
Steve Jobs: Lessons and Challenges


Added on  2023-01-16

4 Pages652 Words58 Views
Leadership Management
Steve jobs
Steve Jobs: Lessons and Challenges_1

Steve Jobs
Question 3
What do/would their followers say about them?
The followers of Steve Jobs have positive opinion and they said that he taught
major lessons in relation to different aspects. The followers stated that one of the major
lesson taught by Steve Jobs is to focus on the positive aspects and let go of the negative.
From him, it is learned that the power in an individual should be utilized in thinking
positive. The next lesson learnt from him is travel the world and learn new things.
According to him, the individuals should travel more so that various cultures and lifestyle
of the individuals can be considered. Also, he taught to take manipulated risk so that it
could be easy to maintain the living standards. So, the followers have lesson different
lessons from which they have maintained their living standards and also focused towards
attaining positive outcome (Burke & Barron, 2014).
What challenges have the leader faced in their life and/or is facing now?
Steve jobs faced various challenges such as a challenge of creating trust among
the employees. It is one of the major challenges faced by him in the workplace. At the
time of managing the workforce, he always faced the issue in boosting the different views
and opinions of the employees. Also, he did not know about the right market for the next
computer which has created a challenge in figuring out the needs of the customers in the
highly competitive market (Gallo, 2018). Lack of motivation is also one of the challenges
that were faced by the Steve Jobs at the time of operating the activities. It has been
observed that when Steve jobs entered into the Apple company, he brought drastic
change and turned the organization into the sensational powerhouse but it was only done
when faced failures many times in launching the different projects with the employees.
The success was only attained when he motivated the employees to give their best
towards the assigned work (Eagly, 2018). Also, one of the toughest challenges for the
Steve jobs is to replicate his style of management.
Have they made mistakes?
Yes, it can be said that he made mistakes in different ways. One of the mistakes
made by him was related to recruiting John Sculley as the CEO of Apple company. The
next mistake that was related with him was of trusting that Pixar would be one of the best
Steve Jobs: Lessons and Challenges_2

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