
Strategic E-Marketing Project


Added on  2020-12-26

7 Pages2008 Words88 Views
Strategic E-Marketing Project
Strategic E-Marketing Project_1

INTRODUCTIONE-marketing is that process of marketing where a products and services are promotethrough internet, e-mails and wireless media as well. Therefore, through e-marketing, a lot ofpeoples are attracted and as a result, it creates positive results upon business performance. In thesame way, the present study is also based upon the strategic e-marketing project. The report Ibased upon the HubSpot Academy which is a worldwide leaders in inbound marketing and saleseducation, the firm also provides online training for digital marketing.The report is divided into two part i.e. in assessment part-A, report provides competitoranalysis, online customer experience, social media involvement and in Part B, it clearly defined SMART objectives, its target audience and recommendation in order to meetthe objectives and then provide evaluation methods as well.PART ACompetitor analysisCompetitor analysis provides both an offensive and defensive strategic that helps oidentify the opportunities and threats. The analysis in strategic management is completeevaluation of strength and weaknesses of all the rival firm. Even, it is consider an important toolor component of a corporate strategy. For Biosite, it has many rivals such as: Datascope, M-site,Bull productsParticulars BiositeDatascopeM-siteBull productsServices offeredThe company is aprovider ofbiometricworkforcemanagement,wireless firealarms, onlineinduction andintelligencesolution toconstruction sites.The company isconsider a leadingsupplier of remotedata system andprovides widerange ofinnovativeproducts for theconstructionindustry whichare basicallydesigned toThe companyprovidesbiometricfingerprintreaders and alsoprovideshardware andsoftware optionsto enforce healthand safetypolicies and savestime as well asIt is the anotherworld's leadingmanufacturer andservice provide4rof fire safetyequipments,wireless firealarms,extinguishers andfall arrestproducts to theconstruction1
Strategic E-Marketing Project_2

improve theproductivity andsaves time aswell. Further itmanages, host,train and maintainall system.money through itsservices. industry.EmployeesCurrently thecompany has 70employees Datascope hasless employeesthen Biosite.Currently M-sitehas 22 feweremployees ascompared toBiosite (Shareefand et.al., 2019).The company has20 feweremployees ascompared toBiosite.RevenueBiosite generateapprox $2Mrevenue per year.Datascopetechnologygenerate approx$1.5M revenueper year.M-site hasgenerates around$3.0M per yearBull productsgenerated around$2M per year. Online marketing The companyuses mainlyonline marketingsuch as websiteand social mediato promote theirproducts.The companyuses modernmethod ofmarketing inorder to promotetheir products andservices such ase-marketingThe companyuses bothtraditional andmodernmarketingmethods topromote theirproducts.The companyuses modernmarketingproducts andoffer discountproducts as well. Pricing strategyThe companyuses competitivepricing strategy.It uses discountpricing strategy inwhich it offerbulk products andservices withThe companyuses seasonal andcompetitivepricing strategy. Bull Productscompany usescompetitivepricing strategy toenhance its2
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