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Improving Small Medium Enterprises for Global Expansion


Added on  2020/07/22

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This assignment explores the necessary improvements for small medium enterprises (SMEs) like Amara Living Ltd to survive and thrive in the global market. It emphasizes evaluating strengths and weaknesses, enhancing marketing efforts, improving operational efficiency through business process management, and fostering a creative and ethical work environment to increase competitiveness and customer satisfaction.

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Assignment / Essay

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Table of Contents
TASK 1............................................................................................................................................1
1.1 Profile of AMARA living Ltd and its strengths & weaknesses ...........................................1
1.2 Comparative measure of performance..................................................................................2
Task 2...............................................................................................................................................3
2.1 Recommend to overcome the identified weakness in the business.......................................3
2.2 Ways to manage and strengthen existing performance.........................................................4
2.3 New areas in which business can expand ............................................................................4
Task 4...............................................................................................................................................5
4.1 Impact of the proposed changes on the business..................................................................5
4.2 Changes will be manage in the business...............................................................................6
4.3 Improvements in the performance of the business................................................................7
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SME is refer to a small medium enterprise business, which is accessible term for section
businesses and other organisations that location between the "little business office and home
office" size and the larger enterprise. Small enterprises total big organisation by a wide margin
and also employment many another more people. SMEs are also said to be answerable for
driving creativity and competition in many economical sectors (Company Overview of Amara
Living Limited, 2017). The present report based on "AMARA living ltd" Company, which is
small medium enterprise. It provides home products, duvets pillows, mattress covers, cushions,
rugs,table lams, photo frames, radios, jewellery boxes, watch, and cufflink. "AMARA living ltd"
is a home furnishings website in the UK, which selling their product through online. The
company's good also include soft finishing, draught excluder and living accessories. This report
cover profile, strength and weakness of the selected organisation. Along with this ways in
which existing performance could be maintained and strengthened is
analysed. Apart from this, improvements in the performance of the business
over a given timescale is monitored.
1.1 Profile of AMARA living Ltd and its strengths & weaknesses
AMARA living Ltd is an online selling company. Company sale their product through
website and that products are bed linen, pillows, bedsits, cushion covers, scented candles, living
accessories, bathroom fragrances, clocks, doorstops and spool tables. It is provides home
delivery of their products to the customers. There are some strength and weaknesses, which are
in further discussion.
ï‚· Strength - It provides best home product to their customers. Selling the quality products
and giving best services to the customers. Home delivery service given by AMARA
living company. Through online selling company has large market to sale their product.
So many products are available on one website. It has a big customers list and location to
give their services. Financial condition is very strong. Operational work are not doing in
proper way.
ï‚· Weakness - Company can not sale their product through store. Company has to face some
rumours, which exploring by competitor. Customer can return the product, if they are not
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satisfy to the product. People can compared between AMARA living Ltd and another
companies. It product prices are more then another online website. Less employee in the
company for giving the good services. So many another competitors are doing their same
business in the market. Employees are not capable to learn the process of company (
Corrigan,and Aufderheide, 2014).
1.2 Comparative measure of performance
In the market so many SME companies are selling their product. Some companies are
selling their product through stores and some are selling through online website. AMARA living
Ltd has also so many competitor in the market. The big competitor of AMARA living Ltd is Nisa
retailer. It is also a small medium enterprise. In that business they are selling their products
through online and it has more market value compare to AMARA living Ltd. Nisa retailer's
employee turnover is more than AMARA living Ltd. It has less turnover in term of selling
compare to Nisa retailer. But the main thing is AMARA living Ltd's product is very good in term
of quality and prices. Nisa can not able to produce their product in a good quality and can't
decrease their product's prices. So company should be improvements in the way they are doing
their business. They should start hire the more employees for giving services to the customers.
They can start the call centre for get the customer's feedback. Company can increase their
turnover and product sale. It can be possible through product marketing, marketing staff and
promotion. It can be increase their market value through their strength, which is in product
quality and product's price. Because another companies selling their product on high prices, so it
is advantage for the AMARA living ltd. This advantage is very important factor for the
company, because they can beat to another companies from product quality and minimum prices.
The organisation can start the sale of another product in the market, so customer numbers will be
increase. These all factors are very important for the AMARA living Ltd. If the company can
not able to do such type of activities then another companies beat the AMARA living company.
And they can not grow in the market or can lost the faith of customers. Company should make a
master plan for grow in the market and it can be possible from strong strategies. They can
provide special training, event, motivational training, development training, personality
development training to their employees for providing best services to their customers (Schaad,
Scolaro, and Lindstrom, 2016). These learning activities are most affective factor in small
medium enterprises. These can be both type of learning continuous or professional.

