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Strategic Supply Chain Management in Indian Manufacturing Firms


Added on  2023/01/17

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This research study discusses the importance of strategic supply chain management in Indian manufacturing firms, with a focus on the electrical industry. It explores the challenges faced by the industry and recommends lean and green supply chain management strategies to overcome them.

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Strategic Supply Chain

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The intent of this research study is to discuss in detail regarding the strategic supply chain
management as the study of Indian manufacturing firms. The research has incorporated
number of approaches and methods in order to get reliable and true data from different data
and information sources. From the study, it has been identified that supply chain management
is the significant procedure which is part of organizations key activities, used to manage the
movement of products from one location to another. The research is based on analysing the
strategic supply chain management of the Indian manufacturing industry where, there is
increasing demand of an effective supply chain management. In research has incorporated the
discussion of one of the major industries of India that is electrical industry which is presently
dealing with number of challenges such as environmental issues, cost control, flexibility,
consistency, increasing demand, etc. From the investigation, it has been signified that these
challenges can be overcome by adopting different practices in the existing supply chain. The
two strategies that are recommended in this study are lean supply chain management and
green supply chain management. According to the analysis, both the system support in
eliminating wastage, reducing cost, and eradicating the non-value activities from the
procedure. In addition, green supply chain management follows the greening concept under
which the businesses or the entire economy that to think from the perspective of environment
and work towards reducing their effect over it.
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Table of Contents
1. Introduction............................................................................................................................4
1.1. Research Background......................................................................................................4
1.2. Research Aim and Objectives.........................................................................................5
1.3. Research Question...........................................................................................................5
1.4. Research Significance.....................................................................................................5
2. Literature Review...............................................................................................................6
2.1. Introduction.................................................................................................................6
2.2. Conceptual Clarification.............................................................................................6
2.3. Summary...................................................................................................................13
3. Research methodology.....................................................................................................13
3.1. Introduction...............................................................................................................13
3.2 Research Philosophy..................................................................................................14
3.3 Research Approach....................................................................................................14
3.4. Research Design........................................................................................................15
3.5. Research Strategy......................................................................................................16
3.6 Data Collection Method.............................................................................................16
3.7 Ethical Consideration.................................................................................................18
3.8 Summary....................................................................................................................19
4. Analysis and Evaluation...................................................................................................19
4.1. Survey Questionnaire................................................................................................19
4.2. Data Analysis............................................................................................................21
4.3. Findings.....................................................................................................................31
Conclusion and Recommendations..........................................................................................33
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1. Introduction
1.1. Research Background
Tompkins Consortium conducted a survey in the year 2014 and highlighted one of the most
shocking revelations. The survey was conducted by taking some of the business leaders as the
participating members, it has been analysed that around 50% of them consider that supply
chain is the standalone operating function of the business (Logistics Bureau, 2019). The
business environment is becoming competitive with time, Businesses put maximum efforts to
sustain and attain their competitive advantage in the fast developing world (Wahyuni, 2010).
The most projecting method that could support business to do so is strategic supply chain
management. Strategic Supply chain management is said to be one of the most significant
portion of every business, where it is a small, medium, or large. Supply chain management is
said to be the active management of the activities of supply chain used to increase value for
the customers and attain a sustainable competitive advantage. As stated by Robert Handfield,
Ph.D. supply chain management also experience the movement and storage of the products or
materials required to manufacture a product, create a product, management of the inventory,
and maintaining the track of the end products (Afflink, 2019). As stated by the experts of
supply chain management, it is also the procedure of designing, planning, implementing,
controlling, and monitoring of the activities of the supply chain with the motive of enhancing
new value, attain a competitive advantage, leveraging global logistics, coordinating the
demand with the supply and evaluating the performance at world level. The other key areas
where strategic supply chain management is associated are procurement, information
technology, logistics, and operations (Afflink, 2019). If different businesses involved in
different type of industries adopt the strategic supply chain management, then the business
becomes capable to function at ideal capacity to offer and deliver number of materials and
In the context of Electrical industry of India, any machine that is managed by power is
regarded as electrical equipment. The electrical industry of India is complex, constructing a
diverse scope of items that are operated through high innovation equipment to low innovation
electrical segments. This electrical business is regarded as a serious work sector, which offers
direct employment to around 5, 00,000 people and a further deviant work to 1 million people
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(SME Venture, 2017). In order to manage the operations at such a huge scale, it becomes
very important to have a strategic supply chain management that could work towards
eliminating all types of industry challenges and well as increase the productivity of the
manufacturing and logistics companies. Challenges that the industry is dealing with is
complexity, consistency. Increasing demand, external forces like environment, and cost
control. These challenges could be overcome by having a well-developed supply chain
management and logistic partners that is focused towards attaining the goals. Besides this, in
order to overcome the environmental challenges, the electrical industry needs to adopt green
supply chain management as the part of strategic supply chain management that could work
towards reducing wastage and increasing value (Levinthal, 2011).
1.2. Research Aim and Objectives
The main aim of the study is to recognize the importance of strategic supply chain
management in the Indian manufacturing firms. In order to attain this aim, the study will
follow some of the objectives:
Examining the strategic supply chain management in the Electrical Indian Industry
Evaluate the best practices of supply chain management that could support businesses
involved in the industry affectively increase the value
Identify the best strategic supply chain management practices to overcome the challenges
1.3. Research Question
What are the challenges that influence the smooth operation of supply chain management in
the Indian Electrical Industry?
What are the best supply chain management practices to successfully attain competitive
1.4. Research Significance
As it is known that the electrical industry of India is complex, which incorporate number of
activities, operations, and employees that is required to be manage properly. The industry is
experiencing number of challenges that are very necessary to overcome in order to increase
the productivity and meet the gap between supply and demand (Rajakarunakaran and Rahim,
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2011). The practices that could be adopted by the businesses involved in the different Indian
industries is strategic supply chain management as it is incorporated with different steps that
is designing, executing, and controlling a well-organized supply chain.
2. Literature Review
2.1. Introduction
This chapter of literature review is one of the significant chapters of the research, as it assists
the researcher in developing the theoretical understanding regarding the research topic in
effective manner (Hart, 2018).
2.2. Conceptual Clarification
Supply Chain Management is also mostly denoted as SCM, which has been explained and
discussed by number of researchers. Depending on some recent developments in the literature
of supply chain, it is not atoll a surprising thing that there has been number of debated on the
particular definitions of Supply Chain Management. According to Mollenkopf, Stolze, Tate
and Ueltschy (2010), supply chain management is the network of facilities and distribution
that works as the roles of material procurement, conversion of the raw material into finished
products, and finally the distribution of the final good to the end users and customers.
Govindan, Muduli and Barve (2016), specified that Supply Chain Management is comprised
of integration activities placed in the network of facilities that acquire raw material, convert
them in the intermediate and final products, and distribute the products to the end users with
the help of distribution system. Christopher, (2016), defined supply chain as the group or
network of different businesses that are involved with each other through downstream and
upstream linkages, in diverse procedures and activities that create value in the form of
services and products in the hands of the end-users. Supply Chain Management is the planned
and orderly organization of the traditional business operations and the strategies across these
functions of the business in a specific company and across companies involved in the supply
chain, with the aim of enhancing the long-term performance of the individual businesses and
the supply chain.
Supply chain management works at three main levels: strategic, tactical, and operational.
Under strategic level, the management of the business take high level decisions related to
supply chain that are pertinent to the entire organizations (Murray, 2019). The decisions that

