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Strategic Human Resources Management at TESCO


Added on  2023/06/10

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This article discusses the strategic human resources management at TESCO, including the aim, scope, and purpose of strategic workforce planning, internal and external influences on HR function, and contemporary HR theories related to practice. It also evaluates the impact of external and contextual developments on HR strategy.

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Table of Contents
PART 1............................................................................................................................................3
Aim, scope and purpose of strategic workforce plan..................................................................3
Determining the current trends and developments that influence the organization's HR
Analysing internal and external influenced on human resource function of company...............4
Evaluating important strategic & operational considerations of TESCO....................................6
How contemporary theory linked to practice and support strategy as well as meet business
Examine how human resources theory relates to practice in a TESCO......................................7
Critically analysing the influences of the external and contextual developments and
how this impacts on the HR strategy of TESCO..................................................................8
PART 2............................................................................................................................................8
Evaluating how HR management support sustainable business performance and growth.........8
Monitoring and evaluating success of HR strategy.....................................................................9
Justifying the recommendations of strategy of HR...................................................................10
Critique on change management strategies, models and concept implementing together........11
BOOKS AND JOURNAL.........................................................................................................12
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Aim, scope and purpose of strategic workforce plan
The workforce planning scope and purpose is to reduce the prices and costs by help the
management to evaluate the shortages deficiency and excess of human resources (Alam and
Raut-Roy, 2019). The scope is to match the durations of the workforce plan of organization
which may help to improve the strategic plan. It may help to recruiting, selecting, placements
and transfer of the employees, which may help to generate the information about the future
demand and skills of the employees.
The purpose of strategic plan often used to provide the tools for evaluation and influences
which may affect the several HR actions and policies. It may help to promote the awareness to
the human resources to every level of the organization (Bombiak and Marciniuk-Kluska, 2018).
Scope of the planning is to see the advance technology at workforce planning to make their work
easier. It may help to provide the whole information about the organization which related to the
employee's record to the human resource department. Through the system of HR management it
can get easy to access the information about every employee's job preferences and work
Determining the current trends and developments that influence the organization's HR strategy
Nowadays the new trends may influencing the human resource strategies which affect
organization's developments. There are two current trends which are influencing the Human
resource strategy.
Recruiting using the technology- Human resource managers may hire the best recruiters
through the online process which can help them to manage their time. The online recruitment
process using the new technologies may get the efficient candidates (Chams and García-
Blandón, 2019). This organization may have the best technology which can help human resource
management to control the recruiting process. For example- the new technologies may influence
the human resource process by using the modifying chatbots which can get the better application
process for their recruitments.
Online training and development sessions- There are new approaches to the talent
skills process that may boost up the human resource managers for find the new ways for the
better talent. This may help them to increase their perspective on their talent prospects.
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Reconsideration about the talent acquisition outlook, which have essential importance to rising
up the human resource processes. For example, For example, the human resource management
may utilize different types of technologies for purpose of enhancing effectiveness among
employees and developing new skills which individual candidate may utilize to reach desire
outcome as aim achievement.
Analysing internal and external influenced on human resource function of company
SWOT analysis is one of those strategic models that utilized in the context of varied
organizations to define their strengths, weakness and other aspects and these are following;
Strengths- Skilled workforce and good financial background are the key strengths of
TESCO that may put positive impact on its growth and tactics. Along with that, these capabilities
may influence human resource strategy positively, in term of enabling them to solve the issues
and take action for the same.
Weaknesses- They have a lack of support from the top management and unpredictability.
This two weakness may have major impact on the human resource management (Fenech,
Baguant, and Ivanov, 2019). The unpredictability may have a major impact which means, the
training which they are giving to the employees they might not be stayed with this organization.
Opportunities- The opportunities include the positive media coverage and the law and
regulations which may positively affect the human resource's profitability.
Threats- The threats can affect human resource management negatively. Which includes
the new regulations that may fix the limit of the job roles and competitors with bigger budgets to
recruits the new better staff.
PESTLE analysis which have an external impact on the human resource management which will
discusses above:
Political factor- This factor may have a positive impact on the human resource
management. In the form of the HR is already on its way to find and replace the employees with
the new talent acquisition (Fraher, and Brandt, 2019.). As the upper management needs human
resource to search for motivated employees which can maintain company's high performance
Economic factor- The globalization affects the HR role which may have a negative
impact on the human resource management (Hashim and, 2021). This is due to the
competitions, if various companies are making a job offers for the particular employee with the