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Task 2
2.1 Recommend to overcome the identified weakness in the business
In the small medium enterprises, companies has to face so many problem during the
running business. That problems can be weakness for the entire organisations. The best thing of
problem is, they comes with a solution. Every problem has the solution in the SMEs. It depend
on the company that how will they handle and how will solve the problems. AMARA living Ltd
also facing so many problems, because of their weaknesses. It's weaknesses are competitor,
rumours, returning product and small market. Company should start making some planning,
which can be profitable for their business. That planning can be as exploring the product sale,
increase product quality, so people will not return the product. Company should work on
customer satisfaction, because it is the main factor to increase product sale and number of
customers (Sertich, and Neergaard, 2017). They can start the department of customers care. In
that department, they should hire some employee for taking the feedback of customers. In this
department, so many services can gives to their customers. In that services they can get some
information from the customers and that informations may be customer's satisfaction level,
customer's feedback, what product is best for them, how their services are, which services
company should start, customer's likes and dislikes etc. These all information will help to the
company in term of profit, good services, customer satisfaction and increase selling product.
That entire strategies are the very precious for the AMARA living Ltd, because from these types
of planning they will be able to beat their market competitor. Company can grow and make more
profit from the strategies and planning.
When company faces some problems then they should make a preplan for that problem,
so it will hep to the company in further process. Weakness also can be decrease and strength can
be more strong through all strategies. If the company has strong strategy then they can grow
easily in the market (Walschots, 2015.). Apart from this, they can increase number of customer,
profit, and sale turnover. Large amount of sale turnover can be a reason for large amount of
2.2 Ways to manage and strengthen existing performance
According to modern era, every organisation is required to manage their work and
strength in existing business performance in order to survive in long run and stay competitive.
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The online business is also required maintain their performance which can be done using some
respective ways (Wallace, 2015). One of the best and more effective way is by providing
learning session, training session and arrange the dev elopement & motivational event to the
workers. In addition to this, office employees can be introduce to new product and services, so
that they can become more productive and can give the satisfactory services to their customers.
There are many other small online companies operating in UK thus, The AMARA living Ltd
also use the strategy of acquisition and can acquires other small companies to increase its market
share and sale of the home product. Company should start customer care department for the
giving good services to the customers. This department required some employees for taking calls
of customers and their feedback. In this section, employee should understand the issues of
customers and give them a better solution (Steel, 2017. 2017). It is also required for maintain the
performance that know issues of customers, solve their issue as soon as possible, how they can
reduce the problems, knowledge about product etc. On the other hand, feedback system will help
to the company that which action and opinion can be taken from customers regarding their
satisfaction level and how the company can improve their services, because customer satisfaction
is the most valuable factor for the AMARA living Ltd. Their faith toward company's product
will increase profit, customer numbers, and product sale. Through these all types of activities
company will be able to deliver satisfactory services to their customers. Customer's satisfaction
will be the reason of AMARA living Ltd's growth. If company's customers satisfy with the
services and product, then they will start mouth to mouth marketing. And it will become the best
marketing strategy for the organisation. It will help to the explore company's product in the
entire online market (Godwin, 2014).
2.3 New areas in which business can expand
Business is required to desire for some new areas in which it can expand so that they can
able to provide their product and services in another location. One of the important benefit of
expanding product and services range is even if the sale of one product is down the company can
hold up with the sale of other goods and services. Company can start their business in the area
where non of the online companies are giving home delivery services. So it is a big advantage for
the AMARA living Ltd, because in that area people are not getting as well as these types of
services. If company will expand their business in such types of area, then people will preferred
buy their product and services. It will help to the company's business expand. Other than this, the
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company can also expand its operation over internet and can update benefits and usable value of
home product. Through this type of activity people can easily know about product's benefit and
they can be able for the buy products or goods (McGinty, 2015). This is a little activity which
can be done by AMARA living Ltd for making their customer satisfy . This type of expand
attract to the customers for buy any of the product which are providing by online website. In this
aspects, AMARA living Ltd can upload videos on Facebook and YouTube and can create its
official page on Facebook, Instagram and other social sites. These entire information and
knowledge can be approach easily and this will help the small enterprise to addition its brand
value in a very cost effective manner. These types of strategies are help to the customer for
understand the product and attract to buy it. On the other hand, company can guide their
customers for awareness of the products and services. So customer will attract to the company's
product (Barney, 2014.) . In the market, company can expand their business anywhere in the
global, where people need its product, because in the world so many families are living and they
need home product in low cost or at home. And the main precious factor is AMARA living Ltd
is strongly able to provide them such type of home product and services. Through these all
factors company will grow fast, earn the more profit, increase the numbers of customers, easily
expand the business in another area, get the best employees who able to provide best services to
the customers. Other than this they able to understand their customer's need and opinion towards
product and services and get the numbers of satisfied customers who will do mouth to mouth
marketing. Through mouth to mouth marketing, company can easily explore their product in the
entire market and it can be attractive factor to another people for buying the home products and
services. AMARA living Ltd can able to business expand in anywhere in the world and can
provide their product and services to the another area's people (Srinivasan, 2017.).
3.1Produce an assessment of existing business objectives and plans
amara living Ltd has many plans to increase its market images and
reputation. It continuously focus on new technologies to increasing the
benefits of its business. Mentioned company has following business