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are considered related to the supply chain highlight the complete corporate strategy that a
company is complying with. The procedure of strategic supply chain that has been decided by
the management covers the extent of the supply chain. These comprise development of the
product, consumers, producers or manufacturers, vendors, and logistics.
According to Carter and Liane Easton (2011), the supply chain strategy is the set of needs of
the customers that the businesses seeks to gratify through its services and products. A
characteristic strategy of supply chain must target at attaining a smooth flow of goals at very
minimum prices. It is generally accepted that one size does not fit all, when it is regarding
designing the strategy of supply chain to support a broad variety of products with diverse
characteristics sold in different markets.
In the context of the manufacturing industries of India, the electricity industry has changed
majorly to offer a broad variety of opportunities in the value chain, in both, the structured and
derestricted companies. Indian electrical market is said to the fifth largest market of the world
in regards to the capacity of energy generation and the third largest in the context of network
(PWC, 2019). The increasing demand, up gradation, and network extension, decrease in the
intensity of the energy, unbundling of the services of supply and development of trade of
cross-border, open number of opportunities for this industry. Tough, there are various
challenges in the direction of this industry like supply of fuel, risk of country-party stood by
distribution businesses, restrictions of the monopoly on open access and the accessibility of
the finance for the project (Hellström and Nilsson, 2011).
Challenges for the Electrical Industries in India
Energy businesses are constantly rethinking their supply chains to increase the number of
opportunities, decrease cost and attain competitive advantage.
Complexity – The activities of the energy sector are planned to be operated in the remote
regions where the key challenge is of logistics in regards to physical infrastructure and
obedience with severe environmental, safety, and health protocols. In addition, sheer scale of
few of the operations and the requirement to source from the suppliers founded in the distant
reaches of the world; the grouping makes for mainly difficult operating circumstances and the
necessity to overcome disjointed cross-border supply chains (DHL, 2019).
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Increasing Demand – Today, the market of energy is maturing as well as unsteady, as it is
characterized by increasing demand and changes in the volume of supply. As per the report of
International Energy Agency (IEA), the demand of energy at the global level will increase by
around one-third percent between the years 2010 and 2035. This increase in the demand will
be majorly due to developing markets. However, the biggest challenges will emerge from the
demand planning and prediction precision and the material arrangement and supply with the
usage of the energy.
External Forces – The recent quarterly report of McKinsey recommended that a significant
movement of the world-wide industry’s competitive landscape is under way, because new
businesses from the producing nations and the high growing markets of India and China join
the top ranks of the industry. Furthermore, environmental responsibility is constantly
changing with a continuous requirement to confirm that there is no compromise with the set
standards (DHL, 2019).
Cost Control – The requirement for the efficiency on the supply chain of the material could
have a major influence on the bottom line of the company, by enhancing productivity,
moderating downtime, and eliminating or decreasing risk. The related challenge is to identify
ways to allow and free up engineers such that they can invest their skills and time in the
major profitable and productive work (Ganeshkumar and Mohan, 2015).
Consistency - Compliance and Health, Safety, Security and Environmental (HSSE)
procedures in the sector of energy are not the major differentiator but a requirement, with
numerous businesses supposing HSSE and compliance procedures to be united in all the
procedures. Because businesses are becoming globalized, therefore the need for well-
organized procedures and operative facility from the suppliers are becoming progressively
essential (DHL, 2019).
According to Dües, Tan and Lim (2013), to overcome these challenges it is becoming very
important for the businesses in the electrical Indian industry to adopt lean supply chain
strategy. The businesses that are operating in the worldwide market must take into
consideration the elements of exploitation, like modification, efficiency of production,
assortment, execution and accomplishment. For instance, organizations should improve their
operational abilities or knowledge, because they are searching for the production efficiency in
the context of lower cost. Accordingly, businesses incline to execute a lean supply chain. The
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lean supply chain is said to be one that endlessly struggles for development in the exertion to
eradicate waste or added activities that offer no value in the supply chain. As stated by
Myerson (2012), the lean supply chain created a value stream from the suppliers of the
organization to the end users to remove every type of buffering cost into the system and to
confirm a level program in the manufacturing to sustain the competitive advantage by
economies of scale in a steady and expectable market.
The operators or businesses involved in the electrical industry of India are working towards
offering safe and yielding solutions such that through this they can eventually increase the
productivity, upsurge competence and decrease cost.
Addressing upsurging demand of the energy, by driving reductions in the cost, handling
safety and health standards, and decreasing time invested in the research of the market are the
difficult job which obliges partnership with the logistics partners. Over the years, companies
in the electrical industries like DHL have introduced number of innovative solutions for the
industry of energy. The company is working in different sectors such as oil and gas
downstream, oil and gas upstream, chemicals, power generation, utilities, petrochemical,
mining. The company offer variety of flexible as well as end to end specialized solutions of
the supply chain. According the analysis, it has been believed that by abridging the supply
chain the overall industry can attain competitive advantage and value for the customers (Jain,
Dangayach and Agarwal, 2013).
Oil and Gas Upstream – Whether it is about creating new on or offshore examination or
production services or operating prevailing ones, supply chains are compound and of
worldwide scale – frequently including huge number of suppliers from every region of the
globe. The companies involved in the logistics, supply chain, and manufacturing of the
electrical industry design, execute, and control a well-organized supply chain for each stage
of the sector of oil and gas upstream, comprising examination, construction and key handling.
Executing number of services, comprising supply base management and rig move
management solutions, the goal of the logistics firms is to enhance the value of in-field
process. Companies attain this by moving material from one location to the right location at
appropriate time in order to reduce downtime, while concurrently managing the cost of the
manufacturing firms and environmental influence of the operations of the transportation
(DHL, 2019).

