This assignment involves solving a two-sample t-test and regression analysis problem set. The first part of the assignment calculates the TCI (Test for Combined Inference) for Sales and Shipping Cost variables, including Kurtosis, Skewness, Range, Minimum, Maximum, Sum, Count, Mean, Standard Deviation, and Z-value. It also determines the Population mean and presents a t-test for two-sample assuming equal variances. The second part performs an ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) analysis on the Order Priority and Shipping Cost variables, including Source of Variation, SS, df, MS, F, P-value, and F crit. Lastly, it conducts a regression analysis on the Sales variable, presenting Regression Statistics, ANOVA, and Coefficients with Standard Error, t Stat, P-value, Lower 95%, Upper 95%, Lower 95.0%, and Upper 95.0%.