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same skills. This affects the HR to role out the best employees for the organization. The
organization may recruit the employees globally, it may be difficult for them to train the
employees. It may be much easier if they work in the same office and may have a face to face
meetings. If the workers are working away that may be much difficult to keep tracking them
regularly and that may be the disadvantage for human resource management.
Social factor- The social factor may have a positive impact on the human resource
management in term of making them capable to hire people online, as each person prefer to
utilize digital technologies for varied reason along with the same. The organization may no need
to hire the employees according to their locations (Hickson, Child and Collinson, 2018). There
are many facilities nowadays which may help to hire the employees from any location. They may
use the online equipments to making their hiring process easier. It makes an efficient effort to
find out the better skills and working ability of the employees. The human resource management
need to know about the employees regulations act which might be help them when they need it.
Technological factor- The technologies may have a positive impact on the human
resource management. Changing in new technologies may help HR management to guide and
train their employees instantly through the messages and emails (Kunjumen and, 2022). For
HR, it may be easier to recruit the employees with help of the new technologies which can be the
social media platform or organization's specific websites where they may put the advertisement.
Legal factor- The legal factor may affect negatively to the human resource management.
Which means they need to know about the legalities, if they are hiring someone they may have a
responsibility to do their background verification (Paavola and Cuthbertson, 2022). It is ethically
important, if they do not verify their background properly that can led them to face the worst
scenario from the organization. The human resource management are hiring someone which
frequently means that they need to verify their background otherwise they may face the legal
Environmental factors- This factor may have a positive impact on the human resource
management. They may not do that much of paper work, they are completing their paperwork by
using digital equipments which may help them to avoid the environmental damage. The HR
management only needs some documentations which relates to the particular employee's
background details.
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Evaluating important strategic & operational considerations of TESCO
The important strategy of human resource is to set of the actions and tactics which helps in the
growth of the business. Strategic human resource may helps to inbuilt the future planning of the
business which is related to employees (Singh and El-Kassar, 2019). The human resource
management are responsible for the recruitments for their organizations they need to know the
knowledge and capabilities of the employees to set them into the new department. Operational
considerations includes the human resources staffs which are upper-level administrates. The
human resource management may focussed on the employees to which is refers to the regular
work problems and the current need of the team. This operational considerations may include the
hiring, recruiting and management of the employees. Human resource operations may use to
maintain the systematic computerized information about the team and may also focus about the
overall payroll of the organization.
How contemporary theory linked to practice and support strategy as well as meet business
There are two contemporary theories which may help to practice and support the strategies of
human resource to achieve the business recruitment objectives:
Strategic contingency theory
The strategic contingency theory may refers to the leaders of the particular teams may
become the fundamental part of this organization with their different skills for solving the human
resource challenge (Siyambalapitiya Zhang and Liu, 2018). This theory may help in the growth
and development of the human resource department. There may be much more dependency on
the leader so that they can not easily replaceable. The politics and authority an important role in
the human resource department. This theory focusses on that tasks which may need to be done
by solving the problems.
The problem solving means if that particular person is able to solve the problem than that
can be the effective leader from human resource management's point of view. This theory may
help HRM to identify the techniques which is used to believe on the personalities which a
particular team is carrying. This theory is use when the power and authority are simple unsettled
for the contingency which may be control by the organizational monetary unit. For example-
ASDA using this strategic contingency model for some external factors to maintain the power of
the organization. They may easily make the decisions which is related to the authority of ASDA.
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This maybe influenced by the skills of the other team members which may has a direct impact on
their human resource department.
Resource based theory
This theory may define as to apply on the firm's resources which can include the skills,
materials and organization data. This theory may applied in this organization which reflects the
advantages through focussing the internal resources. Which may be different for this
organization or reflects the uniqueness for the firm's resources (Soltanifar and Smailhodżić,
2021). The human resource may sustainably select the data for the organization for their
competitive advantages. The resources may help the organization for the strategically positions
in the market with the help of human resource department.
This theory may convey the full resources that may be valuable, rare and difficult to
stimulate by the other organization. For example- as discussed above in the strategic contingency
theory, ASDA may have a different aspect about their resources. This organization may using
this theory to develop their resource's efficiency in compare to TESCO. But TESCO may have
better human resource efficiency, which they can have capabilities to manage the resources to
create benefit over their rival organization ASDA.
Examine how human resources theory relates to practice in a TESCO
The HRM theory may explain in the term of managements practices which can influence
them to see the employee behaviour which can be in favour or in bad way. With the help of good
human resource practices that may satisfy with the training, knowledge and skills that may
increase the business's competitive advantage. Human resource management consider as an
essential asset for the organization.
The HR theory may defines to combine the policies and practices, which know about the
employee's working and performance capabilities through human resource management. HRM
practices may help to build up the organizational capabilities and may help to improve the
customer and stakeholder satisfactions. The HR practices may have an impact on the training and
development which may have a development of opportunities that can improve the current
workforce. By keeping the staffs happy and productive human resource can maintain their
employees happy.

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Critically analysing the influences of the external and contextual developments and how
this impacts on the HR strategy of TESCO.
Human resource management is a procedure to maintaining the rules and regulations of TESCO.
The external influences affect the human resource strategy by the economic conditions. This
conditions may affect this organization to improve its business quality and get the benefit but
that can affect also affect the organization with a negative outcome (Yu and, 2020). It may
be very important for the human resource management to continue the laws and regulations of
the country which can be the hiring process and training by the human resource. Maintaining
these regulations can be beneficial for this organization for their long term business. These factor
may have a major impact on the human resource strategy by which they can have a benefit on
their organization from these laws.
Document Page
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