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Power and Utilities – Companies like DHL help the businesses in creating projects and
supporting them in prevailing water infrastructure, gas, and electricity. This prolongs to
assisting businesses with alternative energy with a durable renewable set. The company is
very well aware of the strong renewable portfolio. DHL is conscious of all the challenges
accessible from the inappropriate infrastructures, to augmented governmental emphasis on
discovering substitute sources of energy. The company work to design, execute, and manage
the supply chain services that can improve the productivity of the business by decreasing
costs. The manufacturing firms in the electrical industry understand the dramatic impact of
more competent supply chain of indirect materials on their business by augmented use of
engineers, decreasing the risk and reducing downtime. This knowledge support the
manufacturing as well as logistics firms in increasing efficiency of the supply chain well,
maintaining vital equipment online, while releasing the engineers to invest their skills and
time in profitable and productive methods for the organization (DHL, 2019).
In addition to this, today the Indian manufacturing firms are emphasising on green supply
chain management. According to Srivastava (2007), GSCM is the single procedure that is
incorporating the environmental aspects and thinking in the supply chain management which
is generally comprised of designing of the product, sourcing and selection of material,
procedure of manufacturing, finished product delivery to the end customer and end-of-life
management of the product after the product’s useful life. Green Supply Chain Management
has its origins in the literature of environment and strategic supply chain management. As per
the previous research conducted on the supply chain management, reflects that investments in
the greening can reduce wastage, enhance productivity, and save lot of resources of the
industries involved in the exploitation of natural resources or other resources such as
electrical industry. The researchers suggest three approaches to be adopted in the execution of
green supply chain management are reactive, proactive, and value seeking (Simpson and
Sampson, 2008). India is a nation where concern in the context of green supply chain
management has become severe. The worldwide drift to source and manufacture products in
the nations offering opportunities at low cost is probable to cover the strength in next ten
years, mainly in the skill demanding industries like electrical, automotive industry, etc. where
India has attained major competitive advantage. As India is known as the key manufacturing
nation, it has number of opportunities, but they also experience considerable environmental
effects with this opportunity. The over-all Indian economy emission in the year 2003-2004 is
projected to be around carbon dioxide’s 217 million tons; from this over 57% is because of
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the utilization of lignite and coal in different industries (Bag, 2019). This resulted in the per
capita emissions to be around 1.14 tons. Manufacturing segment of the Indian industry is said
to be the major contributor in this emission. The suitable expansion of the green supply chain
management theory and practices can assist the country in decreasing the environmental
impact of the manufacturing firms and products disposal and result in enhancing social and
economic position of the nation.
The significance of the Green Supply Chain Management for the success of the organization
has attained a major attention in present years. The key aim is to understand the pressures
dominant in the Indian system, the barriers to GSCM and eventually how green supply chain
rehearses in a company could be the competitive advantage source in common and mainly in
the manufacturing sector of India and how in the previous studies have conducted in order to
understand the secret of the practices of GSCM.
Developed nations are those nations where there is high level of growth and development
based on some characteristics- comprised of industrialization, human development index, and
economy. Nations like South Korea, Italy, Canada, Japan, Germany, Sweden, Italy, and
Australia are included in the developed nation’s category and green supply chain
management has been adopted and used by their nations. In emerging nations particularly in
the Asian region – Thailand, Indonesia, India, Singapore, Philippines, Malaysia, and China,
practices of GSCM are in a very emerging phase (Bhateja, 2012). As GSCM is one of the
forms of strategic supply chain management, many companies in the emerging nation are
accepting this concept in order to decrease the environmental impact of number of activities
of businesses in place of maintaining a proactive attitude to decrease the pollution or wastage
source. Quick development in the Malaysia has ruined the environment because of high
pollution from the manufacturing sector and hence has diverted the focus towards ISO 14001
certified manufacturing business in the region i.e. Malaysia in order to study more deeply the
concept of GSCM. GSCM drivers that are identified in the Malaysian context are social
responsibility, regulations, expected business gains, and Customer requirements (Seman,
2012). The awareness of green supply chain management is very high and hence is observed
as a strategic implementation that will support the Indian manufacturing firms in the
electrical industry to attain competitive advantage. Acceptance of the practices of GSCM is
uppermost in the region where there is connection to competence and cost savings and vice
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Srivastava (2007), adopted an extensive literature review in order to represent a complete
unified interpretation of the printed literature on every extents of green supply chain
management, mainly taking the angle of reverse logistics for enabling future research. In the
research, the main emphasis was on reverse logistics as the formation of well-organized
network of reverse logistics is said to be a requirement for effectual and remanufacturing and
profitable recycling. The key contributing aspects of green supply chain management
pressures are cost related pressure, regulations, supply chain pressure, and marketing. In the
analysis, it has been identified that through GSCM practices the performance of the Chinese
companies has improved majorly the operational and environmental performance (Zhu,
Sarkis and Geng, 2005).
Under literature review, the researcher identified that a study was conducted by Zhu & Sarkis
(2007), on the manufacturing companies of China in order to evaluate the relationship
between economic, environmental performance and green supply chain management
practices by including three controlling factors i.e. regulatory, competitive, and market
pressures. The outcomes that were identified in the study are:
Augmented environmental pressure enforced businesses to accept practices of GSCM.
The presence of the regulatory and market pressure inspires business to have
enhanced environmental pressures particularly in the case of green purchasing eco-de-
Manufacturers dealing with greater regulatory pressure incline to execute green
purchasing and investment recovery.
Competitive pressure considerably recovers the economic paybacks from acceptance
of diverse practices of GCSM
The institutional pressures did not supported in attaining a “winwin” state for refining
economic as well as environmental performance of the business.
Green supply chain management could be utilized as an environmental instrument to enhance
the business environmental image and attain competitiveness in the international market
(Zhu, Sarkis and Lai, 2008).
The size of the organization works as the key factor in the adoption of GSCM. Large and
medium size businesses are said to be advanced in comparison to small size business in many
aspects, but is it not necessary that all of these adopts the practices of GSCM. Certification of