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Profitability: the mentioned company always focuses on Profitability. This
company focus on controlling cost both in production and operation. This
company make plans before the starting the production and focus on
controlling the cost. And maintaining the profit margin on products sold.
Productivity: it included employee training, equipment maintenance, and
new equipment purchases. Amara living Ltd. Produces training for their
staff to learn new skills and technology. This company always try to
motivate their staff member to achieve its goals. Company provides the
main and enough sources to their employee to perform at high level.
Customer Service: this company has a good relation with its customers.
Good customer service helps this organisation to retain clients and generate
repeat revenue. Keeping customers happy is primary objective of this
Growth: growth is planned based on previous and future data. For increase
the growth of company this company always focus on use of company
resource. The management of this company analysis how the employee uses
the resources. This company establishes a good team of management to
analysis the financial statement of the company.
Maintain Financing: to expand the organisation mentioned company build a
good financing contacts. Even a company with good cash flow needs
financing contacts to increase its productivity and benefits. For long term
business Amara living Ltd continuous trying to maintain its ability to finance
operations. For increasing its market reputation all over the world this
company continuous trying to build good relation with financier. And
maintaining its old financial relation very well. So these are some most
important objective of mentioned company. This company always try to
complete its all objectives. This company makes good plans to achieve all
this objective.
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3.2 Revise business plans to incorporate appropriate changes
To increase the business growth the mentioned company must revise
business plans to incorporate appropriate changes. Company have to focus
on some factor so that it can increase more value in the market.
ï‚· Launch new product: the amara living can increase its benefits after
launching the new product. This company should launch the new
products with different and high services. When company offers new
product for customer than customer can get attract from the new
product and visit the company.
ï‚· Change the management: it is process of preparing the
organisation growth and creating processes. Mentioned company
have to change their management process. The mentioned company
mush to select the best HR manager for organisation. The
management should provide the reward function for employees to
encourage them. They should change in their management process.
When employee works with high performance work system than
organisation will get good output. This process will increase the
productivity and output. Organisation should offer reward system to
satisfy the employee.
Marketing : marketing is process which is done by organisation to get more
customers. To improve market share mentioned organisation have to
change its marketing plan. This company should focus on marketing
process. They can use advertising process for marketing. Advertisement is
the best way to attract the clients. They can also promote their product by
using social medial. They should focus on social sites such as twitter,
Facebook etc. by changing this marketing process the company can get
more clients and can increase its benefits and reputations in the market.
ï‚· Competitive Analysis: organisation should determine the rank of its
product in market.
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There is so many competitive companies in the marketplace so this can
decrease the benefits of Amara living. So to over come this problem this
organisation should offers the sell system for customers. When this
organisation provides good product on low price than customer will attract
and come back to visit the company. By this process the problem of
competition can remove. Besides this organisation must try to develop new
product in market for the customers.
3.3 Prepare an action plan to implement the changes
to implement the above changes in the organisation employer must prepare
action plan first. By follow the action plan organisation can implement all
changes in the business. There are some steps to implementing change
Management supports for change: management must have create good
communication with employee. So to implement any change management
must support the new changes.
Case for change: it is important to crate a case for change. Management
should collect the data where the changes is needed. Using the data is the
best way to justify areas that need to improve.
Employee involvement: whenever organisation change in their process they
have to be inform and communicate with their staff. And try to take their
full support. Employee performance is backbone of any organisation they
are typically closest to the process. So it is important that they have
understood the reason of change and participate in creating the new
Communicating the change: once a plan is changed than it is important to
have good communication about the implementation of the change.
Task 4
4.1 Impact of the proposed changes on the business
If the company focus on controlling cost, then profit will be automatically increase. There
are so many impacts through the proposed changes like company will able to get more profit
compare to past earned profit and expense will be decrease. The most impact is company can

