Thematic Analysis of SME Internationalization and Barriers to Export Performance
Added on 2019-09-16
16 Pages4193 Words309 Views
STRATEGIES FOR SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISE INTERNATIONALIZATION AND BARRIERS OFINTERNATIONALIZATION AND EXPORT PERFORMANCE OF LOCAL AGRICULTURAL BUSINESSESIN NIGERIA.Chapter 3: Research Methodology3.1 IntroductionResearch is systematic along with the scientific search for the relevant information. It alsoincludes the careful investigation for exploring the ideas as well as searching new facts aboutthe knowledge. It is a way to resolve the problem of research in a systematic way and used toidentify, select, process as well as examine the information about the topic. In a dissertation,the methodology section provides permission to the reader in examining the overall validityand reliability of the study. The selection of methodology to use will be based on the researchquestions, a formulation which is informed by the research perspective (Mackey & Gass, 2015). Methodology helps in understanding the products of scientific inquiry and the process itself. Ithaving the aim of describing as well as examining the methods, by offering lights on thelimitations and resources, clarify the presuppositions along with the consequences. Moreover,they are associated with their capabilities in front of the experts who have the effectiveknowledge (Taylor et al., 2015). This assists in developing a critical and scientific attitudedisciplined thinking as well as observe the things effectively. The methodology section helps inenriching the practitioner and their practices which provide chances to effective study. As theconsumers of research output assist in inculcating the capability to examine as well as utilize
the results of earlier research with the reasonable confidence and also help in making therational decisions (Flick, 2015). The current chapter describes the research type, research design, approach, philosophy,sampling technique, collection and analysis of data, validity and reliability and ethicalconsideration in the study. 3.2 Research Objectives•To analyze the meaning of internationalization•To evaluate the internationalization of SMEs•To examine the strategies for the SME Internationalization•To investigate the barriers and challenges that SME local agricultural production inNigeria may use to internationalize.3.3 Research Question•What are the barriers and possible strategies that SME of local agricultural production inNigeria can use to internationalize?3.4 Research Method. Research method refers to the strategy which is used in implementing and executing the plan.It is necessary that researcher need to select an appropriate research method which help inconducting the research effectively and proficiently. Research methods are the strategies which
are utilized in the collection of data in order to uncover the new information (Lewis, 2015).Two types of research exist. They are; 1.Qualitative: It is a logical technique for perception in social affair the non-numericalinformation. This sort of research portrays the implications, ideas definitions, attributes, imagesalongside the depiction of things yet not to their tallies or measures. The three normalsubjective strategies are member perception, inside and out meetings, and center gatherings.Every technique is explicitly suited for acquiring and gathering an explicit kind of information(Ary et al., 2018). 2.Quantitative: In this research method is emphasizing on the objective measurementsalong with the statistical or numerical examination of a collection of information through aquestionnaire and survey. Some distinctive characteristics of quantitative research includestructured tools and it helps in collecting in-depth along with the actionable data from thesurvey respondents. It is affiliated with the ideas from the scientific method that is theories andhypotheses. It is necessary to include the experimental control and manipulation of variablesfor measurement (Bryman, 2017). The researcher will use qualitative research to move forward with the research as this type ofresearch in conducting the individual interviews which help in exploring the experiences, ideas,perspectives and situations with the small number of respondents. The methodology helps inthe research process that can be adapted to collect resources that can help in investigating thestrategies that can be used by the SMEs to adopt internationalization.
3.5 Research DesignThe research design incorporates the arrangement of techniques and systems which is utilizedin gathering and looking at the proportions of the factors which is determined in theexploration issue. A research design refers to the arrangement of conditions and collectionsthat is descriptive, correlational, semi-experimental and experimental. In the research designmethod, both the variables are included whether it is dependent or independent. This will helpin attaining the goals and objectives (Lewis, 2015). Descriptive: It is a logical strategy which incorporates the watching and depicting the conduct ofthe subject without effect on its way. It is a sort of study which is structured in portraying themembers in a precise way. This examination helps with depicting the general population whopartake in the investigation.Exploratory: This plan of research is extremely productive. It gives examination so presentdeterrent can be inspected in an appropriate way (Meyers et al., 2017). This exploration helpsin doing a successful examination with the goal that advancement or enhancement of pleasingso compelling choice can be made.Experimental: This plan is exceptionally powerful and the scientist is utilized based on enhancedquantitative techniques. In this examination, an in-depth investigation is performed for quite awhile with the goal that objectives can be cultivated. It includes the set of factors are keptsteady while the other arrangement of factors are estimated as the subject of the examination(Marczyk et al., 2017).
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