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ISO 14001 and system of environmental management have major execution variances among
small, medium, and large business.
Businesses that incorporate suppliers into the greening procedure early and well in advance
of rivals initiate a path of development that may offer a continued competitive advantage that
continues in the future (Zhu, Sarkis and Lai, 2008).
Lean environment aids as a substance to enable Green execution. The incorporation of green
and lean practices will carry profits to the business and presenting green as new lean is no
longer an unsupported and strong statement. It is somewhat indisputable that the last lean will
be green (Green Jr, Zelbst, Meacham and Bhadauria, 2012).
2.3. Summary
From the above analysis, it could be summarized that the strategic supply chain management
is one of the key approach that must be adopted with utmost care in order to have proper
allocation and delivery of the end products to the end users. Besides this, strategic supply
chain management is the network of facilities and distribution that works as the roles of
material procurement, conversion of the raw material into finished products, and finally the
distribution of the final good to the end users and customers. Supply chain management is
one of the key parts of the manufacturing firms of India. It has been analysed that Indian
electrical industry is dealing with number of challenges related to increase demand, cost,
flexibility, environmental issues, etc. which could be overcome by adopting lean supply
chain. Besides this, companies like DFL one of the logistics company is working effectively
to overcome these challenges. Today, Indian manufacturing firms are being attracted towards
green supply chain management such that they can eliminate the wastage from the operation
and increase productivity.
3. Research methodology
3.1. Introduction
The chapter of research methodology offers a comprehensive understanding regarding the
method, techniques, and tools used in leading the study in an organized manner. The chapter
of research methodology is also very operative for the researcher to gain the guidance in the
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context of data collection and views of different participants and sources to complete this
project of research (Kumar, 2019).
3.2 Research Philosophy
In the research study, the research philosophy created the knowledge and understanding of
the investigator in regards to the superior issues. Similarly, the use of proper research
philosophy assists the investigator in recognizing the methods of collecting information,
analysing and utilization of the procedure of research (Gratton and Jones, 2010). As per the
research topic nature, the philosophy of the research is categorized into three key types, i.e.
realism, positivism, and interpretivism philosophy (Saunders and Lewis, 2012). Under this,
positivism philosophy is about the actual understand gathered through actual observations
and measurements, which allows the investigator to recognize the true data with the help of
statistical data and available information. Further, realism philosophy is majorly dependent
on the belief of the human and reality they have experienced in the environment. On the other
side, interpretivism philosophy assists the investigators to gather deep understanding
regarding the research topic through the reviews and opinions of the participants (Leitch, Hill
and Harrison, 2010).
In order to conduct this research, the researcher has adopted the interpretivist philosophy,
because through this philosophy the researcher enabled to access the views and perception of
participants. It has supported the investigator in making useable conclusion in the context of
strategic supply chain management in the manufacturing firms of India. On the opposite side,
the research philosophy is not aligned with the positivism and realism philosophy in order to
solve the issue of the research, because in this research there is no need of extremely
structured methodology, for example, creating hypothesis and demonstrating and assessment
of consequences depending on generalization.
3.3 Research Approach
The selection of the research approach is very important for this research, as it helps in
justifying the research methods and design. With the help of research approach the
researchers can present the information in organized manner. There are two types of research
approaches that is deductive and inductive, which allows the investigators to validate the
utilization of the specific methods of data collection and data analysis for the research
(Maxwell, 2012). In this research, it is significant for the researchers to have thorough
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information as well as knowledge about the application of these methods in the study.
Deductive approach is said to be the approach comes with positivism philosophy, whereas on
the other side, inductive approach is one of the most suitable with the interpretivist
philosophy. In the research, the use of deductive approach results in creating the hypothesis
aligned with the issue of the research, with the implication of some theories. For this, the
investigator has to gather diverse kind of information to accept or reject the hypothesis.
Under, inductive approach the researcher gains the flexibility benefit as it does not comprise
the creation of hypothesis for the issue of the research (Dagenais-Desmarais and Savoie,
For this study, the researcher has make use of inductive approach over the deductive
approach, as this method allowed the investigator to gather the subjective knowledge fir the
topic of the research. With the help of inductive approach the researcher is able to improve
the rationality and dependability of the outcomes of the research or study. Through this
approach, the investigator is able to gather the information and make precise conclusion to
discourse the best possible practices of Strategic supply chain management. Whereas, the
researcher has not used the deductive approach as there was no need to create the hypothesis
in order to answer the questions of the research.
3.4. Research Design
The research studies that support the researchers in designing the project are casual,
descriptive, and exploratory research design. Under research study, the exploratory research
design highlights the initial study, in which the investigator gets the issue of the topic with
the assistance of the created hypothesis (Patten and Newhart, 2017). On the other side, the
descriptive research design assists the investigators to gather comprehensive data regarding
the research topic by explaining the phenomena. Besides this, the causal research is focussed
towards the effect and cause relationship between different variables.
In order to conduct this study, the researcher has makes use of descriptive as well as
exploratory research designs. The exploratory research design has been selected by the
researcher because it allows gathering the detailed information related to the strategic supply
chain management in the Indian manufacturing firms. Besides this, the selection of the
descriptive research design has enabled the researcher in understand the individual and group
characteristics. Both the research design has supported the investigator in merging the

