
Stereotyping and healthcare decisions about People living with learning disabilities


Added on  2023-06-18

12 Pages3628 Words185 Views
Disease and DisordersSociology
SID: 0061730
Stereotyping and healthcare
decisions about People living
with learning disabilities
Stereotyping and healthcare decisions about People living with learning disabilities_1

SID: 0061730
Table of Contents
Background Information....................................................................................................................3
Stereotyping of the people living with Learning diasbilities..............................................................4
The Impact of Stereotyping...............................................................................................................6
Strategies to promote inclusivity.......................................................................................................7
Reflection on self-awareness and resilience......................................................................................8
Stereotyping and healthcare decisions about People living with learning disabilities_2

SID: 0061730
Person centred care enables the health and social care practitioners to refocus on the
most crucial parts of care such as satisfying needs of a patient beyond their ailment and
disability. Person centred care also provides the patients to receive enhanced quality care and
improved healthcare settings. The health and social care practitioners needs various skills to
perform their duties. These skills involve treating people with compassion, respect and
dignity, providing coordinated care and support and also to offer customised support and care
as well. The chosen topic for essay is Learning disabilities. Learning disabilities refers to the
neurological condition in which the ability if brain to understand, process, send and receive
the information is affected (Cavioni, Grazzani and Ornaghi, 2017).
The essay will aim to provide background information on the chosen topic, define and
investigate stereotyping of chosen group and its impact on vulnerable people. It will also
consist of reflection on the self-awareness and resilience as well.
Background Information
According to Williamson and et.al., (2021), learning disability is the neurological
disorder which results in differences in a way that person’s brain is wired as compared to the
other people. The people suffering from learning disability might be smart and intelligent but
they find it difficult to read, write, reason or organise the information on their own. It is a
lifelong issue which cannot be cured. However with the appropriate interventions, the person
can be made bale to be successful in their education careers as well.
As per the views of McDermott and Varenne, (2018), the most common learning disability
is the difficulty to read and language skills. Most of the people with learning disability finds it hard to
read. The fifteen percent of UK population suffers from learning disability. It often run in families and
it should not be confused with other terms such as Autism and intellectual disability. The signs of
learning disability can be different from one person to another. One person might struggle with
writing while other person might be expert in writing but cannot understand math. It makes it very
difficult to identify learning disability in a person
Similarly Maddocks, (2018), also said that, learning disability is wider umbrella that covers a
variety of learning problems in it. It affects the brains of people to receive and interpret the
information. Some common learning disabilities involves the condition of Dyslexia, in which the
person finds it difficult to process languages and finds it troubling to understand written information.
Dyscalculia, is the condition in which person faces mathematical disability such as person finds it
difficult to solve arithmetic problems and other math concepts as well. In Dysgraphia person finds it
Stereotyping and healthcare decisions about People living with learning disabilities_3

SID: 0061730
difficult to form and create letters. It simply makes it hard for them to write in a defined space. Visual
processing disorders disables the person to understand language despite of their normal vision and
hearing. Non-verbal learning disability causes issues with visual-spatial and evaluation of processing
functions. Disability can take any form of the above.
Soares, Evans and Patel, (2018), stated that, even though it might be difficult to identify the signs
and symptoms of learning disability, but some common symptoms can help in identification of
people with learning disability. One of the symptom can be that the person find it difficult to
tell right from left and reverse letters or numbers even after their 1-2 grades. Another symptom
recognised is the person with learning disability will find it hard to recognise the patterns of
items by their shapes or sizes. They often forget what they just said or read.
Stereotyping of the people living with Learning disabilities
Stereotyping is the process in which people generalize a person on the basis of their
behaviours, features and attributes of that person. The person who assume or generalize other
people are called as stereotypes. Stereotyping have a long history and it exists in a wide range
of social groups. It varies by situation or by context. Stereotyping is a result of various social,
economic and political circumstances happened in past. Stereotyping is learn. So it can be
taught and re-informed implicitly and explicitly through various social influences on people.
It is not only limited to family and friends but also involves teachers, peer groups, larger
social influencers and neighbours as well.
As per the views of Blodgett and et.al., (2021), Stereotyping refers to the process that
is cognitive and involves association of a particular characteristic with people or a group of
people. It involves or leads to justify the response or reaction towards people from other
groups as well.
Common labels and behaviours of society towards people living with Learning
Learning disabilities is an illness in which the person suffering form same suffers
from patterns of behaviours such as difficulty to read, write, speak and learn etc. of different
concepts or general comprehension. In this people continue to drink alcohol even when it
Stereotyping and healthcare decisions about People living with learning disabilities_4

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