
Strategic Marketing in Amazon


Added on  2022-12-27

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Business DevelopmentLeadership ManagementProfessional DevelopmentData Science and Big Data
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Strategic Marketing in Amazon_1

Table of Contents
CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION...................................................................................3
1.1 Structure...............................................................................................................4
CHAPTER II. STRATEGIC PLANNING....................................................................4
2.1 Strategic marketing planning...............................................................................4
2.2 Mission and Vision..............................................................................................6
2.3 Strategies and Tactics...........................................................................................7
2.4 Action and Control...............................................................................................9
3.1 Amazon’s internal Marketing Strategies............................................................10
3.2 Amazon’s 4Ps Marketing Mix Strategy.............................................................11
3.3 Amazon’s Segmentation Strategy......................................................................14
3.4 Targeting strategy...............................................................................................14
3.5 Positioning..........................................................................................................14
3.6 Strategic gaps analysis.......................................................................................15
3.7 What worked best and Scenario forecast...........................................................16
CHAPTER IV. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS...............................16
Amazon strategic SWOT analysis...........................................................................18
Strategic Marketing in Amazon_2

The report is based on the analysis of an online retail organization named Amazon. The most
important aspect related to the operations of Amazon is based on the operations of the
organization is the customer centric nature. The internal marketing strategies and culture of
the organization has been analysed in the report in detail. The mission and vision of Amazon
is totally based on the customer centric operations and further development of segmentation,
targeting and positioning strategy. The gaps in strategies implemented by Amazon have been
analysed based on recommendations are provided for proper development of the future
operations of the organization.
Strategic Marketing in Amazon_3

Amazon.com Inc. is a global retail organization that is based in Seattle, Washington and
mainly focusses on the activities based on e-commerce, digital streaming and cloud
computing. The major aspects of the operations of Amazon that has helped the company to
gain a position in the industry are related to ways by which it has been able to disrupt the
industries that are well established in nature (Amazon.com 2019). Amazon has also been able
to gain a place of the largest internet company in the world based on the amounts of revenues
that have been earned. The concern has also developed its place as the second biggest
technology based organization (Amazon.com 2019).
The organizational structure that has been developed by Amazon is hierarchical in nature.
The Senior management based team of the organization consists of two CEOs, one
Worldwide Controller and three Senior Vice Presidents. The members of senior management
mainly report directly to the CEO of the organization. The organization has been able to gain
greater than 300 million customers on a global basis (Chauhan and Sarabhai 2018). The
structure of Amazon is also able to integrate different small sized teams in order to deal with
the various aspects that are related to the processes of the company. The “two pizza rule” has
also been implemented by the CEO of Amazon in order to manage the employees in an
effective manner (Chen, Kazman and Haziyev 2016).
The organizational structure that has been implemented by Amazon is based on extensive
levels of control on the global e-commerce based processes. The corporate structure of the
organization is based on the proper establishment of the system and design. Managers have
the ability to influence and direct the operational activities (Forbes.com 2019). The levels of
aggressiveness of operations that have been depicted by the organization. Managerial control
has been implemented in an effective manner by Amazon on its e-commerce operations in
Strategic Marketing in Amazon_4

different parts of the world. The structure has been able to provide support that is important
for the development of revenues of Amazon.com. The three major features that has affected
Amazon.com and its revenues include, global function groups, global hierarchy and
geographical divisions (Choi, Li and O’Rourke 2016).
1.1 Structure
The report will be based on the analysis of different aspects of Amazon that is an online
retail based organization. The strategic marketing planning process implemented by Amazon
will be analysed in the report in detail. The mission and vision statement that has been
developed by the organization will also be an important part of the report. The analysis in the
report will be able to provide information based on the internal marketing based strategies,
the 4 Ps of marketing mix, segmentation, targeting and positioning strategy and the strategic
gaps analysis (Batra and Keller 2016).
2.1 Strategic marketing planning
Strategic marketing planning is considered to be an important part of the operations that
have been performed by Amazon.com in the online retail industry. The mission statement of
the organization is affected in a huge manner by the process of strategic marketing planning
that is implemented. Strategic thinking has been an important part of the planning process
that has been developed by the organization. The CEO of Amazon, Jeff Bezos has played the
most significant role in the development of strategic planning (Franco 2018). Amazon has
become a customer centric organization due to the vision that has been developed and
implemented by the CEO. The leadership of Bezos is also based on the ways by which
Amazon can satisfy the customers and maintain the levels of loyalty as well. The sales and
Strategic Marketing in Amazon_5

online transactions of the organization are also based on the strategic plans that have been
formed by Amazon.com (Krämer, Tachilzik and Bongaerts 2017).
The formation of a major competitive advantage in the online retail industry is also
considered to be a significant aspect for the strategic plans that are formed by the company.
The development of competitive advantage is considered to be an important aspect that is
taken into consideration in the strategic planning process developed by Jeff Bezos (Manral
and Harrigan 2018). Customer-focussed innovation is a major part of the strategic planning
process developed by the CEO of Amazon. The organization has implemented different
technologies in order to enhance the levels of customer experience in an active way. Another
major strategy that has been implemented by Amazon in order to preserve its operations in
the online retail industry (Managementstudyguide.com 2019).
The balance that has been developed by Amazon between the different business portfolios
is significant for the methods by which the organization is able to provide its services to the
customers. The human resource based strategy that has been implemented by Amazon is able
to provide main support to the organization based on its growth in the online retail industry.
The HR strategy and business strategy of Amazon have been integrated in an efficient
manner in order to maintain the successful operations of the organization for a longer period
of time (Manzoor, Taha and Suri 2016). Bezos has been highly successful in the development
and implementation of different strategies. The acquisitions that have been made by Amazon
are able to support the operations and levels of profitability of the organization for a longer
period of time. Joint ventures on the other hand are able to play a major role in the proper
development of Amazon in online retail industry (Melero, Sese and Verhoef 2016). The
implementation of strategies in an effective manner is able to play a key part in the
improvement of future operations of Amazon in the competitive retail industry. The trust
levels can play a major role in the enhancement of the customer base of Amazon in the
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