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opinions and perception of different participants, to attain the objective of the research and
answer the question of the research. Similarly, the researcher has not adopted the casual
research design in the study, because the study does not require highlighting the cause-and-
effect relationship between diverse variables.
3.5. Research Strategy
The research strategy is very important element that is required to conduct this study, as it
allows the investigator to identify the research issue by responding to the questions of the
research in orderly manner. With the help of proper research strategy, the investigator gathers
background information and evaluates the data in order to make specific conclusion
(Verschuren, Doorewaard and Mellion, 2010). To meet the aim and objective of the research,
the investigator can make use of diverse research strategies like questionnaire, case study,
survey, interview, focused group, literature review, observation, and experiment.
In order to conduct this study, the researcher has make use of interview and survey as the
research strategies. These strategies has been selected by the researcher, because through
these strategies, the investigator is able to gather the suitable amount of data related to the
Strategic supply chain management in the manufacturing firms of India (Burns, Bush and
Sinha, 2014). With the help of survey research strategy, the collection of data is cost effective
as well as saved lot of time of the researcher which increased the dependability of the study
among main stakeholders. In addition to this, the adoption of interview as the research
strategy has supported the investigator to personally meet the participants of the research and
gather their views related to the issue of the research. Adopting both the research strategies
has guided the researcher in creating validity of the research.
3.6 Data Collection Method
Data collection methods are the collection of information in a well-organized manner, from
diverse sources in order to meet the objective of the research. The proper method of data
collection help the investigator in developing understand as well as knowledge regarding the
research issue (Kolb, 2012). Besides this, the use of data collection method supports the
researcher in making effective conclusions in the context of the research issue. There are two
kinds of methods used for data collection that are secondary method and primary method.
The primary data collection method, new data is gathered which is not been gathered before
by the investigator. In order to collect the primary data, the investigators make use of
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questionnaire, action research, survey, case study, interview, group discussion, etc. (Chan,
Fung and Chien, 2013). On the other hand, secondary data collection method is that in which
the data is gathered by number of researchers or institutions in order to meet their needs.
Many times, the secondary data is said to be the published information that could be easily
accessed by the investigator in order to meet its objective of the research. The sources of the
secondary data collection method are websites, magazines, books, journals, newspaper,
articles, governmental reports, etc. (Crowther and Lancaster, 2012)
To conduct the research on the topic “Strategic Supply Chain Management – An Exploratory
Study on Indian Manufacturing Firms”, the investigator has selected both the methods of data
collection that is primary and secondary data collection methods. Under this research topic,
the adoption of the primary method is operative to initiate the direct connection with the
participants to understand their opinions on the research issue. On the other side, the adoption
of the secondary method is operative to gather comprehensive and theoretical knowledge
regarding the research issue. With the help of the data collection methods, the investigators is
able to gather data from diverse sources like articles, websites, journals, and books, in order
to enhance the research outcomes reliability (Bryde, Broquetas and, Volm, 2013).
Under the primary method of data collection, interview and questionnaire has the used to
collect precise data. This method also supports the investigators in collecting the views of the
participants in the context of strategic supply chain management in the Indian manufacturing
3.6.1. Sampling Method
Sampling is the method used for the selection of suitable research participants to respond the
questionnaire of the research for attaining the research aim. There are two kinds of strategies
for sampling i.e. non-probability sampling and probability sampling strategy (Etikan, Musa
and Alkassim, 2016). These strategies support the researcher in choosing the precise
observation from separate population. Under this, the strategy of probability sampling is the
method that is used by the researcher as the random selection of the participants. In this
method, everyone gets the similar change in order to be selected in the study. On the other
side, the strategy of probability sampling is a method, where every individual does not get the
equal change of being selected into the research (Yang and Banamah, 2014).
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The researcher to conduct this study has adopted probability sampling method. Under this
research, the strategy of probability sampling with the random sampling is utilized to choose
the number of participants for conducting the survey questionnaire. In order to gather
information the researcher has selected 70 employees from the manufacturing electrical
industry of India are chosen for the questionnaire.
3.6.2. Data Analysis Method
After the collection of the information and data, it is very important to analyse them to make
reliable and valid outcomes in the context of the research issue. There are number of data
analysis methods that could be used by the researchers to conduct their study like statistical
analysis, conversational analysis, thematic/content analysis, and disclosure analysis to make
an appropriate and noteworthy analysis of the data that has been gathered (Agresti and Kateri,
2011). To perform the analysis of the data collected, the method that is used is statistical data
analysis method. With the help of this method, the investigator is capable to highlight the
evocative statistics of the information comprising data including cross tabulation, regress, and
correlation and also infer the meaning of the participants’ responses. In order to represent the
data in tables and graph, the researcher has made use of MS-Excel as it enables the better
understanding of the findings and responses regarding the Strategic supply chain
management in the Indian manufacturing firms. In addition to this, researcher has also
adopted literature review method of data analysis, as it has allowed understanding the related
the reviews of different academies and researchers presented their studies on related research
3.7 Ethical Consideration
In the context of the research, the ethics is associated to the completion of every task and
activity of the study in ethical and valid way by meeting the guidelines of the University and
confidentiality as well as privacy of the participants. This also supports the investigator in
accepting the suitable behaviour, to finish the research thoroughly (Whitbeck, 2011). This
study has also deal with ethical issues in the context of violation of copyright act, data
fracturing, and plagiarism while conducting secondary data collection. These ethical issues
are alleviated by the investigator by offering complete credit to the researchers by placing
references and in-texting at every paragraph. In addition to this, to evade the chances of

