
Sport Tourism: Key Providers, Customer Profile, and Future Trends


Added on  2023-06-12

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Tourism is wide term which include visiting different places around the
world, there are different type of tourism for example; adventure, eco,
sport and cruise tourism. Sport tourism simply means traveling to
different nation as audience or as participant in any kind of sporting
event, it is very clear that sport event are held outside country which
promote local hospitality as well. This report will discuss key provider
and organization with key facts, statistic and customer profile. Later this
report will discuss future trends of sport event. at last this report will
discuss SWOT analysis to understand strength and weakness.
Destinations/ activities/ sub-types
Sport tourism is one of the fastest growing part of tourism,
interest of people in sport encourage them to visit different
nation and enjoy sport. Sport tourism is greatly promoted by
government as this impact economy and other sector of the
country, this simply promote local businesses. It is very clear
that sport event greatly impact travel business, hospitality
industry is mainly impacted due to sport tourism. Global
sport event are organized at different destination for
example; if IOC have decide a destination for their next
Olympic event then they have to promote sport tourism as
well, these global event increase tourism across globe.
International Olympic Committee will choose one particular
destination for their up coming sport event and will promote
these sport compagin at different nation who are developed
and have fans base; for example when Beijing Olympic was
held, IOC have promote sport tourism across the world, due
to COVID-19 precaution, these event and sport tourism was
greatly impacted. Unlike Olympic, there are many global
sport event that promote sport tourism, for BCCI promote
sport tourism because this allow them to attract cricket fan
from different destination, sport tourism in heavily impacted
because of global sport event.
This report has discussed sport tourism and its impact
on sport as well as travel industry. Later this report
has discussed key provider and organization and
discussed key facts, statistics and impact of sport
tourism. Later this report has discussed customer
profile and analyse which demographic have higher
interest on sport tourism and their impact on growth
of the industry. At last this report has discussed
SWOT analysis to analyse strength and weakness of
sport tourism and opportunity and threat that revolve
around and impact growth of sport tourism.
Future trends
Social media: social media is one of the most
essential media in today's world, this not only
connected people from all around the world but
this also highlight interest of people in travelling
as well as sport. Focusing on future trend of sport
event, social media will event organizer to
promote sport tourism with the help of digital
media. It is very clear that sport tourism have
segmented customer which means age group of 18
to 45 will be using social media that increasing
their interest in the sport as well as travelling.
Innovation: innovation is very common in every
industry but in sport and travel industry innovation
lack behind, it is very clear that sport tourism can
be promoted with the help of innovation for
example using latest technology is has become
every easy to located which event will be held at
which destination in the future.
Key providers/ organisations
global sport event is being organized by many organization, arranging
sport event become challenging for provider because this require them
to choose destination to organized this event. Sport tourism is greatly
promoted with the help of global sport event for example: the IOC
take responsibility to organize Olympic sport event, these
organizations not only arrange every requirement in host city but they
successfully promote sport tourism as well. Every event has
challenges when it comes to arranging sport event in different nation
because customer segment become very small, these event are only
visited by those audiences who have interest or by those people who
take care of their health. Although, global sport event is enjoyed by
every type of audience. These organizations who provide or organize
sport event mainly focus on sport tourism, it is very clear that if the
International Olympic Committee (IOC) is arranging Olympic in the
UK then they will promote sport tourism in different nations of the
world, impact of these organization have great influence on growth of
sport tourism. Both, visitor and participant gets opportunity to explore
other nation and enjoy their local tourism as well. Sport tourism is
greatly impacted by global sport event.
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SWOT Analysis
Key facts, statistics and impacts
Sport tourism is rapidly growing which impact
economic growth of the country, this sector contributes
2.3 Billion euros to the economy and strengthen foreign
trade relationships with other countries. Impact of sport
tourism can be seen on growth and development where
countries enjoy benefit of organizing mega sport event
for example; Olympics and other mega events, it is
very clear that sport tourism had limited market capture
but this is the fastest growing part of hospitality as well
as sport industry. People who have interest in sport as
well as in travelling prefer sport tourism where they
can enjoy culture of different nation with the purpose
of sport. Apart from impact of sport tourism, it is clear
that leakage effect have become an issue, where host
company have become ineffective in generating surplus
profit. Tourism leakage reduced economic growth and
contribution, host country unable to cover leakage and
generate surplus profit.
Environmental impact: sport tourism impact
environment in certain ways, this sector promote travel
which means tourist might create waste that effect
wildlife. Sport tourism arrange mega event that
happened in large stadium, these stadiums create tones
of waste and impact nearby animal. Sport tourism
heavily affect environment for example; if mega event
is taking place, then cutting of trees will be done to
provide extra space to those tourist which will be
arriving from different countries.
Customer profile
Sport tourism is focus on niche market where customer
are sport player, health conscious, people who are young
and have interest in sport and those who have free time
or like or travel for sport purpose. Sport tourism target
those audience who have interest in sport as well as
travelling, these are young people who like to travel
across different nation and want to visit one of global
event. When it comes to segmentation process, sport
tourism market is quite low because people may like to
travel but they do not like to visit these event. Although
these customer fall under high segment that spend some
amount of their wealth to enjoy travel with mega event.
Sport event for example; Olympic, target those age
group particularly 18 to 45, this age group is further
divided into male audience to female audience and
market become smaller. Apart from this sport tourism
target high end audience who have wealth to travel to
different destination for entertainment purpose.
Customer who are enthusiast for their country also like
to visit these events to support their country team,
demographic is these customers mainly aged between
17 and 22 because these young people have interest in
sport and like to visit different country. Mentality of
customer greatly impacted due to image of the country,
if the UK is arranging Olympic then audience will show
more interest because they can visit different famous
places as well, even sport tourism have limit market
approach but still they are the fastest growing part of the
hospitality industry.
Title/Poster Group Name/Student names/ID/ Tutor name
Strength: sport tourism is the fastest growing sector of
hospitality industry, the strength of sport tourism lies in
contribution they have on UK's economic growth.
Football tourism had approx. 1.4 billion Euros impact
on economy, this sector is growing all around the world
and promoting travel with sport entertainment. Sport
tourism impacted economic growth which means
contribution is high, strength of Sport tourism allow
them to attract visitor from all around the world.
Weakness: sport tourism have limited
market share which means interest of
people become issue, it is very clear that
people do not mainly prefer travelling only
for sport purpose. Another weakness if
policy of government that impact foreign
traveller, not all countries welcome tourist
for sport purpose.
Opportunity: sport tourism unlock certain
opportunity for sport enthusiast people,
travelling for sport purpose allow participant as
well as audience to explore different nation.
Apart from this, sport tourism can create a
better relationships between two nations and
unlock other forms of opportunity as well, for
example; trade relationships.
Threats: sport tourism have certain
threats that impact its growth and
development, terrorism become the
biggest issue when it comes to sport
event. Foreign affair and countries
relationships become threat for sport
tourism, it is very clear that both, host
country and foreign promoter need to
have better relationships.
Sport Tourism: Key Providers, Customer Profile, and Future Trends_1

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