in honed (Baldwin, 2018). It is believed that the best method of
training is a one-one demonstration for helping the trainee to grasp the practical application of
theoretical information.
Following are the training needs for this dish,
How to skin and fillet a flat fish
Dowering sole and types of flat fish folds
Sauce making training, thickening and roux.
Cooking fish along with its presentations.
Also, there are many different types of the changes which are taking place in the external
environment and consumer requirement as well. Hence, there is immense requirement for the
person to be trained with all the latest tools and techniques and trends prevailing within the
market (Hamilton, 2019). Also, there are different types of the new technology and techniques
also present which need to be learnt by the maker of the dish. This is because of the reason that
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when the proper training will be made available to the employees then this will be helpful for
them to understand the new changes and try to implement them within the company.
Resources and specialist equipment required
In order to successfully implement both the dishes within practice it is very necessary that
the adapted dish is also being prepared by keeping the original recipe as the base (Khodamoradi,
Salahi and Najafi, 2020). This is very necessary for the reason that when the new things will not
be added then this will be affecting the working efficiency to a great extent. Thus, for the revamp
or the adapted dish the use of the frying method will be undertaken. This is because of the reason
that it involves the effective frying of the fish and this makes it much tasty and attractive to
others (Cowan and, 2022). This is very important because in case the dish will not be
undertaking the use of related and specialist equipment then this will be affecting the likelihood
of the dish among the consumers. Also, in case there will be lack of the resources and special
equipment then this will be affecting the working efficiency and making of the dish to a great
extent. The reason underlying this fact is that in case hotel will be having outdated machines and
tools then this will be affecting the making of the dishes to a great extent (Zoran, Gonzalez and
Mizrahi, 2021).
Food safety
Food safety is one of the major concerns of the preparation of the handling and storage of
food which is meant to be the process which is useful for the preservation of the food which is
meant to prevent the food from illness and injury (Taheri and Gannon, 2021). In this dish
preparation the food safety is considered to be giving focus on the proper understanding of the
how the health of the food can be altered according to the needs of the health which can prove to
be hazardous during the supply chain of the ingredients. It is very important for the fish to be
preserved and properly in temperature which is going to help in the preservation of this fish
(Glyda, 2019).
Food nutrition
Sole Fish with butter sauce is the dish which is has different levels of nutritional values.
The majority of the content of this dish exists of the protein which takes up to ¾ of the total
content of this dish nutrition. In the rest of the composition it contains fat along with a very less
amount of carbohydrates (Juul and, 2021). This is one of the high cholesterol food but is
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also rich in the potassium, calcium and iron. There are also some contains of Vitamins A in this
dish which makes it a very nutritional meal.
One the basis of the selected recipe it contains butter and fish as its main ingredients. One
of the most common fish allergens are parvalbumins. It is one of the most common issue in the
consumption of the fish and is the reason for consuming the fish species such as whiff and sole
(Abrams, 2020). There can be adverse reaction to the dish which is usually related to these
species as fact that is largely unknown to the allergists that they have it. Butter cannot have
allergy but there are some people with certain medical health conditions for whom butter is not a
healthy thing to consume as a product.
Culinary Trends
Influence in the food and drinks industry from the current trends of the world has been
very high. The major impacts have been on the adaptation of the culinary for meeting the
customer needs which are changing interest every decade. Keeping in mind the current trend and
preferences the adapted form of the dish has been made. However, the major priority for food
industry is to food provenance and seasonality (Śmiglak-Krajewska and Wojciechowska-Solis,
2021). The main feature of this dish is the fish type which is sole that has been made
consideration of some history and the consumer preferences.
Some of the rising trends in culinary has been the healthy living trend which has been
around forever but has increases its significance in the life of the consumers (Borkenhagen,
2018). It has been able to confirm the needs and desires through the years and has also gone
along with the trends of each year. People now demand different variety of raw or cooked,
organic and healthful seafood choices but for a reasonable price.
Food wastage
This is also a major focus which the hotel or the company must emphasize because in
case the food wastage will be more then this will be affecting the working of the company to a
great extent. This is because of the reason that when the wastage of food be more then this will
be affecting the consumer and their requirement and will not be liking the fact that food is being
wasted. Hence, this can affect the working of the company in negative manner and will not be
good for the company (Rubio and Hurtado, 2019). Thus, in case of both the original and adapted
version the maker must ensure that all the bones from the fish is being removed as eating with

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bones might affect the health of the person and also the environment will also be harmed. This is
because of the reason that when the bones or some other non- eatable products then the person
will not eat it and it will be wasted (Barath, 2022).
Adapted dish
Dish Pan fried Sole fillet Source : Lorena Grater
Yield 4 Serves Time : 25 mins
Adapted Ingredients List
Ingredients Quantity
Sole Fillet (any fish) 750g
Dried Onions ½ cup
Parmesan cheese ½ cup
Spices (paprika, oregano, sea salt, and pepper) ½ tsp each
Eggs 2
Butter 1 tsp
Adapted dish production method
Taking sole fillets out of the fridge and patting them dry with paper towel.
Preheat the large pan over medium heat.
Getting two large flat bowls big enough to fit a fillet into it. Adding eggs to the first bowl
and whisking it until completely liquid and not snotty anymore.
Adding dried onion, Parmesan cheese, spices to the second bowl and mix until well
Adding butter to the hot pan and placing the sole fillets at the time of overcrowd them.
Pan frying them on both sides.
Serving immediately and drizzling fresh lemon juice all over the dish for making it
Special Point:
Choosing a crab and a vegetable as a side dish is going to be very good with this
alternative. Best side dish to be served with this fish are sweet potatoes and green beans or it may
also be served with salad.
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Adapted dish cost sheet
Ingredients Quantity Cost (in £)
Sole Fillet (any fish) 750g 2
Dried Onions ½ cup 1.5
Parmesan cheese ½ cup 1.9
Spices (paprika, oregano, sea
salt, and pepper)
½ tsp each 0.8
Eggs 2 1.1
Butter 1 tsp 0.1
Total 7.4
With the help of the above cost sheet analysis it is clear that in case the adapted version
will be used by the hotel then this will increase cost for the company. This is pertaining to the
fact that when the cost will be increased then company will also have to increase the price to be
charged (do Rosario and Walton, 2020). This is because of the reason that when the price will
not be increased then this will be affecting the profitability of the company to a great extent. In
the present case the total cost of making the updated dish is £7.4. Now again the profit margin
for the company is at least 15 % and according to it the selling price will be £8.5. further in this
price the VAT @ 1.5 % will be charged to consumer and this will total to £8.63. hence, with this
it is clear that when the person will go with the adapted version of dish then this will be
increasing the cost and price to be charges to the consumers. Thus, with this it can be stated that
charging of the appropriate price is very important as it is the base for earning proper profit.
In the end it is concluded that making a dish involves a very creative and innovative
method and generation of different ideas. This is very important for the reason that when the
effective dishes will not be created then this will be affecting the profitability of the restaurant or
hotel. Hence, the above analysis stated that there is always a difference between the original dish
and the adapted version of dish (Madeira and, 2021). This is very essential because the
adapted version always involves the different new upgradations and this increases the price of
the dish. Also, it was analysed and evaluated that the training need is very important because
there are many different types of the changes taking place and this need to be learnt by the
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employees. Also, the dish involves the different types of focus as well like the nutrition,
allergens, culinary trends and others. All these things need to be considered while outlining the
dish and the adapted version as well.

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