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similarity report, the investigator has make use of precise languages in order to interpret the
data collected.
Furthermore, the investigator has taken former appointment from the participants who have
been selected for gathering the primary data to attain the research aim. By doing so, the
investigator has tried to gather the data in appropriate and detailed manner from the
participants. It has also assisted the investigator in maintaining the data reliability and
effectiveness of the data. Besides this, the investigator has also acknowledged the guidelines
concerned with the participant’s privacy, such that their personal information is not revealed
while conducting the research and after the completion of the research.
3.8 Summary
From the above analysis, it could be concluded that the proper consideration of the research
methodology has allowed the investigator to attain the aim and objective of the research in a
remarkable manner. By investigating different approaches, philosophies, strategies, designs
and data collection methods of the research in the context of strategic supply chain
management in the Indian manufacturing firms, has allowed the researcher to collect
adequate data as well as information. Besides this, by taking in account the ethical issues, the
investigators are allowed conduct this study in substantial as well as ethical manner.
4. Analysis and Evaluation
4.1. Survey Questionnaire
4.1.1 Gender
Male [ ]
Female [ ]
4.1.2. Age Group
Under 30 [ ]
31- 40 Years [ ]
41- 50 Years [ ]
More than 50 years [ ]
4.1.3. Experience
Document Page
Less than 5 Years [ ]
5-10 Years [ ]
10-15 Years [ ]
More than 15 Years [ ]
4.1.4. Please mentioned the category of industry
Electrical Industry [ ]
Automobile Industry [ ]
Process Industry [ ]
Machinery Industry [ ]
Electronics Industry [ ]
4.1.5. According to you, what is Strategic Supply Chain Management and why it is important
4.1.6. To what extent your company/ industry are successful in managing its supply chain
Not Successfully [ ]
Somewhat Successful [ ]
Successfully [ ]
Very Successfully [ ]
4.1.7. Is your industry's Supply Chain Management is having sufficient transportation?
Yes [ ]
No [ ]
4.1.8. Type of Challenges industry is experiencing
Increasing Demand [ ]
Increasing Cost [ ]
Environmental Issues [ ]
Cost Control [ ]
All of the above [ ]
4.1.9. Rate the working strategies of the supply chain management department on the basis of
current program
Document Page
Outstanding [ ]
Excellent [ ]
Best [ ]
Good [ ]
Average [ ]
4.1.10. As per the current situation, what type of supply chain management must be adopted
in your industry?
Lean Supply Chain Management [ ]
Green Supply Chain Management [ ]
Others [ ]
4.1.11. What approaches that industry must adopt to have effective supply chain
4.1.12. How you rate the delivery activity of the department?
Excellent [ ]
Very Effective [ ]
Good [ ]
Average [ ]
Below Average [ ]
4.1.13. Do you think involvement of the employees can result in improved supply chain
Strongly Agree [ ]
Agree [ ]
Neutral [ ]
Disagree [ ]
Strongly disagree [ ]
4.2. Data Analysis
Survey through questionnaire has been conducted on total 70 employees of the Indian
manufacturing industries, comprised of electrical, automobile, process, machinery, and
electronics industry. In the questionnaire, the investigator has asked number of questions

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related to the demographic factors and the objective of the research to attain the aim of the
4.2.1 Table 1
The questionnaire survey has been conducted from different employees of indian
manufacturing firms, with different gender and experiences. The demographic results of this
survey have been presented below:
From the above analysis, it can be observed that researcher has included equal number of
men and women into study in order to give equal importance to both the gender. The above
research has included total 35 men and 35 women participants.
Document Page
4.2.2. Table 2
Under 30 31-40 years 41-50 years More than 50 years
Age Group
The research is conducted in total 70 employees of the Indian manufacturing firms from
which 35 of the total employees lie under the age group of under 30, 15 employees lie under
31-40 years, 14 employees lie under 41-50 years, and only 6 of the employees lie in the age
group of more than 50 years.
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4.2.3. Table 3
Less than 5 years 5-10 years 10- 15 years More than 15 years
From the above table observation, it can be analysed that most of the employees lie under the
experience head of more than 15 years that is 25 employees. Whereas, the employees with 10
to 15 years of experience are 10, employees with the experience of 5 to 10 years are 15, and
employees with less than 5 years of experience are 20. This data reflects that the researcher
can gather the proper data and can successfully attain the objective of the research, as the
research is comprised of 25 employees out of 70 who have more than 15 years of experience.
Besides this, these employees can provide valid and reliable data to the researcher through
their experience regarding the Strategic supply chain management in the manufacturing firm
of India.

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4.2.4. Table 4
Industry Automobile
Indistry Process Industry Machinery
Industry Electronics
Please mentioned the category of industry
From the above diagram, it could be observed that the researcher has also asked the
participants regarding the type of industry from which they belong, in order to analyse the
data properly as per different industry. To conduct the research regarding the strategic supply
chain management in the Indian manufacturing firms, the total number of participants for the
research is 70 out of them 65 of the employees belongs to the electrical industry and the
remaining ones are from automobile, process, machinery, and electronics industry. The
number of employees from the electrical industry is more because the entire research is based
on the research proposal and according to that, the entire research has to be conducted on
strategic supply chain management of the electrical industry. As the Indian electrical industry
is presently one of the most complex as well as critical industry which require the most
effective supply chain management such that there is no wastage of the resources (Electricity
innovation Lab, 2015).
In this question the researcher asked from the participant regarding the concept of strategic
supply chain management and why it is important for the businesses. According to the
Document Page
analysis most of the respondent answered that strategic supply chain management is the
active management of the activities of supply chain used to increase value for the customers
and attain a sustainable competitive advantage (Gold, Seuring and Beske, 2010). Supply
chain management is also the process of designing, planning, implementing, controlling, and
monitoring of the activities of the supply chain with the motive of enhancing new value,
attain a competitive advantage, leveraging global logistics, coordinating the demand with the
supply and evaluating the performance at world level.
According to some participants, strategic supply chain management is important for every
business because it support the business in tracking the movement of the stock, storage of the
material needed for manufacturing end product, designing a product, inventory management,
and keeping the track of the finished products (Barney, 2012).
4.2.6. Table 5
Successfully Somewhat
Successful Successfully Very
To what extent your company/
industry are successful in managing
its supply chain management?
To what extent your
company/ industry are
successful in managing its
supply chain management?
From the above analysis, it can be observed that researcher asked question from the
participants regarding at what level their industry is able to manage the supply chain
management. As the response, 35 of the employees from the total 70 employees said that
their business/ industry are somewhat successful in managing the supply chain. This is when;
their industry is comprised of number of experienced skilled people. This situation has been
raised majorly in the electrical industry due to arise of few challenges which are raising
barriers in front of the effective supply chain operations of the industry. These barriers have
resulted in the failure of different projects of the industry (Alstone, Gershenson and Kammen,
2015). Besides this, the above analysis highlights that there are very less number of
Document Page
employees i.e. 6, out of 70, who think their businesses are able to manage the supply chain
very successfully. In addition, not successfully, and successfully extends have reached almost
equal number of preference which is comprised of not successfully and successfully.
4.2.7. Table 6
Is your industry's Supply Chain
Management is having sufficient
In the above question, the researchers asked the respondent regarding the sufficient
transportation in their supply chain management. From the analysis, it has been identified that
79% of the respondent said that their supply chain management is comprised of sufficient
transportation. This reflects that Indian manufacturing firms is incorporated with sufficient
transportation into their supply chain which support them in proper delivery and storage of
the material and product that are being processed into the supply chain process. However, on
the other side, only 29% of the employees feel that their business/ industry is not comprised
of sufficient transportation which can result in wastage of lot of money as well as time of all
the intermediates involved in the supply chain. From the above presented literature review, it
has been identified that it is very important to have proper supply chain management in order
to avoid all the challenges present in the procedure. Therefore, it is recommended that the

