
Strategic Management and Leadership Report


Added on  2023-01-17

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Strategic Management and
Leadership Report
Strategic Management and Leadership Report_1

Table of Contents
TASK 1 ..........................................................................................................................................3
1.1 Relation between strategic management and leadership..................................................3
1.2 Impact of management and leadership style on the decisions of organisation.................5
1.3 Leadership style and its adoption towards different situation..........................................7
TASK 2............................................................................................................................................8
2,1 Impact of the theories that management and leadership has on organisational strategy..8
2.2) Create a leadership strategy that supports organisational direction..............................10
TASK 3..........................................................................................................................................11
3.1) Use appropriate methods to review current leadership requirements...........................11
3.2) Plan for the development of future situations requiring leadership..............................13
TASK 4..........................................................................................................................................15
4.1 Development of leadership skill for a specific context..................................................15
4.2 Usefulness of methods used to plan the development of leadership skills.....................16
REFERENCES .............................................................................................................................19
Strategic Management and Leadership Report_2

Strategic management exists as a procedure that leads the management to achieve its
goals and objectives by managing the resources for an organisation. It also involves to set their
objectives and monitoring the competitive environment for the organisation in order to analyse
the internal organisation and to ensure that management implement strategies in all units of the
company. On the other side, leadership skill refer to the strength and abilities that individuals
demonstrate and motivate individuals to accomplish organisational goals in short intervals. This
report is written from the perspective of Asda which is operating their business in retail industry.
It is a British Supermarket chain that operates its business among the overall world and its
headquarter is situated Leeds, West Yorkshire (Van Knippenberg and et. al., 2015). Along with
this the existing report highlights on link between strategic management and leadership style and
impact of management, leadership style on strategic decision of company. Moreover, this report
also highlights the impact of selected theories on management and leadership on organisational
strategy. To formulate leadership strategy for supporting organisational function and operation in
right direction and to select appropriate methods to review existing leadership requirements will
also be covered in this report.
1.1 Relation between strategic management and leadership
In the present scenario, majority of the organisation are performing their work at global
level. This refers that communication is a key factor for Asda to manage their work at multi-
national level. Leadership and management are the key factors that leads management to
implement an transparent communication channel in all departments of organisation. Further, the
management and leadership are inter-relate with each other but the roles and responsibilities of
both this style are separate from each other (Van Grembergen and De Haes, 2018).
The main motive to implement strategic management in the organisation is to arrange all
resources at a similar place. So it is simple for the organisation to perform their work by using
minimum resources and to get maximum benefits and results form the available resources in the
organisation. In simple words strategic management develop roadmap which is followed by the
units and departments of organisation.
Difference between leadership and management
Strategic Management and Leadership Report_3

Basis Leadership Management
Purpose In the context of Asda,
leadership perform their work
to inspire individuals for
achieving their goals.
The main motive to implement
management factor is to
perform the functions as per
the plans of organisation.
Power The main motive to implement
leadership style is generating
trust among the individuals or
workforce of Asda.
Large number of employee's
are performing their work in
the Asda to complete all
operations. So to control them
management perform a crucial
role in organisation.
Formulation Leadership style and method
are based on principle and
Management focuses on the
policies and procedures to
manage their work.
Interconnection between strategic management and leadership- Asda operates large
number of superstores in various cities of the organisation. Therefore, it is mandatory for
management to generate better relation and coordination between leaders and managers. In the
context of leaders they are important for strategic management work because an effective leader
gather the individuals and motivate them to achieve Asda goals and objectives with a easy
approach (Tihanyi, Graffin and George, 2014). Moreover, it is not states that leaders only
approach to complete the functions of a company. But management also perform similar work to
complete the work of organisation by delegating and dividing the right task to right person and it
also monitor that the functions of organisation are completed in decided time period.
The primary reason that demonstrate the link between leadership and management is that
leaders are able to make long term vision for the organisation. But they are beneficial only if the
management monitor its work and move them towards the goals of organisation. On the other
side develop strategies provide tools to Asda management for enhancing the performance of
Strategic Management and Leadership Report_4

Flexibility is the another reason because the present world is not fully static and in the
modern economical conditions are developed from various tools, as it is performing their work at
international level. Along with this the situations and circumstances faced by Asda in the are
changing in day to day operations (Thamhain, 2014). The main benefit with dynamic plans is
that it is easy for management to make or adopt changes according to the market situation.
Strategic management is performing to work as per the plans and their execution which
leads the organisation to get better results. Their are large number of functions are managed and
controlled by Asda. Therefore, to get better results from all of them it is essential for organisation
to make plans and them implement them. Due to which the sale of Asda products will be
increased in the future.
1.2 Impact of management and leadership style on the decisions of organisation
According to the general concept and understanding of organisational operations and
functions it is analysed that, leaders helps the organisation to manage and lead people according
to the guidelines and principle. Like Asda develop better value among all the individuals to
perform their work and to get best results by following them in appropriate manner. The main
concept represent that leaders are the persons that bring changes for organisation and the
manager develop activities that assists workforce to remain for longer period.
As per the existing market conditions, decisions works as the major aspect for the success
of leader. This determines that with an effective judgement individuals and Asda management
are able to enhance their work productivity and profitability for longer period. Whereas, large
organisation which are deeply concerned with understanding, developing and searching
leadership as it play a vital role to develop high performance teams. So to achieve high success
in the market leader and managers takes responsibilities to acquire and develop better products
and services for the organisation (Rosemann and vom Brocke, 2015). Impact of leadership and
management style on the decision of organisation are as follow: Autocratic style of leadership- In the context of Asda, autocratic leaderships style helps
the organisation to perform their work according to the power and decisions that are
decided by authorities. It impact on the decision of organisation by demotivating the
employee's to perform their work. Like if the management is forcing employee's to
perform their work more than regular working hours. Then it impact on the productivity
of employee's. Moreover, top authorities decisions are also affect by the leadership style.
Strategic Management and Leadership Report_5

Example- Autocratic style helps the organisation to implement centralised structure for
the functions of Asda. Collaboration between departments- All the departments and function of Asda are
related with each other. This governs operations which are performed by management
must consider as per the circumstances and situations of other decisions. Example- if the
HR department of Asda decided to recruit more employee's then its decisions must be in
favour of other departments because new recruited employee's perform their role in
finance and marketing teams (Rigby, 2014). So it is mandatory for the authorities of Asda
to formulate decisions that generates team leadership among the members of
organisation. Empowerment- Asda leaders follow democratic style in all of their stores which are
operated by them, The main aim to make decisions according to this policy is to make
more focus on productive results for better targets and achievement of the objectives. To
take fast action and quick decisions leadership style immediately helps the leaders for
making better decisions. Laissez faire style of management- Employee's are the key aspects of organisation as it
helps the organisation to make better decisions by utilising their experience. This
determines that workforce engage in operations of Asda on routine basis. So in order to
generate decisions according to the policies and procedures laissez faire style leads the
management to complete its work in appropriate manner. In the present scenario, all style
are suitable for those organisation to impact their work in minimum time period. Further,
it also work to make variety of outcomes (Qi and Ming-Xia, 2014).
Persuasive style for management- Autocratic style for management and persuasive style
work to enhance the performance as per the final decisions which are used to make
choices according persuasion of subordinates. Employee's convince their managers for
analysing benefits that help decision maker to generate profits for longer period.
Moreover, it is more effective for organisation because all decisions are not supported by
employee's. So to make it is essential for management to generate results and to make
decisions for longer period.
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