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able to do marketing activities through budget which is saved by controlling cost. A MARA
living company will become a big brand than another companies which are competitor of it.
Their competitor is taking advantage of the company weakness, so from these all types of
changes This company will not face any type of issue which provide by their competitor
(Florida, 2014.). Company is doing great in activity of productivity, so that they teach their
employees about product, services, knowledge of product, about company, about customers,
customers satisfaction factors, customers solution factors. Other than that they teach their
employee, how to behave with customers, how to explore the product in market, how to use
social marketing or digital marketing to promote their product, control the anger and emotion
toward customers. These all various factors are required and it will be done by company, so this
impact is very strong on the business. That impact can be, in term of profit and productivity of
employees. If productivity will be better of employees then outcome will be greater and
company's services as customer satisfaction, customers faith and services, increase sale, increase
number of customer, increase productivity of employees, decrease the cost, increase the
popularity of business etc. So there are many impacts on the company which help to the
organization in growth, more popular, and high profitability (Jeston, and Nelis, 2014.).
4.2 Changes will be manage in the business
Some various changes can make the business more large and stable in the market. If the
company follow rules and regulation according to changes, then its help the company to manage
a lot of operational work and upcoming growth in the future. Company should make a strategy
for rules and regulations for the all employees and working style. In that rules and regulations,
company can add any type of rule which profitable for the company like productivity of the
employees, cost controlling, customers services etc. It will help the company in increasing brand
value. Theses all changes will be manageable by a manager in the company. So administrator
can take an action for the critical situation, but the main thing is authority should provide to
manager by company (Bowie, 2017.). So it will be easiest way to manage the changes which
done by the company. It will be help to employee for provide best services to the customers.
Company should hire some best employee for these type of task, so they can easily follow the
rules and regulation and complete their work according to time. Productive employee will give
their best in work place, because they have lack of knowledge and information and the main
thing that through that quality, they can sale the product in easy way, they can communicate with
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people, they can easily convince to the customers. Other than that its easier to understand the
situation of customers, they can solve the customer's issue, they can able to provide them best
solution, and main part of satisfaction which deliver by the employee to customers (Jacobs,
4.3 Improvements in the performance of the business
In the small medium business, company should improvements in the performance.
Company should start training session, learning session and development activities for the
employee. So employee can learn the skills of communication, sale the product, attract people to
the product, convince the customers, behave with customers. Other than that in learning session
company can teach their employee about social sites marketing which can be through Facebook,
Instagram, Snap chat etc. Through these all types of improvements company can get the more
revenue and profit. Organisation brand value will be increase which depend on numbers of
customers. Another improvement can be do by company in term of business, loss, costing,
expenses, employee productivity, company's present value, company's destination and
marketing. In other hand company can improvement in marketing ways, in that they can start
their marketing in rural areas, large population area, on TV channels, through advertisements,
hoarding board on main road etc. Company can improvements in customers satisfaction factors
which based on quality product through provide them best service, solution, and quality full
product. These all improvements are valuable for the business which can be growing reason for
the company and its a more profitable factor for company. Through these all types of strategies
company will get the popularity and customers will get the high satisfaction which will be attract
to buy. So there are some improvements should be done in small medium enterprises, so
business can be expand anywhere in the global and it can be more popular compare than
From the above report it is concluded that every small medium enterprise is required to evaluate
its weakness and strength in order to survive in the future. Further strategies can be made to
decrease the weakness and increase the effectiveness. Other than that it can also conclude that
changes are very valuable for small medium enterprises in order to competitive and survive with
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good operational work in the future. AMARA living Ltd is required to make improvements in its
and marketing.
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