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management of the business must focus on establishing an efficient supply chain process into
the operations.
4.2.8. Table 7
Demand Increasing Cost Environmental
Issues Cost Control All of the above
Type of Challenges industry is experiencing
The above presented graph is highlighting the type of challenges that the Indian
manufacturing industry is dealing with. From the analysis, it could be observed that most of
the respondent that is 30 employees thinks that their industry’s supply chain is dealing the
environmental issues, which are raising challenges in front of their productivity as well as
goals. Besides this, 5 out of 70 participants think the all the mentioned challenges that is
increasing demand, increasing cost, environmental issues, and cost control are being faced by
their industry. The analysis highlights that, at major level electrical industry of India is
dealing with all these challenges but the major challenge for its supply chain is environmental
issues (Talib, Rahman and Qureshi, 2013). It is being said because the electrical industry is
the one which is related with the exploitation of natural resources and wastage.
4.2.8. Table 7
Document Page
Outstanding Excellent Best Good Average
Rate the working strategies of the
supply chain management
department on the basis of current
The above graph is representing the rating given by the participants on the working strategies
of the supply chain management on the basis of current program. From the above
observation, it could be said that equal number of employees that is 20 employees think that
working strategies of their supply chain management department are best and average. On the
other side, only 5 employees out of 70 employees think that their working strategies of the
supply chain management are good. 10 of the participants stated that their working strategies
of the supply chain management are outstanding. The data reflects that Indian manufacturing
firms have best working strategies into their supply chain management outline.
4.2.9. Table 8
As per the current situation, what
type of supply chain management
must be adopted in your industry?
As per the current
situation, what type of
supply chain management
must be adopted in your
The above data is highlight the opinions of the Indian manufacturing firms employees
regarding what type of supply chain management must be adopted in the industry. From the
Document Page
above analysis, total 40 employees out of 70 employees think that there is need of green
supply chain management into the operations. From this maximum of the employees are from
electrical industry who says that industry is in need to green supply chain management.
Because green supply chain management is the single procedure that is incorporating the
environmental aspects and thinking in the supply chain management which is generally
comprised of designing of the product, sourcing and selection of material, procedure of
manufacturing, finished product delivery to the end customer and end-of-life management of
the product after the product’s useful life (Kumar, Chattopadhyaya and Sharma, 2012).
Furthermore, 20 employees out of 70 employees think that Indian manufacturing firms must
get involved in the lean supply chain management in order to improve the operations and
increase productivity. The lean supply chain is said to be one that endlessly struggles for
development in the exertion to eradicate waste or added activities that offer no value in the
supply chain.
In this survey question, the researcher has tried to ask the respondents regarding the
approaches that industry must adopt in order to have effective supply chain management.
According to the analysis, it has been identified that businesses involved in the manufacturing
industry must work with its skilled and talented employees for creating effective approaches.
The company involved in the system must try to offer innovative solutions to its clients.
Besides this, they must work to offer variety of flexible as well as end to end specialized
solutions of the supply chain.

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4.2.11. Table 9
Excellent Very
Effective Good Average Below
How you rate the delivery activity of
the department?
How you rate the delivery
activity of the department?
The above question is related to identify the effectiveness of the delivery activity of the
Indian manufacturing firms. From the above analysis, it could be observed that around 25
participants out of 70 employees’ views that their department is comprised of average
delivery activity. This reflects that Indian electrical industry is able to only attain average
delivery activities into the procedure, so this could be said that there is high need for the
industry to improve its delivery activity by meeting the gap between supply and demand.
Besides this, only 5 of the participants think that delivery activity of their supply chain
department is excellent. This is because these employees are part of automobile and
electronic industry of India, which is accomplished with some best logistics and supply chain
operators who ensure the best and effective supply chain operations (Tummala and
Schoenherr, 2011).
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4.2.12. Table 10
Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
Do you think involvement of the
employees can result in improved
supply chain management?
Do you think involvement
of the employees can
result in improved supply
chain management?
With the help of above question the researcher is trying to ask participants is it true that
involvement of the employees in the system results in improved supply chain management.
From the above data, it could be noticed that maximum of the participants that is 35
employees strongly agree that involvement of the employees in the decision making
procedures results in improved supply chain management. This is because involving
employees into the decision making procedure motivates them to improve their productivity
and establishes a positive business culture as well as environment. With the policies of
employee involvement, support business in attracting talented and skilled employees towards
the business (Carmeli, Reiter-Palmon and Ziv, 2010). From the above analysis, it could also
be noticed that only 1 from the total participants strongly disagree with the statement that
involvement of the employees in the decision making results in improving the performance of
the supply chain and eventually the performance of the entire organization.
4.3. Findings
The key findings of the above study are as follows:
Strategic supply chain management is one of the key operations of every organization of
every size. In support to this, Robert Handfield, states that, Strategic Supply chain
management is said to be one of the most significant portion of every business, where it is a
small, medium, or large. As stated by the experts of supply chain management, it is also the
procedure of designing, planning, implementing, controlling, and monitoring of the activities
of the supply chain with the motive of enhancing new value, attain a competitive advantage,
Document Page
leveraging global logistics, coordinating the demand with the supply and evaluating the
performance at world level.
The research has identified that Indian electrical industry is one of the most complex as well
as largest manufacturing industry across the world which is trying to meet the needs of
millions of people. In support to this, the Indian logistics company i.e. DHL stated that the
electrical industry of India is complex, constructing a diverse scope of items that are operated
through high innovation equipment to low innovation electrical segments (DHL, 2019). This
electrical business is regarded as a serious work sector, which offers direct employment to
around 5, 00,000 people and a further deviant work to 1 million people (SME Venture, 2017).
Therefore, in order to manage the operations of such large industry, it becomes very
important to have a strategic supply chain management that could work towards eliminating
all types of industry challenges and well as increase the productivity of the manufacturing
and logistics companies.
From the above analysis, it has been identified that strategic supply chain is comprised of
three main levels. In support to this, Murray (2019), states the three levels that is strategic,
tactical, and operational. Under strategic level, the management of the business take high
level decisions related to supply chain that are pertinent to the entire organizations.
The Indian manufacturing industries majorly the electrical industry has altered at major level
to provide number of opportunities in the value chain. In support to this, the logistics DHL
stated that Indian electrical market has become the fifth largest market of the world in regards
to the capacity of energy generation and the third largest in the context of network. The
increasing demand, up gradation, and network extension, decrease in the intensity of the
energy, unbundling of the services of supply and development of trade of cross-border, open
number of opportunities for this industry. However, it deals with some of the challenges that
are complexity, consistency. Increasing demand, external forces like environment, and cost
In order to overcome the supply chain management challenges from the electrical industry, it
is said that businesses must adopt lean supply chain management. In support to this, Myerson
(2012), stated that the lean supply chain is said to be one that endlessly struggles for
development in the exertion to eradicate waste or added activities that offer no value in the
supply chain.

