
Strategic Human Resource Management Report - Tesco


Added on  2020-07-22

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Leadership ManagementProfessional Development
Strategic Human Resource Management Report - Tesco_1

TABLE OF CONTENTSEXECUTIVE SUMMARY............................................................................................................1TASK 1............................................................................................................................................1Relationship between human resource strategy and business strategy .....................................1Evaluation and comparison of the theoretical basis and models of SHRM...............................3Effective practices of HR for management of performance and rewards...................................6TASK 2 ...........................................................................................................................................6Analysis of nature and theoretical perspective of employees ....................................................6Roles of actors towards development of employees relations....................................................7Mechanism of employees participation and voice .....................................................................9REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................10Illustration IndexIllustration 1: Models of Strategic HRM.........................................................................................5
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EXECUTIVE SUMMARYIn competitive business environment, HRM plays a significant role in expansion ofbusiness operation and development business strategy. It is analysed that there is a strongrelationship between the business strategy and human resource management as they aredeveloped for the accomplishment of objectives of organization. In this context, analysis TESCOis taken which is a global retail brand and considered its employees as its stakeholders. Further,as HR consultant of TESCO, various strategies are analysed that helps them in managing andproviding motivation to workers within the organization. Unitary and pluralistic approaches areused to maintain employee relations. Roles of different actors in managing their employeesrelations are discussed. TASK 1Human resources is considered as critical source for every firm that helps them inregulations of business activities. Management of workforce is a complex process through whichmanagers will analyse the actions of individuals at workplace. Firms regulating at internationallevel analyse that there is a direct impact of HR functions on the performance and position ofbusiness in market (Budhwar and Debrah, 2013). Strategic HRM is regarded as an approachutilize by managers for making decisions related to development of policies and practicesconcerned with the relationship, performance, training, rewards and recognition of employeeswithin the organization. It can also be considered as a combination of human resource andbusiness strategy that are developed by administration focusing on the impact of workforce onorganization.Relationship between human resource strategy and business strategy In this context, as HR consultant of TESCO, various strategies are analysed that helpsthem in managing and providing motivation to workers within the organization. It is consideredas international retail store that regulates its business operations at global level. From theanalysis, it has been recognised that TESCO consider its employees as its stakeholders and focuson creation of various effective plans that helps in increasing performance, knowledge, skills andcompetencies at workplace.Below given are the points that describe strong relationship between the HR and businessstrategy such as:1
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Gaining objectives: Every organization regulate their business operations for theachievement of some specific goals in particular period. Strategies are formulated bymanagers with an aim of achieving these targets (Patel and Cardon, 2010). It is alsoconsidered as responsibility of managers to ensure that employees are also concernedtowards the achievement common goals and for that they will develop plans to motivatethem towards the organization. In TESCO, there are various strategies developed bymanagers for accomplishment of objectives. And they have to develop various plans forinfluencing employees to work with an aim of achievement of companies objective. Performance management: There is a strong relation of business strategy and humanresource as it aims at management of employees within the organization (Darwish, 2013).Main objective towards development of strategies is to raise the performance of businessin market. For this, it is essential for them to manage and increase the performance ofemployees so that they can work more effectively. TESCO has achieved a continuousgrowth in international market as its employees work more effectively and influencecustomers to increase the sales revenue. Thus, implementation of plans to increase theperformance of employees has provided great support to them towards achievement ofcontinuous growth and development.Consequences: It is an essential element that describe business mangers and HRdepartment works to together with aim to design consequences for employees who notperform their job appropriately (Jackson and Seo, 2010). There are various factors thatare considered by managers in TESCO such as companies policies, training, disciplinarysteps and goods business practices for the resolutions of employees problems andproviding rewards to key performers. It is considered as essential for them develop fairand equitable system which helps the management to provide motivation and retain themwithin the organization.For further explanation, there are various elements that are evaluated in order to describerelationship of between the business strategy and human resource within the cited organization.Fiedler’s contingency model comprises three elements, Viz, Leadership styles, situationalvariables and the relationship between styles and situation2
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