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Furthermore, to overcome the environmental challenges present in the supply chain of the
electrical industry of India, it is important to adopt green supply chain management, as it not
just considers the economic perspective but also encompasses environmental perspective. In
support to this, Simpson and Sampson (2008), stated investments in the greening can reduce
wastage, enhance productivity, and save lot of resources of the industries involved in the
exploitation of natural resources or other resources such as electrical industry. The
researchers suggest three approaches to be adopted in the execution of green supply chain
management are reactive, proactive, and value seeking. The significance of the Green Supply
Chain Management for the success of the organization has attained a major attention in
present years. Many of the researchers have conducted research on the topic and identified
that many nations are already making use of green supply chain management in order to
eliminate the harmful effects of the manufacturing procedures over the environment.
Conclusion and Recommendations
The research topic is the strategic supply chain management- an exploratory study of Indian
manufacturing firms. The research has examined each and every detailed aspect of the
concept that represented a quality and reliable report which highlights that supply chain
management is one of the most essential activities of the business that must be operated with
utmost care and concentration. The study has incorporated number of essential and
significant concept and recent supply chain management trends that are being followed by
number of companies in different countries. Besides this, the research has identified views of
different authors regarding the research issue that is strategic supply chain management in the
Indian manufacturing firms. The research has been majorly conducted over the electrical
industry of India which represents one of the key part of the economy as well as the
significant part of every organization. The research has identified number of challenges in the
industry but also has highlighted the ways to overcome them. From the above analysis, it has
been identified that supply chain management, is the procedure of designing, planning,
implementing, controlling, and monitoring of the activities of the supply chain with the
motive of enhancing new value, attain a competitive advantage, leveraging global logistics,
coordinating the demand with the supply and evaluating the performance at world level. The
other key areas where strategic supply chain management is associated are procurement,
information technology, logistics, and operations.
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Supply chain management is the network of facilities and distribution that works as the roles
of material procurement, conversion of the raw material into finished products, and finally
the distribution of the final good to the end users and customers. Supply Chain Management
is comprised of integration activities placed in the network of facilities that acquire raw
material, convert them in the intermediate and final products, and distribute the products to
the end users with the help of distribution system. In the manufacturing industry of India, the
electricity industry has changed majorly to offer a broad variety of opportunities in the value
chain, in both, the structured and derestricted companies. Indian electrical market is said to
the fifth largest market of the world in regards to the capacity of energy generation and the
third largest in the context of network. There are number of opportunities into the industry
that is the increasing demand, up gradation, and network extension, decrease in the intensity
of the energy, unbundling of the services of supply and development of trade of cross-border.
However, it deals with some of the challenges that are complexity, consistency, increasing
demand, external forces like environment, and cost control. In order to overcome these
challenges, one of the largest Indian logistics firms that are DLH is putting its maximum
efforts to overcome these challenges. The company is involved in different innovative
solutions and projects for the clients. Besides this, company working towards addressing
upsurging demand of the energy, by driving reductions in the cost, handling safety and health
standards, and decreasing time invested in the research of the market are the difficult job
which obliges partnership with the logistics partners.
In addition to this, the researcher has highlighted some other method too that could be used to
overcome these challenges such as lean supply chain management and green supply chain
management. The lean supply chain is said to be one that endlessly struggles for development
in the exertion to eradicate waste or added activities that offer no value in the supply chain.
On the other side, to overcome the environmental issues from the supply chain management,
green supply chain is the only best solution left with the businesses involved in the electrical
industry of India.
Green Supply Chain Management has its origins in the literature of environment and strategic
supply chain management. As per the previous research conducted on the supply chain
management, reflects that investments in the greening can reduce wastage, enhance
productivity, and save lot of resources of the industries involved in the exploitation of natural
resources or other resources such as electrical industry. The suitable expansion of the green
Document Page
supply chain management theory and practices can assist the country in decreasing the
environmental impact of the manufacturing firms and products disposal and result in
enhancing social and economic position of the nation. Green supply chain management could
be utilized as an environmental instrument to enhance the business environmental image and
attain competitiveness in the international market. In order to identify this detailed
information the researcher has involved its maximum efforts and knowledge into the study.
Besides this, in order to gain the reliable and valid data the researcher has conducted primary
as well as secondary data analysis, through which the conclusion could be made that the
Indian electrical industry has yet to go a long way, and therefore it needs to work towards
improving the operations of the system.
From the above analysis, it could be recommended that Indian managers need to appreciate
and work towards the green element of the supply chain which eventually improve the morale
of the employee, satisfaction of the customer, and company’s market share. It is
recommended the businesses must adopt a holistic approach for the successfully green supply
chain management execution. Leadership, culture of the organization, behaviour of the
employee, and structure of the organization have a major influence on the strategic execution
of the green supply chain management. Hence, businesses that have suppliers and third party
relations, in the greening in advance of their competitors- initiate a growth path that offers a
constant competitive advantage and continues for the future.
In the context of conducting the research, it is recommended to gather true and reliable data
such that a conclusion can be driven from the study. Besides this, sufficient number of
participants must be involved in the research in order to have correct and precise data that
could support the researchers and readers in the future studies and developments.

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